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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. isset($arr[$key]])
  2. Congrats
  3. I switched to CakePHP. Way more what I'm used to
  4. You'll want to use a DOM Parser. HTML is too complex to be handled by string functions, and most regex.
  5. You're charging $4/hour? Daaaaaaamn.
  6. Guys, this guy is clearly a troll. He's been a member of this site for 5 years and still doesn't understand basic database design, any coding principles, or even basic logic. He consistently "asks" for help, disagrees with the help for pages, then when he decides to try the right way acts like he can't understand english. I call foul.
  7. See all the junk PFM Posted? In what order are the words "group by" and "where"?
  8. There is no way you're going to get someone to help you debug your server and non-documented buggy app. For free.
  9. Muddy, that's not a single query.
  10. There are so many issues here. Do you really have a page for each location? Please for the love of god learn how databases work, and mod rewrite.
  11. Well, you get what you pay for. And if you paid for this app, you got a lesson. Hire a freelancer or learn PHP.
  12. That's what I have now. In the framework I've used before, the model will have an array of relations, and you say this model is a many-to-many or a belongs to. Then you just access it as $model->relatedmodel. And it's automagic. Why aren't I using that framework? Who knows. I like to make things harder on myself I guess. Edit: I'm not trying to hate on CI, I just am having trouble understanding what effort this is saving me. Why is this better than writing the SQL myself? I get using a framework that actually generates the joins and everything, but... SELECT fields FROM table LEFT JOIN table_2 on table_2.pk = table.fk WHERE pk = 1 or $this->db->select('fields')->from('users_quests')->join('quests', 'quests.user_id = users_quests.user_id')->where('users.user_id = ' . $id)->get(); or: $model->relation['table2']; $model->table2; I don't see why CI's way is helping me write code faster, and automate tasks. That's the point of a framework?
  13. I've seen systems where when I try to retrieve my username, it accepts an email that is not in their system and tells me to check my email. Or plenty of systems that don't even have forgot username, only password. So if you aren't telling me that my email or username is non-existent, I'm checking half a dozen email addresses for a reset email that will never come. And of course these sites never have tech support you can access without logging in,.
  14. I'm having trouble figuring out how to get models or controllers to interact with one another. In the frameworks I'm used to each model represents a table. It seems like CI suggests the same. So here are some tables I have: users quests users_quests users_quests contains a PK, a FK to users and an FK to quests (and some DATETIMEs). I'm in my Quests Controller. index.php/quests/view/5 (5 = pk on users_quests) What is the smart way to pull all of the users_quests data and the related quests_data. I know how to do it in pure SQL, and I know how to do it in Yii - I don't get how to do it in CI, automatically anyway. I can write a chained DB statement: pseudo code as $this->db->select('fields')->from('users_quests')->join('quests', 'columns')->where('col=5'); That seems like a ton of stupid code for a simple BELONGS TO.
  15. And I hate it when a site doesn't tell me that the username I'm trying to login as or the email I tried to use to reset my password isn't valid, and I'm just wasting my time when I'm a real user. The line has to be drawn somewhere.
  16. The URL that it submits to does NOT contain any vars in the query string, so $_GET is not the right thing to use. check if $_POST is set.
  17. This is my first time trying to do a project with CI - and of course I started the day their site was down Fortunately their user guides were hosted elsewhere for the day. I chose that lib because when I googled "User Authentication for Code Igniter" it got the most hits I'm still learning how exactly CI works. I am not 100% sure this is actually saving me time with my project :/
  18. There is a 100% change that the error you're seeing is generated BY the application. Find the code that spits it out and you'll find the problem. Did you write this application?
  19. POST can most definitely be edited. Very easily.
  20. I just have to say: A. Men. Brother.
  21. So your URL looks like page.php?product=1&promo=SANTA101 right? What does the source of the page look like when you view it in the browser?
  22. Oh, also your form is method=POST and you're checking $_GET.
  23. Yes.
  24. This is still WAAY too much code. Stop using short tags. That's probably your problem.
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