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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. Shorthand is the method you saw above. Well what you "saw" above the poster must have changed it back to normal code. SHorthand is alright it's just harder to read and confusing for new developers. It's a shortened way of writing php code to allow you to right it faster. However it's ugly to read and hard to newer programmers to understand. So it's not normally recommended.
  2. Ah, thank you for that clarification.
  3. It's because the urlfopen in the ini file is disabled. Change that if possible and it'll work.
  4. You can use file_get_contents instead.
  5. www.activecollab.com if you want some standing examples, if they still have there trial, you can get some good ideas from there database structure.
  6. Check up for mysql functions it has a date function you can put right intothe query to change them all as they are pulled from the database. Like an automatic way to do it, or form a query to go through and update them all in the db.
  7. You are not safe from mail header injections, however that's getting into a deep subject. http://www.securephpwiki.com/index.php/Email_Injection Read that carefully, but back up your code before making any changes.
  8. Well emailing them is easy. Just use the mail function and there email address to send them a quick mail. mail('emailaddress', 'subject', 'message); Google "Php mail" and you will find hundreds of references. Probably the best place for quick access to what you need is www.php.net (the manual) and www.w3schools.com if you want to know the best online book for php is http://hudzilla.org/phpwiki/index.php?title=Main_Page This is the biggest "free" book on php and would also cover everything you needed and more.
  9. It's short hand. It should be avoided whenever possible. You can read all about it here. http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/76
  10. This is another example of "data harvesting". it's a big field, and it's something that takes a lot of work. Google "data harvesting", "data mining", "php data mining", "php data harvesting".
  11. If it's based on date try using it as a unix timestamp instead, maybe they are trying to use 2 different types, and something is off. Make them timestamps so we can get an exact match.
  12. hahaha, that converter really does suck. It doesn't work worth crap... When the time comes for you to need to install the script on php 5 just try to install it and return to me what errors are present, and I can help you work through them when the time comes.
  13. Here is the file. the other's where dummy because he didn't update them. I am sure they werne't viruses (tested them). I finally found the full version and downloaded it, scanned it, and installed it. I have attached it here as a zip file for you. [attachment deleted by admin]
  14. I have verified it's not a virus. I downloaded it and scanned it. I just don't understnad why there download link is down and the other is discontinued. Onemore second.
  15. Revert back to your original code. Did you do the , emailaddresshere in your original code as I asked in the beginning. If not then try that. It's suppose to be able to take as many email addresses (separeted by comma's). If this doesn't work, then tell me what is your level of php experience. Perhaps I can help you put together something new that'll do what you are wanting.
  16. Bottom line, fact, unchangeable - Search engines do not care in any way shape or form whether it's standard xhtml spitting out the links or php. If you had a use conditional statement spitting out hundreds of links based on specific criteria, every link that is spit out, is picked up by search engines as it was a standard link.
  17. Google "php data harvesting" "php data mining" and "data mining"
  18. Don't forget to mark as solved if your question has been solved.
  19. to be honest you really don't have to worry about rewriting php 4 code to php 5. Just use a converter. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=application+to+convert+from+php+4+to+5 The changes are so minimalistic that it can really do most/all of it for you. Run that code you have through there, (one of the top 3) and it should make it php 5 compatible.
  20. Pagination is not a simple task. There are classes out there for it, pagination is one of my least favorite types of programming. I have a script I carry around and re-use. There are some good classes out ther eyou just have to have some programming knowledge to implement them properly.
  21. I HATE xml parsing. If you want the easy way I suggest searching up (xml to array) class or (xml to html) class. These are going to be your most likely, and easiest, path to take. Or you can parse them from scratch using expat, simple xml, or xml dom (all can be found in rich examples and explanations at www.w3schools.com under the php tutorials.
  22. Your brackets are mis-aligned. Count opening brackets then closing brackets and see if one has more than the other and adjust appropriately.
  23. Post your current code (all of it) from top to bottom.
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