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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. Yes, that's what it means and does in C, but it doesn't do the same thing in PHP.
  2. Ideally, you'd design the site in such a way that it could be viewed on any browser at any resolution. If that's not an option, I would at least make it work in 800x600. 640x480 is, I'm fairly sure, far enough out of the picture to not matter much.
  3. I've never heard of charging per page - it's usually per hour or per project. It sounds like it's a pretty good quality project - for a full CMS, as I interpret your description, I would charge at least $2,500 US. Of course, I've used several CMS libraries and softwares, and I may have higher expectations than you or your client.
  4. Meta keywords and descriptions aren't as useful as you might think. The search engines are getting more intelligent every day, and base their rankings on content and reputation. In Google's case, they determine how reputable a website is by the number of links to it that their crawlers discover on other sites. If your site is linked to by thousands of other websites, that indicates that the site has some valuable stuff in it. SEO is a tricky bugger - google for "search engine optimization", and I'm sure you'll find a few tips and tricks to boost your rankings.
  5. Well, based on that mental image, I think I'll pass on WoW for a while.
  6. Erm... I'm not sure if it's good that games are your lifestyle. You'd think that you might be able to find a little more productive, worth-while lifestyle? I think CV is trying to say that games are supposed to be fun, not a job that you have to work at full-time.
  7. I don't think companies will be using the technology so much as home users - and home users just aren't big and important enough to make Google want to risk losing their reputation over digging through somebody's files. Google has always been good about protecting people's data.
  8. Excellent links, thanks much. I never pass up a chance to get educated.
  9. I thought there was some stuff in the RHEL distribution that isn't under a free-to-share license - I'm not sure, though, as I've never used it. And maybe, as you said, it's the Red Hat name and logo that you're paying for - along with the tech support provided. And in response to the Novell comment: Novell will be the death of us all. They gave Microsoft a leg to stand on in their argument that the open source community was/is stealing IP, and for that, I hope that they'll be more-or-less boycotted.
  10. PMs have been disabled for the n00bie group, in an attempt to prevent PM spam. (Which, by the way, works very well.) I believe you go from n00bie to the next rank at 25 posts. That being said, I'd like to make a few things clear for everybody who might be asking the same questions. Do NOT spam the boards so you can reach your 25 posts, or however many it is. The same applies to sending PMs for help once you are no longer a "n00bie". Don't. If you need help with something and notice that someone is particularly good at the subject at hand, just post and hope that they see it and respond. Do not contact anybody with requests for help.
  11. I, myself, hate Microsoft and everything it stands for. Enough that I was four paragraphs into "why I hate Microsoft" before I realized that it wasn't the point. Even at the rate open source is gaining popularity, there's no way that it'll pass up Microsoft in the near future. They've got too strong of a foothold. I just hope that Microsoft isn't successful in their never-ending attempt to derail the idea of free software. And, technically, you can't sell open source software and prohibit people from sharing it. You can, however, charge for support, or package up your own proprietary tools in a Linux distro. That's what Red Hat and Novell have been doing. You can still share the GPL'd parts of Red Hat, but not the proprietary stuff developed at Red Hat and licensed under their own terms.
  12. Either that, or your primary language isn't English.
  13. You're correct, SA - different browsers will generate different session IDs. But I don't think the session variable in concern here is the session ID - Unless I, too, am missing something.
  14. Actually, it is are surely overkill. I hate to do it, but actually, the correct word is "is". "is" is a linking verb, linking the subject (A thread this long) with the subject complement (overkill), which modifies the subject. This sentence is the same as the original, but with the adjectival phrase "about the proper use of 'is' and 'are'" removed. "A thread this long is surely overkill." It certainly doesn't work to use "are" in this situation - "A thread this long are surely overkill." See?
  15. Not applicable to the recent posts, but still on-topic and humorous: Seen in a mailing list: And, these words applicable to the recent posts: A thread this long about the proper use of "is" and "are" is surely overkill.
  16. Yeah, I've figured it out and closed the port to the outside world - thanks for trying though. As it turns out, if you have a little problem like this: <title>Page Title<title> IE decides that the site is broken and doesn't show a damned thing. Changing the second <title> to </title> fixed it.
  17. I apologize, I had a typo when I ran it through xrl.us's URL shortener. I've updated the original post, and here's the new link: http://xrl.us/uzsx
  18. One of the websites I'm working on comes up blank in IE, but shows perfectly in every other browser. If you view the source in IE, it still comes up correctly, so it's not a problem with the server - any ideas? http://xrl.us/uzsx
  19. [quote author=jesirose link=topic=96282.msg534487#msg534487 date=1172014080] When I'm typing it, I generally call it "dot" because I started OOP with Java, and I just think to myself [/quote] That's exactly what I do - I say "dot" in my mind, but my fingers make the translation from "." to "->" all on their own.
  20. neylitalo


    Oh, ho ho! You're not getting me with that trick again!
  21. neylitalo


    Something in that post is lacking for me... If you have a solution that always, ALWAYS works for you, then how the heck to you have hiccups for 8 hours? LOL... Seems like your cure is something like "wait long enough, and they're bound to go away!" Sorry, should have clarified... I would get them, make them go away, and then fifteen minutes later, they'd be back again.
  22. neylitalo


    I had the hiccups on-and-off the other night, for about 8 hours - here's a cure that always, ALWAYS works for me. Sit down, relax, put everything aside, take the headphones off - and concentrate. This is essential. (It sounds really weird, but so are most hiccup cures - and I'm serious. It works.) Keep telling yourself "Watch for it. Is the hiccup here? Is it coming up? Is it now? Is that a hiccup I feel?" Watch for the hiccup. Wait for it. Wait to start feeling the hiccup. Just keep watching for it. You have to concentrate on it. The talking to yourself is essential - you want to keep your brain occupied with watching for the hiccup. If you hiccup, start over. Just keep watching for it. It usually takes about a minute of doing this hiccup-free before I'm convinced that the hiccups are gone. While you're doing this, you should notice that you're taking quick, small, relaxed, breaths - that's the key. If you're taking big breaths, it might work, but probably not. Oh, and the sentences in the description of the cure are short and terse for a reason - I find it helps me to think quick, short sentences to help with the small breaths. Call me a nut, but it works.
  23. If you don't want Google to pick up your URLs in the future, use a short URL from www.xrl.us.
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