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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. the understanding of how image inputs is not the issue - its really down to why use them... MAC OS will put its own glass btton there anyway for image or submit. IMO submit buttons are easier to deal with as they 'behave' the same cross browser - as already oted in this thread images act as image maps and are dealt with differently by differnt browsers. So in order to reduce your workload I believe using the simple submit type is the way to go...
  2. <?php echo "<ul><li class=\"connection\" id="<?php echo $name; ?>"><a href=\"tree.php?name=asc#<?php echo $name; ?>\">Name</a>"; ?>
  3. Sorry you will need to use the arguments object of the function and be able to switch the setTimeOut() on/off
  4. this should be done with css.... but as you want like a slide show of images you would need to pass a list of images to a function for that to change the image. onmouseover="imgswitcher('img1','img2',....'imgn') // imgn should be the path to each image.
  5. Nope. Google analytics (love the fact that has the word anal at the start;)) works on the the javascript urchin that you place on your page. Unless you actuall let the page load that info will never bee sent to google.
  6. <?php session_start(); unset($_SESSION); session_destroy(); header("Location:login.php"); ?> try that
  7. you should NOT use javascript to validate users inputs - or at least you should not rely on it. However it is nice to have some checks before the data is sent - it will improve the user experience by allowing the user to not have to wait for a whole page request before theya re told they did something wrong. SO make sure you check all this server side too as javascript can be turned off... Anyway to your problem.... if (isEmpty("Country")) { alert("Please fill your Country."); setFocus("con"); return false; } can you see it yet???? "Country" and "con"??? if (isEmpty("con")) { alert("Please fill your Country."); setFocus("con"); return false; }
  8. <?php $string = "Outside (Inside)"; $newword = "nascar is rubbish"; $string = preg_replace('/\((.*)\)/',$newword,$string); echo $string; ?.
  9. are you using the # in your html? if you give each node an id and then use ...#(id) in the link then its houdl scroll to that point automatically.
  10. IE5.5 is almost not worth worrying over - Only MAC users have it and if they are still using it then there is something wrong with them!!! In terms of effort and market - the percentage of ie5.5 users doesn't really justify putting that much effort into it - < 1% use ie 5.5 and you can bet your bottom dollar that the vast majority of those are people who are using it to test their sites against! Opening your site in ie6 all looks pretty good... - just be careful with your z-indexs in ie6 (if you are using them0 ie6 restarts the stack for z-indexes are various trigger points - which is about as annoying as you can get!)
  11. each input element has a value attribute so use value="<?php echo $val; ?>"... for radio/checkboxes <?php $check = $cond == $val ? ' checked="checked"' : NULL; ?> <input type="radio" .... <?php echo $check; ?> /> for textareas <textarea><?php echo $val; ?></textarea>
  12. <form> tags? for a submit button????? Have I missed something here?
  13. means the query you have run is not a valid query - you need to quote any strings in a query so '{$login_usernam}' and '{$login_pw}' should help...
  14. if you want cross browser friendly then normal submit buttons are the way to go IMO - beware - styling is not consistent - most MAC browsers don't like styleing buttons that much...
  15. run the query in your db admin app and see if any errors are returned - if not see what the results are... the code looks fine to me so it SHOULD work... you could try leaving out the semi-colon that is in the query string but that should not matter.
  16. if you can grab the height and width and padding of the element with javascript then you could use ajax to generate your background on the fly and return the correct string to place inside the style attribute....
  17. this is down to what you input in to the database... take the $uploadfilename[$i] and replace all the bits you don't need prior to the executing the query...
  18. yes - swap the image buttons for good old submit buttons and style them!
  19. have a look at umask()... before creating files/dirs you should set it to 0 and then set it back to original once you have done. I suspect that thepermissions are incoorect because of this.
  20. you need to quote strings being added to the database.... note you use '$from'... all the other strings going in should be the same - you may have a function that returns these values which could yeild NULL or '$var' which would help you no end...
  21. is there any conflict in how you declare the images widths and heights???? tyr to be consistent - that shoudl cut down the potential for error... have you any css declarations for any img tags within this div? are they positioned in any way and if so what are the z-indexes doing?
  22. link? html? css? all would be very helpful...
  23. not really.... that would center it but 25% of the parents width woudl yeild a variable width for the element in question - great for fluid layouts BUT IMO it is better to give it a width and margin auto. The reason the css in the OP didn't work is becasue of width: 400 - you need to specify a unit measure like px or % otherwise the browser is guessing...
  24. Yes but its a bit of a ####-on so why bother.... you would have to use an inline style attribute for each tooltip and dynamically rezie you image each time (using imagecreateform....())...
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