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Everything posted by trq

  1. So you want to steal content from another website? This has nothing to do with connecting databases (unless of course you can get permission to do that). You need to Google 'screen scraping'.
  2. Entry level php developers would expect around $55-60K in Sydney. That's a hell of allot more than $10hr. Sounds ridiculous.
  3. You generally do not connect to database servers via urls. You need to provide allot more information though I suspect your not sure what your asking exactly. Try not to tell us what you think you need to do, just describe your actual need.
  4. There is nothing in that tiny snippet that needs optimizing. The difference between concatenating strings and simply using interpolation is not worth considering & is basically a waste of time.
  5. You need to pass $country to mysql_fetch_assoc in order to actually get something usefull. $country is a result resource currently.
  6. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/board,8.0.html
  7. I'm not sure you have understood anything I have said.
  8. Cannot be done with php. You would need to use either a Java applet, or an ActiveX control of some sort. PHP runs on the server.
  9. They are not login script. They are html forms that post to php scripts. If your looking for a programmer, we have a freelance board. Otherwise, your going to need to attempt this yourself and post relevant code when you have problems.
  10. Ah, that explains why I have no idea. Is that a manga film or a game?
  11. No, that is not at all what I am saying. I am saying you need to combine the processing scripts (the scripts your form posts to) into one.
  12. Sounds very inefficient. Your much better off getting all the data you need in one query. Anyway, if you have called mysq_fetch_assoc once and it only has one record then you will need to rewind its internal pointer if you expect to get the data out of it again. You'd be better off using the $row array again though instead (it already has the data you want).
  13. It never executes. if(isset($_POSt['ringo'])) { should be.... if(isset($_POST['ringo'])) {
  14. They likely take a username & password and check them against a database, then setting some sort of flag to state that the user is logged in. All you need do is check two databases.
  15. Do you have shell access? You cannot execute a query (even to fix the problem) if you don't have sufficient permissions.
  16. A form cannot be posted to two locations, you will need to combine the two scripts into one.
  17. Whatever user your using to login to mysql with doesn't have sufficient permissions to execute a SELECT on that db. See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/privilege-system.html
  18. Nope. I seriously have no idea what FFXIII is.
  19. Not at all. If its still got data in it. How many records are you expecting your query to return?
  20. Sorry, there is a missing } if ($result = mysql_query($query)) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { echo "<ol>\n"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "<li> {$row['artist']} - <a href='{$row['songID']}'>{$row['title']}</a> ({$row['count_requested']} ) </li>\n"; } echo "</ol>\n"; } else { // no results found, handle error. } } else { // query failed, handle error. trigger_error(mysql_error()); } ?> Also, you can remove those extra calls to mysql_query() and mysql_num_rows() that you have.
  21. I don't think there are any parse errors in the code I posted. Post your current code.
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