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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. [quote author=s0c0 link=topic=124830.msg517844#msg517844 date=1170227989] IF a php mp3 player were possible, which I don't think it is, but then again i don't know all that much about php. [/quote] PHP is a server-side scripting language. This means that anything done in PHP happens independent of the browser, and before anything is sent to the client. Once you've sent information to the client, PHP is completely out of the picture - PHP runs, generates output, and passes that information to the browser. Short version: It's not possible.
  2. That empty string is simply indication that $data is empty. Check to make sure $data contains a value before running the query. And in the future, enclose code blocks in the [nobbc][code][/code][/nobbc] tags. It makes your code much easier to read.
  3. I'm thinking you're trying to start another instance of apache instead of restarting it. If you're surely restarting it, it could be having trouble restarting. A few things to do: stop it using the apachectl program (apachectl stop) and then start it. (apachectl start) If that doesn't work, try apachectl stop, look in the processes (ctrl+alt+del, processes tab) and see if you have any processes called apache or httpd. Kill those, and then try starting apache.
  4. @businessman: Yes, unfortunately, the majority of these discussions are in your threads. They're not exclusively in yours, though - I see them all over. @everybody: I, personally, do not think reporting it is the best thing to do in those situations. You can handle it yourself, and reporting it just makes you look like a whiner. PM the offender with a firm but intelligent (<-- key!) apology and/or "That was uncalled for." Don't respond in the same manner (I should rephrase my original post), but try to helpfully and cheerfully correct the matter. I find the best crisis killer is a genuine "Please accept my apology". I'll add a list of short-and-sweet rules to the first post.
  5. Unix and its derivatives (Linux, BSD, and Solaris) are all very capable of being used on a desktop or laptop computer. I'm writing this from my Gentoo Linux laptop (www.gentoo.org), and have had Linux on desktops, servers, and laptops at my house for over two years. (I've attached a screenshot, in case you're curious.) The power of *nix (*nix represents "Unix and anything like it") is that you can choose - you can choose to install a GUI or not, you can choose the desktop manager to use (I use Xfce - other popular WMs include Gnome, KDE, and Fluxbox), and you can choose to enable or disable nearly every feature in your system. Some Linux distributions come small enough to fit entirely on a 64M Flash drive (see http://www.damnsmalllinux.org) - that result is achieved by only including the bare essentials and few of the little nifty extras. I know I'm not the only one using *nix as a day-to-day operating system, and maybe we could continue this discussion in another thread - but I would prefer if we could keep this topic on subject. :) [attachment deleted by admin]
  6. I've seen entirely enough of the personal bashing, arguments, and otherwise OT discussions in the middle of otherwise intelligent discussions. Members of every rank are all at fault here, and it's got to stop. The last ten threads I looked at had at least of these posts. Some people are very good at brushing them off and taking them as constructive criticism, and others choose to fuel the fire. DON'T. It's that simple. If you simply must tell someone that they're an idiot, feel free to do so in PM - and when you do, don't be surprised when the other party feels entitled to return the favor. Note that there are some OT discussions that are acceptable, and your judgement is likely sufficient to figure those out. Just don't dedicate entire posts to making pointless points and irrelevant arguments. After you type what you want to say, read what you've written and ask yourself if it contributes to the discussion. If it doesn't, you may want to re-think your post. Discuss, and feel free to add anything you think might contribute. [u]Short-and-sweet version:[/u] [b]1) Don't argue for the sake of arguing. 2) Argue intelligently. 3) Don't insult people. 4) Don't take the bait. 5) Use PM if you must break any of the above. We don't want to see it.[/b]
  7. That's what I would have thought as well, but apparently it's not the case - a quick test shows that it works with safe_mode on and off. We'll have to pull out the big guns - can you attach your php.ini to a reply?
