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Everything posted by trq

  1. I would highly recommend not using extract at all in that situation, but anyway, you still need to check that your query succeeds and returns actual results. if ($result = $mysqli->query( $sql )) { if ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { // $row contains data } }
  2. Works as expected in Postman. https://www.dropbox.com/s/obmu6zdl7xx4nfj/Screen%20Shot%202014-05-22%20at%201.25.36%20pm.png
  3. Make sure that $row is what extract expects, an array. We need to see the code that creates $row in order to be of more help.
  4. Also, $_POST['Vendor'] os not the same as $_POST['vendor']
  5. As Jacques1, you would be better doing this within your queries.
  6. This is a "Help" forum, not a "Do" forum. You are in the wrong place at the right time.
  7. What exactly does "not working" mean?
  8. What exactly does "no show" mean?
  9. Just because you can retrieve a token doesn't mean it will be valid when you go to use it. Tokens should only be valid for that same session.
  10. Do you have a mail server installed and configured locally? mail doesn't just send itself.
  11. Mine was actually the beginning php5 version of that same book I believe. Even some of the authors look familiar. http://www.wrox.com/WileyCDA/WroxTitle/Beginning-PHP5.productCd-0764557831.html I've never used php4. Before php I was working with Python, and before that, asp (vbscript).
  12. There ya go. This was the last PHP book I read. First published in 2005 which is when I read it, I remember waiting for it to be released. http://www.apress.com/9781590593806 I wouldn't recommend it as a "learn PHP" book though.
  13. I haven't read a php book in probably 10 years sorry. Find something current is all I can suggest.
  14. It's pretty self explanatory. The user named ODBC does not have permission to access the database server from localhost without a password. If they are not the credentials you think your using (and they shouldn't be) then something is wrong with the code you have for making a connection to the database.
  15. The error say what is undefined? Nowhere in your callback is `this.vehiclelog_plate` or any of its friends defined. but you haven't exactly given us much information.
  16. Judging by the date it was published, I doubt it. I guess if you coupled it with something like: http://www.phptherightway.com you might stand a chance. PHP has come a long way even in just the last few years.
  17. What the hell? Seriously, we cannot provide you with any help without information and code.
  18. No. Indeed, autoloading is not what you think it is. You still don't understand what a factory is for. On a side note, creating some $db variable and passing it around everywhere is going to be unmaintainable and has a very high potential of breaking. Don't rely on global state.
  19. And what makes you think we will be able to help you based on the information you have provided?
  20. Everything appears to be tied to the global amp object, have you look at that?
  21. Your ability to describe your issue is non existent. This post makes zero sense, and your cryptic posts are nothing but frustrating. I'm out.
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