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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. Fixed the poll, and reset the votes - the migration must have borked something.
  2. Well, I think the term "dedicated" server refers to the fact that there are no other users using the server, it's yours to do with what you will. You're right, though, you wouldn't want to use a server as a workstation.
  3. I didn't think there was a way to send HTTP headers in the official XML specification, but I was hoping for a particular parameter to set that was universally accepted as a way to set HTTP headers. But as you said, the Apache solution looks to be pretty easily implemented and very elegant.
  4. In my travels I've run across a little-known Apache feature, one that I thought might help me - the mod_asis module. With this module enabled, you can have Apache send files with a minimum set of headers, and specify the headers you want INSIDE the file - something I thought was pretty cool. To shamelessly steal the example provided by Apache: Here's an example of a file whose contents are sent as is so as to tell the client that a file has redirected. Status: 301 Now where did I leave that URL Location: http://xyz.abc.com/foo/bar.html Content-type: text/html <html> <head> <title>Lame excuses'R'us</title> </head> <body> <h1>Fred's exceptionally wonderful page has moved to <a href="http://xyz.abc.com/foo/bar.html">Joe's</a> site. </h1> </body> </html> See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_asis.html for more information.
  5. I considered that approach, but there was a problem: There are dozens of these XML files, and I certainly didn't want to go adding PHP code to all these XML files. There are also other applications, both on the server and client side, that reference and modify these XML files, and they wouldn't know how to handle the PHP code. The next step was to find a way to isolate these few files with Apache directives and only send the Cache-Control header with those files. httpd.conf was out of the question, since this code base is used by a handful of developers and one production machine, and it would be a hassle to make everybody update their httpd.conf files. Per-directory configs (also known as .htaccess files ) saved the day. These directives in .htaccess files in the appropriate directories solved the problem: <Files "filename.xml"> Header set Cache-Control no-cache </Files>
  6. I've recently found myself in a situation where a frequently-modified XML document was being cached by the web browser, and the changes wouldn't take effect until the client's cache was cleared. The only solution to this, I think, is to send the "Cache-Control: no-cache" header with the XML document. However, I don't see anything in any W3C specifications, RFCs, or w3schools documents that indicate a way to send HTTP headers in an XML document. If someone has a link, can describe how it can be done, or can point me at a document saying that it can't be done, I would very much appreciate it.
  7. neylitalo

    No ADSL!

    Ron, if they don't have DSL, I doubt they'll have T1
  8. Here's an article describing how Web 2.0 came to be - I'm not sure how accurate it is, but it's number one in a google search for "origin web 2.0".
  9. The Polls area isn't specific to PHP... the board descriptions are pretty clear as to the subject matters permitted, take a look if you're ever in doubt.
  10. phpDocumentor is simply amazing - I've got a vim plugin that automagically documents classes, functions, and entire documents with a simple Ctrl + P, and I wrote a simple shell script to generate the documentation. I've attached both the plugin and the bash script used to update the documentation, in case there are any vim enthusiasts here. To activate the vim plugin, put it in ~/.vim/plugin/ and put these lines in ~/.vimrc: inoremap <C-P> <ESC>:call PhpDocSingle()<CR>i nnoremap <C-P> :call PhpDocSingle()<CR> vnoremap <C-P> :call PhpDocRange()<CR> [attachment deleted by admin]
  11. That looks like a pretty comprehensive list - thanks for the link. In response to your "is it safe?" question: Of course. Just put that at the top of your first CSS file, so it doesn't over-ride any settings you establish later on. I think I'm going to bookmark this thread... thanks again.
  12. Java tends to take up a lot of memory on every platform I've used it on. No, but you can avoid it like the plague!
  13. I second that. Very nicely handled, Prince33. However, I regret to inform you that I won't be using your IDE for the simple reason that it doesn't appear to work in non-Windows systems. I have a recommendation, do with it what you will: Write your application in C# or another .NET language. With the advent of the Mono libraries in the Unix world, *nix users are now able to seamlessly run applications written in a number of languages. If you were to re-write it in a .NET language, I'm relatively sure your program's user base would increase by at least a handful of people.
  14. I know everything I need to know about you, just by the simple facts that you use the terms "noob", "kthxdie", and your name is "kthxbai2u". You would do well in the future to be more polite. Backticks are not required except when a column or table name is a reserved MySQL keyword. The problem was because of the absence of a space between the table name and the list of values, as you correctly guessed later. Without a space, MySQL assumes you want to use a function. Unholy Prayer, what was the error you received?
  15. That leads me to believe that it's a problem within the server software.
  16. I can't think of any legitimate reason you'd need to know the scripting language a website uses, unless you're responsible for it in some way. In which case, though, you'd probably know. For curiosity's sake, can you explain why you need to know this? Off of the top of my head, I don't think there's any sure-fire way to figure out a website's scripting language. You could maybe scour the HTML source and see if it refers to any files with obvious file extensions. You should know, however, that file extensions aren't a dead give-away. I think it would be a pretty good security-through-obscurity measure to have Apache parse, for example, .pl files with the PHP engine.
  17. Oh, now you're just being picky...
  18. I think we're all intelligent enough to distinguish the important parts - emphasis of any kind isn't really required. As for a complete list of Smarty template variables - it's almost infinite. You create the variables, just as you do in PHP.
  19. Well, if your fiance's general feelings toward you depend on it, then I'd be glad to. CS2 is a gigantic waste of money - you definitely should have gone with Premiere. And now that I've ruined your day with my nonsensical bullshit, I'm going to shamelessly plagiarize the works of jcombs_31: If you needed video editing, then Premiere would have been the way to go - but there is simply no replacement for Photoshop. The Gimp comes pretty close, but not quite.
  20. I was wondering what the catch was. Very, very good - I'm going to remember that one.
  21. I've done this before, and I still missed one. :|
  22. There's got to be a catch. "2" would be much too simple.
  23. Let me start out by saying that 1and1 is the single most reliable web host I have ever had the good fortune of working with, and I have never had a single problem with them, including emails. That being said, Gmail has everything you're looking for in a free email service. We're talking about Google, for Pete's sake. They wouldn't be where they are today if they weren't reliable and effective. I believe Gmail has a built-in virus scanner, but I'm not sure - I haven't used it in ages. I don't like using webmail interfaces, so I always use a client to fetch my mail, and Gmail only supports fetching via POP3. If I can't use IMAP, I don't use the service; thus, Gmail is out. (for me) But since you're used to using Hotmail's interface, I'm sure you'll have no objections to using Gmail's web interface. Edit after previewing: You don't need Gmail invites. It's free for everybody now.
  24. The only things you'll have to do are copy your address book over (export and import?) and tell everybody your new email address. Oh, and naturally, use the new email interface. In the case of Gmail, you can even have your email client fetch the mail from Gmail and store it on your computer. But why can't you use your webhost's email services?
  25. I know that when I had my Gentoo server built as x86_64, Apache gave me some problems - I'm not sure if that was it, but it might be the problem. With Windows, you can't exactly rebuild as 32 bit, though, so I'm not sure what the solution would be.
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