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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. That was a huge wall of text in which you didn't describe an actual problem. At the end you stated your logic. Then said you're stuck. On what?
  2. What?
  3. There's so many problems with that script. Never ever run queries in loops. Use a JOIN. You only select the COUNT where your search is matched, then you do $query1 = "SELECT * FROM $tableName LIMIT $start, $limit";.
  4. What is the problem? Read the error. Resolve the issue.
  5. No, it didn't. That's a perfectly valid query. It probably won't produce what OP wants, but it's not going to fail.
  6. Well. That pretty much says what's wrong.
  7. If you know it's 5 minutes of work, you clearly know how to fix it. Good job.
  8. Seems like it'd be easier to email a link so they can download them.
  9. Read the forum rules before you post again. http://www.phpfreaks.com/page/rules-and-terms-of-service
  10. One can only assume your system forces unique usernames, apply the same technique to your phone number field. Otherwise, post only the relevant code.
  11. I'm trying to come up with a joke about salt and pepper, but it's not coming to me.
  12. Based on all of your other posts, I'm going to say you are in way over your head with whatever you're trying to do. Start from the beginning, learn the basics of programming, how to solve logic problems, then learn PHP syntax. THEN attempt the project you're working on. We are not your tutors.
  13. Then you're in the wrong place. This is not 1-on-1 tutoring, this is a help forum. We're not teachers. We are other programmers. If you want teaching, go to school. If you have a specific bug and you've already tried to fix it, this is the place.
  14. That's not what this forum is for. You want someone to do it for you, post in Freelancing and be ready to pay.
  15. It depends on what your data is. Are you saying you stored the filename but the files are missing? Then use php's file functions. Is it simply a case of no filename? Then use a string function.
  16. OP, if you need specific help with setting up a specific editor, please post that in the appropriate forum. Otherwise I believe this thread has run it's course.
  17. You could, but that doesn't make it the best/right way.
  18. You should store the errors in an array, that way you can have more than one error at a time. Then if the errors array is empty and the form was submitted, you know it was successful.
  19. I wish I could *like* that post more than once Kevin.
  20. Honestly, it's probably easier for the users if you just let them type in the value. In American we use dollars and cents, but rather than having one drop down for dollars and another for cents, almost anywhere you'd need to enter in a monetary value, you'd simply enter: $dd.dd in a text field. (where d=digit). It gets a little more complicated to parse it when you get to larger values where people add the thousands separator, but there are PHP functions to help with that (and you should have your locale settings set to the right one.) Your field won't allow anything over 999.99 so you're fine.
  21. Use code tags next time you post (the <> button) Read the manual page for date. It has everything you need to know about formatting a timestamp. The code you've posted won't produce the output you're describing however. So you may have other issues.
  22. Correction: This is not how programmers write software.
  23. "This project is buggy and your task is to debug it." I'd think that'd be a big clue that there will be missing stuff :-P
  24. You can't execute an sql file, you can use the mysql commands to use loadfile. But yes, this is a horrible, horrible idea.
  25. PHP and Javascript are executed at completely different points in the process.
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