  8. [quote author=Nameless12 link=topic=123286.msg515247#msg515247 date=1169961062] There is a reason business prefers to hire people that program in java or microsofts languages and why phpers tend to be freelancers. [/quote] I'm not sure what the reason is that you're thinking of, but judging by the points you made, I'm willing to bet that there is a more popular, powerful reason. PHP isn't very practical. It's designed to be a scripting language, a language that you can use to add some dynamic functionality to a website. It's relatively weak as an applicational language. Java, C, C++, and the other popular compiled and interpreted languages, however - those are practical languages. You can make MONEY with those. You can write a program in C and sell it. You cannot, however, make a website in PHP and sell it. There is very limited marketability for PHP. Oh, sure, it exists - I happen to work for a company that makes a considerable amount of money from its PHP-based services, and I am a PHP programmer. But you can't market an application written in PHP the same way you can market a program created in C++. That, my friend, I suspect is the main reason that companies choose to use Java or the Microsoft-endorsed languages. You are correct - businesses prefer to hire Java or C programmers, and PHP programmers tend to be freelancers. But this doesn't indicate the skill level or experience of these languages' practitioners. It simply reflects the market for products developed in those languages. [quote author=matto link=topic=123286.msg515253#msg515253 date=1169962225] [quote]...PHP is free, therefore more people flock to it. [/quote] I would say PHP is far easier to learn than ASP, that's why more people flock to it. I have developed many ASP applications over the years and it's never cost me anything. The cost is really on the host provider not the developer...... [/quote] True, you don't have to pay to program in ASP - but if you want documentation, support, the MS IDE, and numerous other things beneficial to a beginning programmer, you're likely to have to pay for them. And you also "need" to have a Microsoft OS to serve those applications - I say "need" because you technically don't, but it could be argued that it's "less stable" or "less efficient" or what-have-you, to serve ASP or ASP .NET pages in a non-Windows environment.
  9. [quote author=bibby link=topic=122346.msg515172#msg515172 date=1169953277] Linux isn't an OS, btw.  It's a kernel. Ubuntu, Fedora, and RedHat are OSs. [/quote] Now you're just being picky...
  10. To get the properties: [code]get_object_vars($object); get_class_vars($className);[/code] To get the methods: [code]get_class_methods($className);[/code]
  11. oldmanice is a regular offender - he keeps coming back and we keep banning him. He's gone now. Don't be surprised if he pops up again.
  12. Whichever you decide is most appropriate, definitely don't post in both forums. In this case, since it involves PHP, it should probably go in PHP Help - the HTML forum is for questions like "Why is my layout not working?" Note: That particular question is bad. Don't ask a question like that. It was just an example. :)
  13. I recently encountered a situation where I wanted to find a post of mine in the PHP Installation forum, but couldn't find any way to search my posts by forum. Is there a way to do this?
  14. I've got a link in http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,119739.0.html - the coolest ajax/dhtml library I've used.
  15. It's been brought to my attention that there's a bug in the Bluefish package in the Ubuntu repositories. You might be able to build it from source or get a different package if the bug is serious enough.
  16. You're correct, Bluefish doesn't have a syntax highlighting rule for HEREDOC. However, this can be hacked around. I say "hacked" because it is, indeed, a hack - and a dirty one at that. Here's how to do it, in the event that you decide to use Bluefish, and the lack of HEREDOC highlighting is getting to you. Edit > Preferences > Syntax Highlighting Select "filetype > php" Add a new pattern, call it "HEREDOC" or whatever you like. And this is where it turns into a dirty hack. This is one possible start pattern: <<<[A-Z]$ The end pattern: ^[A-Z]; However, this will work on [code]<?php $string = <<<HEREDOC asdf TESTING; ?>[/code] Which is clearly not valid. So, if you do it this way, it's up to you to make sure that you use the same labels at the start and beginning. An alternative: Start pattern: <<<HEREDOC$ End pattern: ^HEREDOC; However, this will only affect text between <<<HEREDOC and HEREDOC; specifically. It won't work for <<<EOF and EOF; or <<<ASDF and ASDF;. ONLY on <<<HEREDOC and HEREDOC; So, take your pick. And then, for either method, set Parentmatch = ^PHP Block$ to make sure that it only highlights it inside a valid PHP block, and Foreground color to the hex color of your preference.
