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Everything posted by trq

  1. Turn error reporting on. PHP will point out your errors.
  2. Care to a link to a page that actually has an example of your issue then?
  3. You are kidding right?
  4. A link to the site perhaps?
  5. To show all you would simply remove the like clause from your query.
  6. Indeed you can change the url. You do so with the history object's pushState() method. Google it. Also, check out the fantastic library history.js https://github.com/balupton/History.js
  7. Though they are many and varied, PSR-1 has become the defacto. See https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-1-basic-coding-standard.md You might also want to take it further and implement PSR-2 See https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-2-coding-style-guide.md
  8. Have you looked at the functions suggested then?
  9. Start rewriting. Not that it's not possible, just that it makes more sense to do so.
  10. You need to seriously look at using SQL joins. I don't want to be harsh, but, that is probably the worst code I have seen in a few years. You might also want to look at recursion (in php) to provide an easy solution to your problem.
  11. Um, isn't this what this board is for?
  12. The explanation of your issue leaves a lot to be desired. It also seems unrelated to this boards topic. I suggest you try again, maybe even with some code.
  13. Codeignitor is an absolute dogs breakfast from a design standpoint.
  14. Take a look at Vagrant. http://www.vagrantup.com Virtualisation is king, and vagrant makes it easy.
  15. yeah, I missed the fact that you had it within double quotes.
  16. Your going to need to be a lot clearer in your explanation.
  17. There is nothing special about a $ sign. Do you have an actual problem?
  18. You forgot to post a question.
  19. Sounds like a job for Ajax. You use Javascript to send a request to your server when an image is clicked. Along with this request you send the id (or some data that identifies what image was clicked) of the image. You then need a php script which processes these requests, and saves the click into the database.
  20. Its pretty unclear what your asking. You want to display a different image based on data from a database?
  21. Take a look at date.
  22. The simple answer is: Each time you hit a submit button your making a new request to the server. Variables do not persist across requests.
  23. Define "doesn't work".
  24. And please, your code is NOT OOP.
  25. Your going to need to clarify your issue. Mysql is a *database* server.
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