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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. I also find that the taxes on a mobile plan are much less than the taxes on a landline - with AT&T, the taxes were very nearly the same amount as the monthly bill, but they're usually only about $6 for my mobile plan.
  2. As you guessed, re-compiling PHP should solve that problem.
  3. There's software that you can get to do it, but it will be very tricky with the background being a garage wall. If you had a green (or blue) screen, then it would be pretty easy. I'm not an expert on video editing, though.
  4. Sure they can - it could even be done in PHP. It would just watch the inbox, and when the verification message arrives, it makes a curl request to the URL specified in the email, or responds to the email, or whatever.
  5. [quote author=KingPhilip link=topic=122497.msg506543#msg506543 date=1168994358] I think he was talking about  CV's smoke signal idea ;) [/quote] haha, I didn't even catch that... time to get some sleep?
  6. [quote author=HoTDaWg link=topic=122497.msg506446#msg506446 date=1168983392] never mind, its cleary sarcasm :( kinda uncalled for dude. [/quote] Um... actually, I was being dead serious. As you've discovered, you'll pay four or five times as much by ordering/buying from bestbuy than if you were to order or buy from tigerdirect or newegg, or nearly any other retailer, for that matter. And as for trustworthiness, Tiger Direct and Newegg are absolutely wonderful. Unfortunately, though, Newegg doesn't ship outside of the US.
  7. [quote author=businessman332211 link=topic=122558.msg506005#msg506005 date=1168955349] World  ??? [/quote] I assume you're referring to thorpe when he said "emerge my world". This is a Gentoo term, and "world", when you're emerging things, refers to every package that has ever been installed.
  8. I'm not sure who's supposed to be worried in this case, but I'm guessing it's you. I read it just fine, but you were the one who saw a death omen in it... this does not bode well for you, my friend.
  9. Since the bestbuy link was bestbuy.ca, here's the tigerdirect.ca link to the same search results CV pulled: http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/search.asp?keywords=ieee+1394&image1.x=0&image1.y=0 The lesson to be learned here is: Don't buy from BestBuy if you can help it. They rip you off shamelessly.
  10. It does look like it has practical applications, as well as the cool factor. It's a smartphone, so it's probably got a contact manager, email, calendars, and any number of other features useful in the business world. And you might be thinking "But what makes this one different?". Apple has a way of making their products very easy to use. I would say that's their main goal - to be user-friendly. If you've used any smartphones, especially any running a variant of Windows, you know that they are a pain to get around. I suspect that Apple's iPhone has none of those problems. And it looks good, too! It would be "cool" for anybody to use. If you're a banker, it's black, dignified, and certainly oozes "status symbol". If you're the socialite type, it's pretty, it has a certain flair to it, and (most importantly) it's a status symbol. I can honestly say that I would love to have one, if not for the cool factor, then for the functionality. No mp3 player has come close to the iPod in the interface-and-functionality arena, and I suspect they've broken the mold with this little beauty as well. As for the cost: It all depends on your service provider, and the service plan you're on. They're only selling it to Cingular customers as of right now, but I'm sure it'll make its appearance on eBay rather quickly, at which point, you'll probably be able to buy it and use it with any GSM service provider simply by inserting your SIM card. GSM providers in the US include Cingular, T-Mobile, Cellular One, and DO NOT include Alltel, Verizon, and Sprint Nextel. (Of course, that isn't a comprehensive list.) And I see that while I was typing, you decided to re-post your question... please don't do that. If you have amendments, just reply with them. There is no need to re-post the entirety of your post with the added two lines.
  11. Well, you could always start over... as long as you've got the config files, the difficult part is taken care of. For a seasoned Gentoo user as yourself, a fresh install would take a day?
  12. [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=122504.msg505564#msg505564 date=1168900064] SVN and CVS? [/quote] Those look exactly like what you're looking for. You won't be able to search documents, but it'll do everything else. Most importantly, it'll make sure that nobody overwrites anybody else's changes, unless that's precisely what you're trying to do.
  13. Let's leave it at that, guys - we've heard both sides of the argument, just chalk it up to a miscommunication somewhere. How important is it that you're right?
  14. Ok, guys, I think we've got that particular dispute taken care of, now let's see if we have any suggestions to take care of the original problem. HoTDaWg: I suspect that you won't need any software to transfer your videos. However, a Mini-USB cable is most likely in order, or a Flash memory reader. If you're lucky, the camcorder will treat its storage device as just that - a storage device, and when you make the USB connection, the computer will see the attached camcorder as a removable storage device. At which point, you should be able to just copy the files from the device to your computer.
  15. Could you describe what docushare does? I have a general idea, but I don't know the specifics.
  16. I prefer Gentoo Linux. Portage (the Gentoo package management system) is amazing, and I'm very comfortable with a *nix environment. I've got nothing against Apple and their products, but I refuse to support Microsoft. If I have to fix a Windows machine, I suppose I'll do it - but I won't be buying or recommending any Microsoft products for a long time. Probably forever. (I suppose I can hop down from my soap box now...)
  17. [quote author=Barand link=topic=122260.msg504235#msg504235 date=1168738875] I don't think they can delete them but the OP is allowed to add a reply. [/quote] OK, I knew it was something like that - thanks for the clarification.
  18. I don't disagree with you at all - it's a matter of getting the posters to come back and mark it solved. And since they're evidently not coming back and deleting them, I doubt that they'd come back and mark it solved.
  19. It should be right around here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,122015.0.html Ah, the beauty of stickies. Now if people would just read the darn things.
  20. I believe we allow the original poster to delete their posts in that board, so they don't have to deal with those situations - but I don't think they really care too much. It's not their own time they're wasting.
  21. I suggest never storing files in the database. It's relatively inefficient, and will certainly make your life difficult if you ever want to do any server-side stuff with it. I always recommend storing the file in the filesystem and just storing the path to that file in the database.
  22. I don't think there are any WYSIWYG editors for AJAX, but I can vouch for the [url=http://www.openrico.org]Rico library[/url]. It'll considerably improve development time, and will give you some very functional AJAX and DHTML widgets.
  23. [quote author=KingPhilip link=topic=122148.msg503805#msg503805 date=1168662852] Oh well. Nothing we can do about. =( [/quote] Ah, but there is. :) [url=http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/thunderbird/]Mozilla Thunderbird[/url] [url=http://sylpheed.sraoss.jp/en/]Sylpheed[/url] [url=http://www.ritlabs.com/en/products/thebat/]The Bat![/url] The best way to get something like this changed is to use something else. Send a message - help tell Microsoft that we're disappointed.
  24. I would suggest simply using Thunderbird's contact manager, and the Sunbird calendar program - they're both very good, and free.
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