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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Looks like you're not properly sanitizing your input.
  2. See the link in my signature, you need to check for MySQL errors. Do you really have the database named subject AND your table named subject?
  3. All better!
  4. Yeah I can click where it should be, so it's just the images missing.
  5. Nope.
  6. No, you shouldn't use jQuery inline. You should put your jQuery code within a $(document).ready() function, and give the paragraph an ID or use some other identifier to get to it.
  7. No button, it used to be in the grey bar where the name is? When I click on the post all I get is the quote button. I also can't figure out how to upload the screencaps I just took (using full reply on web) Edit: I'm using Safari on iPhone, when I can't see the like button. It was a checkmark I think.
  8. I can no longer "like" a post on mobile view.
  9. SELECT DISTINCT(DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(creation_date), 'Y')) AS year FROM customer_details ORDER BY creation_date
  10. jQuery is a javascript library. It makes it easy to do AJAX.
  11. I'm going to move this to installation and configuration, sorry I can't help more.
  12. Do a DESCRIBE on the tables, and check if you need to add more indexes. You can also post the query here and we can see.
  13. The way that I would do it would be to have this type of structure: products table product_id -- pk autoinc name description attributes table attribute_id -- pk autoinc name -- things like size, color, etc. (When I bought my living room rug there was one main rug in 4 color patterns, and 4 size options, so 16 total options) attributes_options attribute_option_id -- pk autoinc attribute_id attribute_option -- colors or sizes, "blue", "L", etc. products_attributes table link_id product_id attribute_id attribute_option_id details -- optional field for comments. If you don't get it, try googling data normalization.
  14. Show us the code you used? You're saying if you go to test.php?x=y&z=test and do print_r($_GET); You get an empty array? What was the output of the phpinfo?
  15. Duh. I can't believe I didn't see that. Thanks to you and David for the lesson on AND. I always forget about it.
  16. Once again - if I paid for a site and was unable to access it from ALL my devices, I'd cancel immediately. Look at what Hulu and Netflix do. They make you log onto the main device to get an access code to put in your mobile devices. They used to try to limit how many devices you could watch on at one point, now they've embraced the fact that it's going to happen, and even let you control which device you send the show to. With the nature of the web, it's very hard to tell if someone is logging into your site with stolen credentials.
  17. Did you verify in the database that the password did get changed?
  18. See this is what I mean when I say you lot are ungrateful. You could try to fix it. Use = instead of ==. Or wait for someone else to do it for you and bitch at them for trying.
  19. PHP uses && for and. However it sounds like your file may have gotten corrupt, it's weird to only have some of the PHP unless you're using short tags at some point. Is that the actual file or did you fix a typo when changing your credentials?
  20. SELECT IF(hide==1,'none',class_1) as class1, name, hide FROM class ORDER BY IF(hide==1,'none',class_1), name ASC Do the logic in the query, then put all the info in an array instead of one variable. You need to keep the class with the names.
  21. You haven't adequately described WHAT YOU WANT. Write it out in English, what EXACTLY you want to get.
  22. Your script can only list ONE class with the total of ALL users, because you call the output function outside of your loop and it only accepts ONE class.
  23. Yeah that was useless.
  24. If you only ever use it ONE time how can it be used for multiple things? I think you need to explain what the desired output is and what you're getting.
  25. Look this will be my last post, I was making a point to you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_(programming_language) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javascript If you didn't write the code and don't even know what the language is, you won't be able to change it. You should probably hire someone to fix it, or learn HTML and JS.
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