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Everything posted by trq

  1. What?
  2. Best thread ever. Your not telling cron to use php to execute your script. Its trying to use Bash to execute it and that will never work. Having said that. Why are you even using php for this? It's a couple of simple sql queries.
  3. Why are you executing mysql_query once, then passing the results of that query back to mysql_query and executing that? Have you got error reporting enabled? That second call to mysql_query should error because mysql_query expects a string.
  4. You didn't ask a question.
  5. "no" is a string, strings need to be surrounded by quotes in sql. You also need to sanitise your input or you are leaving your code vulnerable to attack.
  6. Your obviously under a rock somewhere. Laravel 4 has been making waves since it's release and the community is only getting stronger.
  7. class Foo { public function bar($input) { // do something with $input } } $foo = new Foo(); $foo->bar($_POST['whatever']);
  8. I would suggest that whatever user the scheduled task runs as does not have permission to see these drives.
  9. You shouldn't be accessing globals within a class. You need to pass whatever data is required by your methods in as arguments. ps: Failing to use the boards syntax highlighter or any indentation makes my eyes bleed.
  10. On a side note. You don't just convert procedural code to class based code and call it OOP. It's not. OOP is a complete paradigm, you can't simply "convert" to it.
  11. trq

    got Php?

    Yeah, clear as mud. Your question is?
  12. I'm not sure where people get the idea that query strings are no good for seo.
  13. Dreamweaver is a text editor. You type code into it, and the server then executes that code.
  14. No one is going to write the code for you. I think you misunderstand the point of a help forum.
  15. Dreamweaver is a text editor, it does not have a database.
  16. Yes and Yes.
  17. xdebug works fine with >= php5.3, Im not sure what your issue is.
  18. Laravel feels like a toy compared to Symfony. I don't mind it, but Symfony is definitely my preferred option.
  19. If you know PHP very well why don't you write some code yourself?
  20. Your problem is as clear as mud.
  21. If the guid is being trimmed from the URL there isn't much you can do.
  22. It doesn't really make any difference. The process is the same, files and things might just be in different locations.
  23. Proem is dead, but I've only used Laravel for a few projects. I'm still mostly working with Symfony.
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