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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. A CSV would indeed work, I'll look into that. Well, it can't really be split up - the data is from an electronic time-card system. Employees enter the amount of time spent on a particular task, an outline of the task, and the customer the task was for. For most employees, each "task" is a complete description of several hours spent at one of the many firms we do IT consulting for, so there are as many as twenty line-items; the largest description I've seen yet is just under 800 characters. This particular module is for invoicing and records - at the end of the month, the accounting staff runs a report on the different clients and the work performed for them, and it spits out an Excel document - for what purpose, I don't know. The bottom line is that they're using Excel, I'm sure the CSV will work.
  2. No, it's a Unix server, so that's out... (good idea, though) and I suppose I should have mentioned that I'm creating these Excel files from scratch, with information right out of a database. I've got next to no experience with COM, so I don't know if you can create new files with it.
  3. With the PEAR Spreadsheet::Excel::Writer class, you can write Excel 5 (Excel 97) files, but Excel 5 had a nasty little restriction on the lengths of the values in the cells. Each cell has a maximum content length of 255 characters, not even near to the amount of data I need to store. So, my question for all of you: Have you used, seen, or heard of a PHP library that supports writing to Excel files greater than Excel 5?
  4. Private messages work just fine for this sort of thing, please use PMs if either party wishes to continue the conversation. Thanks, and this thread is locked.
  5. neylitalo


    Unicode is a wonderful thing...
  6. It's nice to finally see you in the forums - here's a hearty welcome from me, known better to you as stick-guy.
  7. The only place I've seen it used is in phpmailer, where it opens a connection to the SMTP server of your choice - you'd probably benefit more from applications similar to that.
  8. Just out of curiosity, how can you piggyback on someone's phone, and what would it accomplish? I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
  9. Some (paranoid, IMO) users decide that Javascript is a security threat and disable it. It can indeed be a security threat, but I wouldn't be surprised if most (all?) browsers are intelligent enough to block malicious activity.
  10. On Unix-based platforms, I don't believe php.ini has anything to do with the loaded modules. And, to me, the fact that there is a section for mysql seems to indicate that the module has been loaded. Unfortunately, that doesn't help the situation any. :/ Daveyboy: Do any MySQL related functions work?
  11. Something like this ought to do the trick - note that this is completely untested. # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
  12. Solved - I was using the onclick attribute of the <a> element to trigger the AJAX call, where the href attribute worked much better.
  13. It takes a bit of effort to set up and get customized the way you want, but MediaWiki is by far the best wiki I've ever used.
  14. I'm using a script to send a GET request to a particular page which generates and sends an Excel file using the PEAR Spreadsheet::Excel::Writer library, and it works absolutely fine when I just put the URL in the address bar. However, when I'm using an AJAX request, it doesn't actually send the file. I get the correct HTTP response (Firebug ftw!), but I never get the file download dialog. As I see it, there are two possibilities, neither of which are very appealing: The headers attached to that file are ignored when they come through in an XMLHttpRequest response, or I need to do something extra to get it to send the file to the browser. Has anybody had any similar experiences?
  15. When you use our web IRC client, you're using an unregistered trial version of jirc, and it costs money to register the software. I'm going to tell you the same thing that I tell everybody who asks about this in the IRC channel: If you'll foot the bill, we'll register the client. Otherwise, I suggest getting xchat (http://www.xchat.org) or mirc (http://www.mirc.com) and use those to connect to ##phpfreaks on irc.freenode.net.
  16. I'm no expert, but I would be very surprised if * * * * * didn't break cron, or at least make it refuse to run the job. That, right there, is going to make it run that script every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month. You may want to rethink your scheduling plan.
  17. Gnucash. Free and GPL'd, and an excellent product - probably not as feature-filled as Quickbooks, but very good nonetheless. You can find it at www.gnucash.org, and information for getting it for Windows at http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows.
  18. Little Guy - I strongly suggest that you invest in a Chilton's manual. They are the best references I've ever seen, and cover nearly every single make and model of car produced during the years the book covers. They come with a price tag of about $100, but in my opinion, are well worth it.
  19. I'm going to throw some fuel on the fire. What about our responsibility as people to be honest and respect one another? You know it's not yours, and you know they wouldn't appreciate it - why do you have the right to use the service that they paid for? Why are you allowed to take advantage of someone who knows less about network security than you do? Sure, some people just don't care, but you forget - this is still relatively new technology, and people aren't very well educated as to the risks and security pitfalls. WEP is crackable, and I've heard of a way to obtain WPA keys although I've never tried it. Just because you're using faulty technology, that doesn't mean that people are licensed to take advantage of it. Microsoft Windows is one of the least secure operating systems ever. Hell, they just released a critical security patch for a hole in ANIMATED MOUSE CURSORS. The vast majority of the world uses Windows, and I think you'll agree that people shouldn't take advantage of it "just because they can." The moral of the story: "They should know better" isn't a valid excuse.
  20. I have done business with 1 & 1, and I only have one problem with their service overall: The usernames they give you for FTP access are ridiculous. All of the ones I used were the letter "u" followed by a bunch of seemingly random numbers. Other than that, they are a good host.
  21. Check into VTCalendar - http://vtcalendar.sourceforge.net/.
  22. The main compatibility changes as I can recall are: In PHP 5, objects are passed by reference instead of by value, register_globals is set to off by default, and the mysql library isn't included in the default PHP package.
  23. I added an option for "only used 5.x.x", as I've never used PHP 4, and I'm sure there are others.
  24. I did indeed recognize it as a joke, but there are people who go through a thought process as follows: 1. Photoshop costs money. 2. The GIMP is free. 3. You get what you pay for. 4. The GIMP is teh suck. So I just thought I'd take that opportunity to set any mis-led souls on the right path.
  25. There are quite a few things you can do a lot easier in Photoshop than in the GIMP, and a few things that Photoshop can do that GIMP all-out can't, but for the most part, with a bit of work, you can make some really cool stuff in the GIMP. Let it be known that my GIMP experience is limited to really simple stuff... my avatar, for example.
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