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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. You'll need to run the posted value through htmlentities before trying to compare it to a value that is already encoded.
  2. I know how Sessions and Cookies work, thanks. The solution was to create a Controller that extends CI_Controller, and load up the tank_auth in that controller. Then make my other controllers extend that new controller instead of CI_Controller.
  3. I'm using Tank Auth for my user authentication for a CI project. The login seems to work fine - how do I access the logged in user's info in another controller?
  5. Apparently OP isn't aware of prepared statements.
  6. It would seem its not
  7. You may want to look into templating, it might help you accomplish stuff like this later on.
  8. Good idea, make what I wrote but way harder to read.
  9. Well known and established free site that's been around forever = random site you need to pay for...in what universe?
  10. And being called an "elitist" and a "snob" gets on my nerves, oh, every time. "Expert" programmers have been there done that and MADE those mistakes, and it seems you forgot that. Drop the name calling and the attitude, and maybe you'll stop thinking of people with more experience as snobs and elitists, and realize that just like you, they're giving their opinion based on experience.
  11. Whatever dude. Sorry someone pissed in your wheaties or whatever.
  12. Rather than removing the testsite part, I think you need to add /home/xxxx/public_html/testsite/ to the beginning. You're sure that the file is in the folder you're looking in?
  13. First of all, I think you need to calm down - I'm not being a snob. You keep attacking me personally saying *I* fail or I'm a snob. I haven't said one rude thing to you. Knock it off. This is a thread where people are going to post opinions and debate the merits. If you can't handle someone asking you to defend your posts without freaking out, maybe the internet isn't the place for you. Trying to be snarky and calling people "non programming computer science elitist" is rude and uncalled for. CHILL. Secondly - ALL of the things you listed have to do with ABSTRACTION not OOP. Do you understand what abstraction is? Having worked on too many "professional" projects that use OOP which are just as gluey and cobbled together as any newbie's procedural project, I can tell you that OOP does not magically solve any problems a beginner will run into. In fact, starting out trying to do a project from scratch entirely in OOP is going to cause more problems in the long run for the OP. Now, he said he's familiar with OOP from other languages, so he'll probably be fine. The scenario you described was a beginner to programming, who didn't know the difference between an object and a hole in the ground. OOP is great. It can definitely help in a lot of ways. However, it's important to realize that it is not the be-all end-all solution to BAD PROGRAMMING. You can write crappy, messy, bad code in OOP easier than in procedural. You can write great code easier than in procedural. OOP will not fix a beginner's mistakes. It will amplify them.
  14. You can reuse procedural code just as easily as objects. What you're talking about is abstraction, not OOP. Explain HOW OOP was beneficial to your project.
  15. One dimensional array: $foo['bar'] = 'foobar'; Two dimensional array $foo['bar'][1] = 'foobar1'; Three dimensions $foo['bar'][1][$arg] = 'foobar1arg'; etc. $holidays = array(); $holiday = array(); $holiday['name'] = 'Christmas'; $holiday['month'] = '12'; $holiday['day'] = '25'; $holiday['celebrateEve'] = true; $holiday['phrases'] = array('Ho Ho Ho!', 'Merry Christmas!', 'Joy to the World!'); $holidays[] = $holiday; echo '<pre>'; print_r($holidays); Run that and see if you get it now. Add to it.
  16. Yes, your post. What the OP asked for can be done entirely in MySQL, and probably should be. Furthermore, your query uses !> which is invalid syntax. You also used the wrong column name. OP: As an aside, there's no obvious reason to use LIKE on the live column, just compare it with = .
  17. The exact same thing can be said about an application that is entirely done in OOP - OOP stuff can easily be as bad if not worse than procedural. The problem in your application was not the lack of objects.
  18. See the link in my signature.
  19. You need to start using descriptive variable names.
  20. Use an ol instead...
  21. *CI. Can't edit a post on the phone? Lamez
  22. I actually downloaded that last night and played with it, it uses CITY.
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