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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. but you want to REPLACE things - at least thats what your OP said anyway....
  2. the error was an omission of the closing brace for the switch statement. (I have only just noticed the typos) it shoudl all look like this <?php function verse($stanza){ switch ($stanza) { case 1: $place = "thumb"; break; case 2: $place = "shoe"; break; case 3: $place = "knee"; break; case 4: $place = "door"; break; default: $place = "I don't know where"; } } // end switch ?>
  3. As much as it disturns me you are probably better off using a table layout for this. it will be a little bit trial and error but keep playing with cell heights and widths until they fit the lables on your paper - you may well find that trying to print on another printer/driver will not produce consistent results.
  4. if these images are user specific and you need to save them - try using a unique name for each - like the users id.png write something to clear the folder periodically and make sure you don't allow cahcing of the image.
  5. then both links will point to the same file...... (ie they will have the same href or pass the same parameters to the same javascript function)
  6. make sure you have not output any html or whitespace before you use header -= alternatively use ob_start(); ob_end_flush();
  7. <?php function verse($stanza){ switch ($stanza) { case1: $place = "thumb"; break; case2: $place = "shoe"; break; case3: $place = "knee"; break; case4: $place = "door"; break; defeault: $place = "I don't know where"; } } // end switch ?>
  8. while ($setting = mysql_fetch_array($settings_query)) { $settings[$setting[field]] = $setting[value]; } change that line to... while ($setting = mysql_fetch_array($settings_query)) { foreach($setting as $key => $val) { $settings[$$key][] = $val; } } seems pointless saving database connection details in a database where you need those details to access it anyway....
  9. document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(cssNode); think you may have to change that line for var hd = document.getElementsByTagName("head"); hd[0].appendChild(cssNode);
  10. try putting the correct header at the top of the style.php file... <?php header("Content-type: text/css"); ?>
  11. Don't bother most browsers don't allow you to do it. IE will allow styling of scroll bars and if memory serves well that applies to the arrows on select boxes.
  12. use htmlentities to encode the 'strange characters'
  13. just keep searching font sites...
  14. Don't beat about the bush frost - give it to him straight! He deserves that at the very least...
  15. while? for expects at least 3 expressions to be passed something like $i=0; $i<$end; $i++ what are you trying to do?
  16. 100 MB over a http file transfer is debilitating... Perhaps force users to ftp files in when larger than say 20M?
  17. not with anything that can't be easily by passed with just a little browser knowledge.... Don't bother validating/restricting things client side - by all means implement it as it makes the user experience that much more pleasant - but DON'T rely on it...
  18. from what I gather working with word is a bit of a pig. Apparantly using COm will allow you to edit the word doc but I think you will have to do some testing on echoing out the contents of the word doc so you can see all the code behind it and identify where you will substitute your html. Would be intersting to see if you can use the COM to save it as a html doc and see how workingon that goes too. Couple of links - not sure how useful they will be to you. http://www.zend.com/forums/index.php?t=msg&goto=8980&S=40a660bd5c30c487697e7ad411b1c0c3#msg_8980 http://www.whenpenguinsattack.com/2007/07/02/how-to-create-microsoft-office-documents-with-php/
  19. I use the latter approach but without the extra database records. Caching is good so saving the thumbnails as an image in their own right is a plus in my book. I simply have a folder called 'thumbnail' in each directory for those images with tumbs. When it comes to listing images etc I simply query the database for images that should be on the page and simply replace the last '/' with '/thumbnail/'.
  20. is that not a document effect? If so it's something that should be controlled by javascript. <?php echo 'Hello '; echo '<span id="delay"></span><noscript>world!</noscript>'; ?> javascript function triggerCont() { setTimeOut(delayText,1000); } function delayText() { el = document.getElementById('delay'); el.innerHTML = 'world!'; } then put the onload="triggerCont();" attribute in you body tag.
  21. That is very true. But in that case please don't post your 'opinion' as fact when it isn't - its not fair on those people who want to learn being sent down the wrong path...
  22. yep border-collapse: collapse in your css for the table selector
  23. well the erros are self explanatory if you are up with your regex's that error occurred because you had the + in (+.*) meanin more than one NOTHING - ( defines the start of a group in the string + - macth more than one so you have nothing to match more than one of.
  24. $pattern = "#<\?(php)?(.)*?\?>#imes";
  25. don't bother compressing you scripts - just back up the database at regular intervals. If anything happens to your scripts just upload them again - better using a little space on yoru machine that on the server - especially as it will be very rare that you need to use it.
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