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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Why are you asking? Is there an error?
  2. Uhm, you know you have to submit the form for PHP to be able to tell which one they picked, right?
  3. Does someone's parents pay their rent? lol.
  4. Well for one, it looks like you have price and house type backwards, as everywhere you have price it prints cottage. Secondly, you're doing this: $_SESSION['HouseType'] = $soldhousesrow['HouseType']; Out of the while loop. Where is the value of $soldhousesrow['HouseType'] coming from at that point? It looks like it is not set there. Where do you set it?
  5. It's cool, but the JS validation sucks. For example, I misread this: "How many days a week do you work on average?" As HOURS a week, so I typed in 30. It popped up an error telling me I can't work 30 days a week, and when I clicked ok, it just popped up again. It didn't give me a chance to fix it before erroring again. Same for all the other fields.
  6. The php.ini files will be in the folders where you installed PHP. Did you do a file search on those folders?
  7. Well if you send me your computer I can find them. For pete's sake. You don't know where you installed php?
  8. If the book you have doesn't answer your question, try another book, or google, or heck the DOCS. Did you TRY your query?
  9. Uhm, just do a file search.
  10. Have you heard of SELECT? I think you need to read some basic MYSQL tutorials.
  11. Check out mootools.net
  12. No shit. GOOGLE IT. I gave you the name of the program I USE to test in both 6 and 7, and you didn't even bother to look for it, you just repeated your problem.
  13. First of all, you need to use quotes around strings. Secondly, it's $query="UPDATE DOCS SET notes='$notes', column2='$col2' where title='$title'";
  14. yep.
  15. So there is your problem. Technically, www is not needed. I always make my sites use only http://site.com. You can use htaccess to do that. I also use a BASE_URL constant so I don't have to keep typing it in.
  16. Use the same name, just action. Then you don't have to check each one with POST, you just do $action = $_POST['action'] and it will show you the value.
  17. As I was saying, it doesn't always have to be as hard as it seems. But okay. Check out mootools.net for a cool ajax library
  18. IIRC, Sessions are only on the sub-domain. So http://www.site.com and http://site.com will have different sessions. Also, session_start() needs to be BEFORE any HTML or any output or headers.
  19. Well, read it. What does it say? Look at the query, and look at what is missing. Try a little more at least before asking for help.
  20. You might look into ajax. Often there is an easier solution to a problem if you just rethink the problem. Why does the javascript have to be on vote.php? Why don't you make it a function and run it on any page you want? Why are you making it more difficult than just regular javascript?
  21. Your server is a male? Usually geeks call their computers as females. $sql = "SELECT * FROM layout_cats WHERE id=".$_POST['id']." ORDER BY id DESC"; $fetch = mysql_query($sql) OR die(mysql_error().' Query: '.$sql);
  22. No, all my code is doing is checking if the value is set before you try to use it. You have to put your code back into if for your session checking. Why not just set a timestamp in the session of when they logged in, and anytime it's older than however long you want, log them out. No need to rely on any cookie values at all.
  23. If the action of your form is GET, then yes. If it's post use $_POST.
  24. wtf is a yatch?
  25. There is this awesome thing called Google. It does wonders for simple questions. I personally use IE6 Standalone but there is a small bug with Flash. It works for testing your HTML/CSS though.
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