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Everything posted by benanamen

  1. The auto scanner Sensio is mostly where it came from. So, this will not affect unit testing?
  2. Continuing from https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/302938-oop-class-code-review/ in regards to a global being used in a class, my research shows that you do not want to use globals in a class. How then should this last line be properly dealt with? In another thread @requinix said as long as you are not changing anything it is ok. Reference https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/302901-oop-convert-function-to-class/?do=findComment&comment=1541244 $attemptStmt->execute([($successful ? 1 : 0), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $username]);
  3. Once you showed the last code, yes it is easy. What is the proper way to document the code? Do you do it at ALL the functions or just the interface function? Seems redundant if documentation is exactly the same for each function. I know function alone is the same as public function. Is it best practice to always use public anyways? This is what I have done with your help. Any problems? I have not messed with CLI yet so no clue about that part right now. <?php /** * Dumps data */ interface VarDumper { function dump($title, $data); } class HTMLVarDumper implements VarDumper { /** * @param string $title * @param ?? $data */ function dump($title, $data) { echo '<pre><span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">'; echo $title . '<br>'; print_r($data); echo '</span></pre>'; } } class CLIVarDumper implements VarDumper { function dump($title, $data) { // output for CLI contexts } } // the class user is free to define custom classes as well $_POST = ['username' => 'MyUsername', 'email' => 'user@example.com']; $varDumper = new HTMLVarDumper(); $varDumper->dump('POST', $_POST);
  4. I had it as a function. I am just trying to learn OOP. Can you give an example of a static method please. Good to know. I was wondering about the html when I did it. For the purpose of viewing the superglobal arrays, what other format could you possibly want besides print_r? Yes, I know. I noticed it after I posted. Too late to edit post. I realized later that the superglobals are not the only thing that could be passed to the class. Since you pointed it out, I can see how the name could be confusing. In another post I asked how to properly use superglobals with a class. The answer I got was not particularly helpful. What would be a name that makes sense to you? It should actually go right above the constructor right? I noticed later @param $title was missing. Right now I don't know what that means. Any other info would be helpful. How would I use the code you posted?
  5. @clukas, With your table you don't need any relationships or junction tables and you don't need more than one query. Output from code: Array( [Flight One] => 300 [Depart One] => MIA [Arrive One] => JFK [Flight Two] => 100 [Depart Two] => JFK [Arrive Two] => LHR [Flight Three] => 200 [Depart Three] => LHR [Arrive Three] => FRA) Flight Itenerary 1. Flight 300 MIA To JFK 2. Flight 100 JFK To LHR 3. Flight 200 LHR To FRA <?php $hostdb = 'localhost'; $dbname = 'flights'; $username = 'root'; $password = ''; $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $sql = "SELECT f1.flt_num AS 'Flight One', f1.arr_airport AS 'Depart One', f1.dep_airport AS 'Arrive One', f2.flt_num AS 'Flight Two', f2.arr_airport AS 'Depart Two', f2.dep_airport AS 'Arrive Two', f3.flt_num AS 'Flight Three', f3.dep_airport AS 'Depart Three', f3.arr_airport AS 'Arrive Three' FROM myflights AS f1, myflights AS f2, myflights AS f3 WHERE f1.id = 3 AND f2.id = 1 AND f3.id = 2"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); echo "<pre>"; print_r($row); echo "</pre>"; ?> Flight Itenerary <br> 1. Flight <?= $row['Flight One'] ?> <?= $row['Depart One'] ?> To <?= $row['Arrive One'] ?> <br> 2. Flight <?= $row['Flight Two'] ?> <?= $row['Depart Two'] ?> To <?= $row['Arrive Two'] ?> <br> 3. Flight <?= $row['Flight Three'] ?> <?= $row['Depart Three'] ?> To <?= $row['Arrive Three'] ?> -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for myflights -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `myflights`; CREATE TABLE `myflights` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `dep_airport` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `arr_airport` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `flt_num` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of myflights -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `myflights` VALUES ('1', 'LHR', 'JFK', '100'); INSERT INTO `myflights` VALUES ('2', 'LHR', 'FRA', '200'); INSERT INTO `myflights` VALUES ('3', 'JFK', 'MIA', '300');
  6. You are missing the closing } There are other problems. You need to use prepared statements. You never insert user supplied data directly to the DB. Dont SELECT *. Specify the columns you want. You also do not need to manually close the connection. It closes automatically. It would appear your logic is flawed. You can't throw two query parameters into mysql like that. And don't create variables for no reason. I formatted your code so it is more readable but it still needs fixing aside from the missing bracket I put in. I would recommend you use PDO. https://phpdelusions.net/pdo <?php if (isset($_POST['choices']) && !empty($_POST['choices'])) { if ($_POST['choices'] == 'four') { //variables from form entered $username = $_POST['username']; $neptune = $_POST['neptune']; $email = $_POST['useremail']; //connect to the database $dbc = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'happygam_main') or die('Error connecting to MySQL server'); $check = mysqli_query($dbc, "select * from ballot where username='$username' and neptune='$neptune'"); $checkrows = mysqli_num_rows($check); if ($checkrows > 0) { echo "This combination of neptune and username has already been processed"; } else { //insert results from the form input in 2 rows one with neptune one without $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO ballot(username, useremail, neptune) VALUES('$username', '$email', '$neptune')"; $query1 = "INSERT IGNORE INTO ballot(username, neptune) VALUES('$username', '$neptune')"; $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query, $query1) or die('Error querying database.'); mysqli_close($dbc); } } } ?>
  7. Your question is way too broad. Do you already know PHP and Mysql? Do you know PDO? What about HTML and CSS? What have you tried? Have you set up a local LAMP stack such as XAMMP? You are going to have to have some knowledge in all of those.
