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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. that is a document effect that should be controlled with javascript...
  2. check that the tag braces are not being converted to & lt; or & gt;
  3. Apologies for the OP i thought you wanted to display php code not execute it. In order to execute code in this manner (ie code stored in database etc.) you will need to use the eval function http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php
  4. dafont.com 1001fonts.com just google fonts or free fonts...
  5. Afraid that the border only works on the td tag across browsers so you are stuck with that... you can't apply it to the tr tag.
  6. I think by chance I have always applied :hover last anyway - but still that is very useful to know...
  7. Fire fox is not fully standards compliant - even AMAYA is not fully standards compliant... Please Azu - don't post things that are either plain wrong or don't actually have any bearing on the solution to the problem.
  8. use the error supression operator '@' before the mysql function.
  9. you may need the faux columns approach... http://www.alistapart.com/articles/fauxcolumns/
  10. you need to get rid of single quotes and replace with double.. str_replace('\'\'','"',$str); and get rid of duplicates. str_replace('""','"',$str);
  11. no these arrays are indexed by strings so they wont have a numeric index.
  12. why not creat the thumbs too - that way they are cahced for the next tim ethey are called? you could simply change the width and height attributes of the img tag (but that is nasty) if you really don't want to make the tumbnails.
  13. please re iterate what you want - its a clear as mud (well not that bad but lets get it clear). you want to remove any non-alphanumeric apart from '.' is that correct?
  14. if you have these items listed in a database table then this would work... <pre> id name ------------- 1 Volvo 2 Saab 3 Fiat 4 Audi <?php $qry = "SELECT * FROM `cars`"; $qry = mysql_query($qry); if (mysql_num_rows($qry) > 0) { ?> <select name="cars"> <?php while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $row['id']; ?>"><?php echo $row['name']; ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> <?php ...rest of script.... ?>
  15. use the html entity value (like <) instead or see if the <pre> tag is available
  16. you don't you connect to a database via php using something like $dbcon = mysql_connect(host,un,pw); php processes the form (either using the $_GET or $_POST arrays - printr($_POST) to see what your form is POSTING) and generates a query string from that data. That query string is then excuted via mysql_query($strin) function. http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-query.php
  17. NO. You will have a resource for the connection - like $db = mssql_connect - it is that $db you will need to pass.
  18. as I said - hotmail will filter out based on a few rules - the majority based on header information so you need to create a set of headers that hotmail likes. It may be that the user only accepts mail from people they trust in that case it will never get through.
  19. Sorry didn't notice the hat $title2 = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]|[\.]/", "", $title);
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