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Everything posted by trq

  1. You need to make sure that the class that this object is instantiated from is defined prior to calling session_start().
  2. Looking at there docs, you should be using get_the_author_meta() instead. if (get_the_author_meta('linkedin', $author->ID)) { echo '<h5><a href="' . get_the_author_meta('linkedin', $author->ID) . '">Linkedin</h5>'; }
  3. You need to make the_author_meta() return it's data not echo it. If it is a built in Wordpress function, then it (like a lot of things in wordpress) is floored and you will need to find an alternative / hack the current implementation / write a wrapper capturing it's output into a buffer.
  4. If your here asking how, I don't think you have it in you. But anyway, I'll humor you. Start by looking at the mysql source to see how there protocol is implemented. You might also find some hints in there documentation.
  5. Seems ridiculous enough. What have you tried?
  6. Why the hell would you want to use sockets for this? MySql has it's own protocol and extensions that already implement it.
  7. The way this works is, you have a go, and ask us questions when you get stuck.
  8. I still don't see the issue. You use placeholders to include files within other files or implement template inheritance. Can you be specific about the actual problem?
  9. You mean the original programmer was horrible. This has nothing to do with the hosting.
  10. I don't see an issue. Why can't you use include ? You might also want to take a look at how zf2 does this now, as what you describe above is a pretty dated method. There are better ways these days.
  11. If you have sufficient access to install software on this system you could use incron instead of a regular cron daemon. incron runs tasks based on filesystem events. This allows you to execute a script when a file changes for instance.
  12. If you really must use Windows, I would recommend using vagrant to build a decent dev environment. See http://www.vagrantup.com
  13. Are you sure that is the relevant code? It doesn't look like it belongs in the file described in the error message. As for your error. Your running out of memory. Usually from doing some pretty intensive task.
  14. PHP is cross platform. Most hosting is Linux. It's not something I would recommend (I wouldn't recommend Windows for anything though) but a lot of people still develop locally on Windows.
  15. What makes you think that?
  16. Hell, in 5.4 php has a web server built in. No need for Apache or Nginx anymore for development.
  17. Replace: <td><a href='$row[$RestPage]$RestID=RestID'>$row[RestName]</a></td> with: <td><a href='{$row['RestPage']}?RestID={$RestID}'>{$row['RestName']}</a></td>
  18. We need to see more code so that we can see how exactly this is being used. Variables are not interpolated within single quotes, is that your issue?
  19. No, you use one of the mysql extensions to access mysql. Fortunately though, php as many database extensions that you can use to access all sorts of different databases.
  20. You can break them down however you like. There really isn't any standard way of doing things until you start using actual frameworks.
  21. If you want the data out of the database you can access it via php. If you* (the developer) can't get to the data, how do you expect your client* to get a spreadsheet?
  22. That isn't a feature of MySql, it's just that people have developed these interfaces to it. Access has it's own interface if you have some version of office installed. Have you googled though? There are asp based web interfaces available for these things. Hell you might even find a php one.
  23. It should answer all of your questions.
  24. Or, you could look at the manual. http://php.net/bool
  25. Your missing the entire point of dynamic web applications. Do you think this forum creates a new php page every time someone adds a new post?
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