  8. The following is my further attempt to learn OOP. Is there anything technically wrong with it or is there any better practices in the code or its use? Purpose is to display dev/debugging data. Your feedback is appreciated. * Code in forum is on one page so you can easily run it if desired. <?php /** * Displays data from $_COOKIE, $_SESSION, $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST * @param string $debug COOKIE, SESSION, GET, POST, REQUEST */ class DebugDisplay { private $title; private $debug; public function __construct($title, $debug) { $this->title = $title; $this->debug = $debug; } public function ShowDebug() { echo '<pre><span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">'; echo $this->title . '<br>'; print_r($this->debug); echo '</span></pre>'; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test Data //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $_COOKIE[] = 'COOKIE Data'; $_SESSION[] = 'SESSION Data'; $_REQUEST[] = 'REQUEST Data'; $_GET[] = 'GET Data'; $_POST[] = 'POST Data'; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Debugging //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- define("DEBUG", true); // Toggle Debugging define("SHOW_DEBUG_PARAMS", DEBUG); // Display Sql & Sql Parameters define("SHOW_SESSION_DATA", DEBUG); // Display Session Data define("SHOW_POST_DATA", DEBUG); // Display Post Data define("SHOW_GET_DATA", DEBUG); // Display Get Data define("SHOW_COOKIE_DATA", DEBUG); // Display Cookie Data define("SHOW_REQUEST_DATA", DEBUG); // Display Request Data if (DEBUG === true) { echo '<div class="error_custom"><H1>DEBUGGING IS ON !!!</H1></div>'; } if (SHOW_COOKIE_DATA === true) { $show = new DebugDisplay('COOKIE', $_COOKIE); echo $show->ShowDebug(); } if (SHOW_SESSION_DATA === true) { if (isset($_SESSION)) { $show = new DebugDisplay('SESSION', $_SESSION); echo $show->ShowDebug(); } } if (SHOW_POST_DATA === true) { $show = new DebugDisplay('POST', $_POST); echo $show->ShowDebug(); } if (SHOW_GET_DATA === true) { $show = new DebugDisplay('GET', $_GET); echo $show->ShowDebug(); } if (SHOW_REQUEST_DATA === true) { $show = new DebugDisplay('REQUEST', $_REQUEST); echo $show->ShowDebug(); } Application Output
  9. You have several other issues but as to your problem. Your button group is named name='RadioGroup1' but you are trying to insert ans. There is no $_POST['ans']. There is also no $_POST['value'] either. You also gave two buttons the same value. You also have a ridiculous amount of unnecessary escaping. Your opening form tag is in the completely wrong place. The whole bit of code is quite a mess. You need to take a minute and study some basic tutorials. The whole thing needs a complete re-write. And while you're at it you should do it in PDO. https://phpdelusions.net/pdo Edit * It looks like you were already give good information on this in your other posts but you did not listen to what you were told. Your were even given code by @gingerjm that you ignored. You are just wasting our time if you're not going to do what we tell you. After seeing the other posts and responses you got you have now irritated me for wasting my time on this post.
  10. If you dont know html and CSS, start here :https://www.codecademy.com/learn/web Then go here https://www.codecademy.com/learn/php When you get farther along study this: https://phpdelusions.net/pdo Install XAMPP to run, test and learn on your local computer https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html
  11. Why are you storing the time separately? Just use a datetime column.
  12. You are expecting a POST array so look for a POST array. Do not use REQUEST. That includes POST, GET and COOKIES. if (isset($_POST ["flavour]) )
  13. If you did what @Jaques1 said you wouldn't have answered what you did. Go learn Database Normalization, ...then come back if you have problems after updating your DB.
  14. Aside from what @Jaques1 said, when you start numbering things something1, something2 etc. you are doing something wrong.
  15. How about posting an sql dump of your DB so we can work with it.
  16. Just noticed that you are looking up ICD codes. That data is way to huge to select everything. You are going to have to do something like a chained select where you select a category and work your way down the dropdowns. @barand makes a good point about the DB structure. What does the current DB look like? One big spreadsheet type table or something else?
  17. For starters, you don't need two queries to do the same exact thing. Dont SELECT *. Name the columns specifically. You are also opening your form AFTER the first select. In the posted code you don't close the form and there is no submit button. And next time, use the code tags when you post code.
  18. This is just for learning OOP. It is not about the function itself really, but how to handle superglobals in a class. The issue actually came up in a login logging class that uses $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], another superglobal. Several code analyzers (scrutinizer, codacy, code climate ) pointed out a problem with using them in the class. * As far as what the function is for, it is used to display messages to the user after certain actions such as a db record added or deleted
  19. How would I to convert the following function to a class? What is the proper way to deal with GET and POST in a class since they are globals? My start class ShowActionMessage { } Function to convert function show_action_messages() { if (isset($_GET['insert'])) { $action = 'Added'; } if (isset($_GET['edit'])) { $action = 'Updated'; } if (isset($_GET['deleted'])) { $action = 'Deleted'; } if (isset($_GET['emailed'])) { $action = 'Emailed'; } if (isset($action)) { ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2"> <div class="success">Record <?= $action ?></div> </div> </div> <?php } }
  20. Change if (isset($_POST['submit']=="Sign Up")) To if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') You are also trying to use variables in your form without checking if those variables exist.
  21. Not even going to try and decipher your code. If you're doing an INSERT you have no need to know what the last insert id is.
  22. @pieterjandc, we all know you don't know what your talking about. Just stop already. You're starting to look foolish.
  23. You already lose "best answer ever" by using $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] which is vulnerable to an XSS attack.
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