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Everything posted by trq

  1. The forums and the main site are not separate, one is just a custom site that needs some love, the other is some forum software that again, needs some love. Now, if only we had a lot of time on our hands.
  2. We can't help you.
  3. Where exactly are you stuck? This should be a pretty simple task for any PHP developer.
  4. I'm interested in the idea. Hell, I created the account. It's just a matter of content and time, but I'm on Twitter all day everyday so...
  5. And you have done what to debug your code?
  6. https://twitter.com/thephpfreaks As you can see, it is currently very well maintained.
  7. Where exactly are you stuck?
  8. Events execute on the browser, while PHP executes on the server.
  9. Your still not making a lot of sense. You should never need to dynamically change your data scheme. If that is indeed what you are trying to do you are doing it wrong.
  10. Your asking your question on a PHP help forum.
  11. Sounds like you (or your client) need to hire a programmer.
  12. Sorry, but you will need to be a lot clearer in the explanation of your problem.
  13. People still use faxes?
  14. Setting up a publicly accessible server poses numerous security risks. If your not sure of what your doing, I'm not sure I would recommend doing it. It's up to you though. But yeah, of course it's possible.
  15. Sorry, I misread your post and assumed the application was hosted in house. Of course there is. But if you need to ask that questions, it's not likely you are the person to do it.
  16. The two examples you have linked to are two completely different sites. The mobile one has been developed using jQuery mobile. See http://jquerymobile.com Depending on your content there are a few ways you can approach this: 1) You can build two completely different sites. 2) You can build two completely different front ends to the same back end. 3) Or you can build a front end which can handle both normal browsers as well as mobile devices. Option 1 is probably the simplest solution, though it is also the most inefficient and requires the most work and the most upkeep. Option 2 is probably most often pursued, and can be achieved reasonably easily if your site has been developed in such a way that your business logic is separate from your presentation logic. I would suggest that option 3 is really only available to fairly simple sites.
  17. And giving people misinformation is helpful how?
  18. No it is not. If you look at the manual entry for header you will note that it is used to send HTTP headers to the client. Sure, one or more of these *headers* are then responsible for forcing the client to be redirected, but saying that the header function is the "re-direct" function is not correct.
  19. I don't understand the question.
  20. I am helping. PHP has nothing to do with what a site will look like.
  21. PHP is a server side language and has little to do with what you are looking at / talking about.
  22. You haven't defined $action anywhere. No point var_dumping it, it doesn't exist.
  23. I don't see any conflict. You do have other errors though. Have you looked at the output of a javascript console? ps: That prettyPhoto script looks like total garbage. Not very well written at all.
  24. Did you look in the manual? http://php.net/printer
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