  17. [quote author=thorpe link=topic=123403.msg510048#msg510048 date=1169420230] It looks to me like [url=http://ardour.org]ardour[/url] is already in. [/quote] Very cool, I hadn't even heard of ardour. I'll be installing that now. :)
  18. Quanta Plus is also excellent, but it's a part of KDE - and Ubuntu Studio is going to be running Gnome. Yes, he could just install the necessary KDE libs, but I have a feeling that it would be more trouble & overhead than it would be worth. Eclipse is also very good, but it's written in Java, therefore it has relatively high running overhead. And I'm certainly not an expert on the subject, but I would dare to guess that it has considerably less VFS support than Bluefish. (Bluefish uses gnome-vfs for transparent FTP, SFTP, etc., filesystems.) I would like to point out that there is a feature of Bluefish (I've only just now re-discovered it... some pretty cool stuff in there!) that lets you run a given command on the currently open file. So, to take the place of the SVN plugin, you could specify commands for `svn add`, `svn rm` (remove), `svn ci` (commit), `svn up` (update), and every other useful svn command. It's a few pushes of a button to get set up, but I think it would be worth it. I would also like to clear up any possible confusion: Bluefish isn't WYSIWYG. They say that Nvu is a Dreamweaver replacement, but I can't vouch for it - I haven't used it.
  19. This is the software I'm familiar with - I haven't got any experience with audio sequencers. [b]MS Office:[/b] There is also Abiword and Gnumeric for Word and Excel (respectively) replacements. They're both considerably lighter than the OpenOffice equivalents, but also have less features. For basic use, though, they're perfect. [b]MSN:[/b] There are several alternatives, but Gaim would be my favorite. http://gaim.sourceforge.net. aMSN is also rather popular. [b]Email:[/b] I'm a huge fan of Evolution for email, contacts, and calendar management. There's also Sylpheed and Claws-Mail, both very lightweight and functional email clients. [b]Web audio/video plugin:[/b] mplayerplug-in. It provides plugins for nearly all Windows media formats, Real media, Quicktime, MPEG, Ogg/Vorbis, and a few more. mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net for more info. Macromedia's Flash Player 9 is also marked stable for x86. [b]TortoiseSVN:[/b] I find that the svn command is much more convenient than any GUI, but there's RapidSVN for your GUI needs. http://rapidsvn.tigris.org for more info. [b]iTunes:[/b] If you're just looking for a media player, I suggest Audacious. It's more of a Winamp look-alike, but it's very functional and lightweight. If you need iTunes for whatever reason, they say that it runs rather well under Wine - Crossover Office, specifically. If you need to hook up to an iPod, GTKPod will do the trick rather well. [b]Drivers:[/b] Drivers in Linux are loaded in the kernel, and as Daniel0 said, the Linux kernel supports a LOT of hardware. To add support for a new piece of hardware, you just go into the kernel config tool, select the new hardware, compile the new modules, and load them. No rebooting required! (Except in special cases.) [b]Editors:[/b] I prefer vim for its commands and speed of use, but it takes a while to get used to. For your use, I would suggest Bluefish. It's got all the features you ask for, except I don't think it has a plugin for SVN. http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/
  20. Something like these ones? [attachment deleted by admin]
  21. [quote author=redbullmarky link=topic=123403.msg510016#msg510016 date=1169417372] if they DO get around to getting the music sequencer up and rocking [/quote] The software exists, they just have to figure out which is the best and how to get it integrated. museseq, rosegarden, and seq24 are all very popular MIDI/audio sequencers.
  22. http://ubuntustudio.org/ For those of us who have wanted to use Linux and create amazing videos, images, and sounds, Ubuntu Studio is scheduled to be released sometime in April. I think I'll be getting this once it's released.
  23. It does look like some of the Mac software websites, and that's probably what they're going for - if you look at the bottom, you'll notice that it's for Mac OS X only.
  24. Well, I might be interested in trying it out, but what makes it special? You say it uses the IE rendering engine - why should we use yours instead of IE? You've got to give us some kind of incentive before we'll be interested.  :P
  25. I think he's saying that all the 0.02 he's contributed have added up to something significant. :)
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