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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. Oh, there's no such thing. You can never have too much fun. Balmung-San: We'd go nuts, trust us.
  2. Your IP address is owned by SBC Internet Services, which is also my ISP. By default, the firewall in the router provided by SBC blocks incoming port 80. You'll have to go into the firewall settings, select the computer you want to host the webserver on, and enable port forwarding on port 80. On my router, you go through a list of services and pick Web Server.
  3. Beryl is a window manager, rather than a desktop environment - that's one of the biggest misconceptions there are about Linux and desktops. Gnome is a DE, and uses the Metacity window manager, KDE is the desktop environment, and by default, uses Kwin, and Xfce is a desktop environment, and its window manager is xfwm. One of the beautiful things about Linux is the modularity - you can mix and match nearly anything you want - you can use Beryl instead of any desktop environment's window manager. You can even use it on its own, without a desktop environment, much like many people do with Enlightenment, and just live without the icons on the desktop, task bars, etc. I will agree with you, though - it's beautiful.
  4. Methinks you're taking this a bit too seriously
  5. I'm going to invoke the "anything goes" rule for this forum, and share with you one of my favorite bands: Lemon Demon. You may have seen The Ultimate Showndown Of Ultimate Destiny - they did the "soundtrack". They've got a bunch of songs for free download, at http://www.lemondemon.com/downloads.html - If you like Tenacious D, I think you'll like Lemon Demon. I really like their creativity - a few examples: Action Movie Hero Boy and Ode to Crayola.
  6. I hate The Internet. Edit by me: Removed a potentially embarrassing statement. No, I won't tell you what it was.
  7. sure i understand the actual BBCode button that inserts tags, but when you actually quote a person by clicking 'Quote', it actually pulls the info through such as who made the quote and what time,etc, making it easier to see who's talking about what and in reply to who, etc. I'm not sure I understand - that Insert Quote link will do precisely that. That's what I used in this post...
  8. In the regular reply box, if you look below it in the list of previous messages, each one has an "Insert Quote" link in the UR corner. Click that.
  9. Sure, you don't want to depend on a WYSIWYG editor for creating your own custom code - that's why I'm not going to use it for "real" projects. I don't want Nvu putting poor CSS or layout in my code - for example, it nests divs instead of making them separate and using CSS for layout. That type of thing is a nightmare if you're trying for a complex layout. But if I need a simple, linear, informative page, for a tutorial or some documentation, then I'm not going to bother with typing the same stuff over and over for dozens of pages. It's a waste of time. And that's not what it's designed for. It's a WYSIWYG editor first and foremost. I agree completely - for projects that have to look good, you're going to want to create your own HTML and CSS. Different tools for different tasks.
  10. Good catch, friend... good catch.
  11. Ah, but are they? This has always been one of my favorites:
  12. I should also mention that it has a built-in CSS editor and HTML validator. All the pages I've created with it so far have been simple, but have been valid right off the bat.
  13. Linux, Mac, and Windows users who don't want to pay for any of the commercial WYSIWYG editors can find nvu at http://www.nvu.com. It's a completely free WYSIWYG HTML editor, and uses pure HTML and CSS for layout. No proprietary layout mechanisms are used at all. I don't think I'll be using this for "real" projects at work, since the CSS is less than optimal - it uses inline CSS instead of style blocks. It's a minor problem, but one that I would prefer to not have to live with in a production environment. For tutorials and documentation, though, I'll be using this most likely exclusively - it's so much easier to press the Align Center button than type <div style='text-align:center;'>. Nvu also has support for extensions and themes, although I haven't found any that are useful yet.
  14. Using an SSL certificate is something that happens in Apache, not in PHP - so you'll have to ask your host to set one up for you. You may also be able to give them an existing certificate (for example, one from VeriSign), and they'll install it for you. And once you've gotten it installed, the only steps necessary to use it is to use https://www.example.com instead of http://www.example.com. If you ask your host to set up a SSL certificate for you, or find a button to push to buy one, then you'll be all set - but know that it will cost money. The reason verisign is more expensive is that they are a globally known security provider, and browsers will automatically trust them. GoDaddy's certificates may not be as widely trusted as one from VeriSign, but you should know that they are just as secure. They provide the SAME amount of security, and the only difference is that their certificates won't be signed by a big company like VeriSign. I suggest that you use your host's provided SSL services, for the simple reasons that it'll be cheaper and easier for you.
  15. Says the admin of a webdesign forum... I was going to say that many people would say exactly that, but didn't think it would come from any of our own members...
  16. You might be able to use something like [code]table {     border-collapse:collapse; }[/code] I believe border-collapse:collapse; forces cells to share borders.
  17. [quote author=ted_chou12 link=topic=99899.msg520982#msg520982 date=1170566757] okay, neylitalo, you got a point there, i like the word you chose as well. Ted [/quote] Which word was that?
  18. I was kinda going for the "cheesy" look, with the professional background and the shoddily drawn stick person. I created it mostly for Facebook, where everybody's got a picture of themselves for their profile - and I didn't want to put an actual picture, so I made that. It's kinda grown to be "my" avatar - I use it for everything.
  19. I think the point CV was trying to make was that they are not mutually exclusive. Cookies work better for some things, sessions for others.
  20. Mangos and kiwis are far and away my favorite fruits.
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