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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. maybe use flash???? and leave the default for those without flash... that would be my preferred soln.
  2. Is this not the old hasLayout problem???? if you have elements floated and some links in there ie6 has a bit of a fit. If it is this issue then give the element contains the text that is not showing some css attribute that forces hasLayout (I have used zoom: 1; but actually giving that element a border is probably better).
  3. forcing widths requires you to not force the height. these things should be done in css and not using deprecated html attributes (don't use <td width="" height="">) in css... td {width: 200px;}
  4. its called a bot or a spider... yes you can emulate google - all you will need is your code to work, a copule of years to catch up on the sites index, a spare million or so to purchase the hardware to store all the information you collate and an indexing algorithm that is robust and easily altered to follow trends on the web... good luck post back here in a couple of years and let us know how you are getting on...
  5. is it stretching your image????? width 100% will make the image as wide as the width of the parent elment...
  6. ToonMariner


    once you use a background image then image dimensions are not managed the same way... best give your tooltip div a fixed width. You can also use a fixed height but make sure you set over-flow: auto; and account for the scrollbar (not ideal but it will keep your tool-tip to the image size.
  7. that was what I was trying to remember! yeah that last method is better...
  8. $dbdate = '2007-08-02'; $dbdate = explode('-',$dbdate); echo date('l, jS F Y',mktime(0, 0, 0, $dbdate[1], $dbdate[2], $dbdate[0]));
  9. you need to set the SMTP setting in your php.ini file to your isp's mail server...
  10. oops sorry didn't read all your post!!! That'll learn me! have a look in your phpinfo - see if its there - if it is then try ceating an image - see what happens...
  11. You need to scan the image for skin tones (difficult as there are lots if them for each creed!). how ever you can plot the areas of an image that have a skin tone and assume that the largest one is the face - this depends on the image having one face - mulitple faces requires a bit more thought... I'll have a look for the functions to scan the colours... brb.
  12. ToonMariner


    Apologies brain not on this morning - yes it can be done with just css! well first give the tooltip box a finitie width that way it will make multi lines out of long strings... Not quite sure you mean by 'How do I print the tool tip information on large background' if you mean you have a background image for your tool-tip container then give the tool-tip box a background-image: url(rel/path/to/im);
  13. swap $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `eve_wallet` WHERE `refType` = \'' . $in_refType . '\''; for $sql = "SELECT * FROM `eve_wallet` WHERE `refType` = '" . $in_refType . "'"; I prefer double quotes AND concatenation on query strings - IMO its easier to read the code then!
  14. sounds like you have a better handle on it than anyone else... Like I said if you post ALL the code and as much info about the error as possible we may be able to help.... We aint mind readers so please be aware of that.
  15. echo out the string and copy and paste it direct into phpmyadmin (or similar) see what error that throws...
  16. have a look in you php.ini file and if the gd2.dll is there in the extension list just uncomment it and restart...
  17. there is notihng on line 13... are you posting all the code????# the more info you give us the easier it is to fix...
  18. you should try and NOT use something that depends on state if you can. If there were no session because the user had cookies off then you would get NO joy from that. keeping your code as free from state dependance is very good thing. In this case you either pass the variable to teh function or you decalre the variable as global within the function... <?php $myvar = 'hello'; // passing the variable explicitly... function fxn ($myvar) { echo $myvar; } // defining the variables scope from within the func... function fxn () { global $myvar; echo $myvar; } ?> Pros and cons to each so you decide which fits your requirements best.
  19. As you don't report which line of code this is on I can only guess its in the math doen inside the if statements... try this... <?php $time = time(); // Generate time. $cron_minute_run = 60; // Seconds in a minute. $last_minute_run = file("crons/cron_minute.txt"); // Get previous time. if (($time - $last_minute_run) >= $cron_minute_run) { $start_min_timer = microtime(); // Start timer. if ((($time - $last_minute_run) / 60) > 1) { $minute_run_no = ($time - $last_minute_run) / 60; // Calculate how many times to run. } else { $minute_run_no = 1; // Only run once. } for ($i = 0; $i < $minute_run_no; $i++) { // Run x times. $do = mysql_query("UPDATE table SET col=col-1, col_2=col_2-1 WERE other > 0", $c); if (!empty(mysql_error())) { mail("me@domain.suffix", "Minute Cron not run.", "The minute cron could not run because of a mysql error.", "From: me@domain.suffix"); // Send mail stating there is an error. } else { $open = fopen("crons/cron_minute.txt", "w"); //Write time to file for next use. fputs($open, time()); fclose($open); $end_min_timer = microtime(); // End timer. $total_min_timer = $start_min_timer - $end_min_timer; // Calculate timer. mail("me@domain.suffix", "Minute Cron was run.", "The minute cron was run succesfully.\r\n" . "Time: $time\r\n" . "Time Took: $start_min_timer - $end_min_timer\r\n" . "Total: $total_min_timer.", "From: me@domain.suffix"); // Send a mail for statistics. } } } exit; //No need to continue. ?> changed you query string as well so you only run one query... You MUST take note of the precedence of operators when you use them in conjunction with one another!!!!!!!!!! x - y / z would be x subtract y divided by z that measn y would be divided by z first and then subtracted from x - great if that is what you want - if you wanted the result of x - y divided by z then (x-y)/z is the correct structure...
  20. you appear to have a script built for php4 running on a php5 box (I love 5!) passing by reference means you actually pass the entity itself (any manipulation done in the function would affect the entity and not a COPY of the entity). fsockopen has absolutley no requirement to recieve anything by reference so where ever you see & used inside fsockopen just delete the &!
  21. Padding and margin are indeed for this BUT they don't quite work as Aureole wants them to. Unfortuately you simply have to bite the bullet and if you use height 100% accept that any padding or margin will 'break' any layout where the boxes have borders and elements outside the document flow are present... its rare I find a GOOD use for %height!
  22. ToonMariner


    well - a tags have this with the title tag... the image tag has alt tag... most browsers will display this when the mouse stays of the element for a while.... If you want other tags to do the same and especially if you don't want the delay then you are in the realms of javascript...
  23. Even if its possible I would you suggest you leave it well alone - users expect their machine to handle things a certain way - if you changed the behaviour of something that they don't expect they may think something is wrong or that the computer is doing something they can't see and become suspicious. Then they leave your site for ever.....
  24. to play that stuff via the site it needs to be accessible to the world - so either temporarily copy the file into a directory that is in the root. The alternative is use a flash player... Swap the path to the mp3 to a php script that can parse the mp3 and it back to the flash player to be played...
  25. you need a server side script like php, asp/.net cold fusion.... These technologies handle the requests with datasubmitted via forms and manipulates/validates the data. After that provided you use the correct protocols or have the correct access to other servers you can easily send the data in the format they expect by sending the correct header - for url (GET) method transactions or curl for the POST method transaction.
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