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Everything posted by trq

  1. Have you defined $carttotal anywhere before trying to add to it?
  2. This topic has been moved to PHPFreaks.com Questions, Comments, & Suggestions. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=345678.0
  3. You can use a database to store your session data if that helps. See session_set_save_handler.
  4. The cli/php.ini file modifies the config for php's cli while the apache2/php.ini file edit's the config for apache. Which you change depends on which you want to effect.
  5. This is exactly why i told you several replies ago not to simply assume your code works. The syntax for a select query should be.... if ($result = mysql_query($sql)) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { // $result contains a valid resource object containing data } else { // no records found matching your query. Handle the error } } else { // your query failed. handle the error }
  6. PHP does nothing special, it is generally used to output HTML. <span class="foo"><?php echo $somevariable; ?></span>
  7. Again, have you looked at a view source to make sure that you php value is what you expect it to be?
  8. Still, your code assumes your query has succeeded. This is never a good way to program. If a function returns a value, check that it is what you expect before using it. Always.
  9. Sorry, I see it now. terrible way to execute your queries. You haven't checked that anything has succeeded and simply assume it has.
  10. Where is $row defined? Can you see it's value when you view the html source of your script?
  11. No it's not. It might look similar, but it has two completely different effects. It's is true though that you can separate commands via ;
  12. Not using php alone. You could write a simple Ajax based form that would post your commands to shell_exec one at a time though.
  13. You could use isset but really you shouldn't need it. {if isset($user_input) && $user_input gt "0"} I would be inclined to forget smarty if it's up to you to do so. It really is a terrible idea.
  14. Looks like there was an issue. I have restarted there services.
  15. SELECT DISTINCT user_id, COUNT(user_id) AS total FROM group_members WHERE group_id IN (2,17) GROUP BY user_id
  16. You define your database location when connecting via dba_open.
  17. This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=345572.0
  18. Using a database would be a much better option.
  19. Why the hell would you even bother trying to annoy your visitors like this?
  20. Considering the PDF is generated server side, how exactly do you plan on attaching it to an email program running on the client? No.
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