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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. I don't really have time to look it up now. However there are 2 really good functions for this inside the codeignitor framework. 2-3 of the BEST functions I have ever found. Very simple to use, and quick. It's under file helpers, but they are amazing. I carry that set around everywhere now.
  2. I love eclipse. I was skeptical until I read obsidian's view.  However I tried it.  I have adobe's line on my desktop but now I developer on the laptop some, and it's GREAT for having here.
  3. Ah thank you for the additional advice. I am going to copy your code samples listed here for reference. Thank you again.
  4. Thank you, I was looking for that but had troubles locating it. This will answer my question in detail, thank you.
  5. So in essence if I have one class that I instantiate. I can then make a call to a function within another class without ever having to instantiate it. That is what I understood based on what you said, is that correct?
  6. What does :: mean in OOP.
  7. www.w3schools.com they just recently added tutorials UNDER php about ajax. Specifically geared towards using ajax inside of php.
  8. You are going to need to learn enough ajax to accomplish that, ajax is what will do something like that.
  9. In the db make sure there's an auto-inc ID field. Then when you are echoing your names, have a linkor button beside them goign to a delete page. Send the ID to it, then get the id with php, and use that id to delete that record.
  10. Do you have session_start() at the VERY top of every page related to the session?
  11. Don't "upload" files to a database. Upload them to a server, and put there path information in a database.
  12. require_once ('mysql_connect.php'); // Connect to the db. $var = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['region']); //retrieve the variable using superglobals // Make the query. $query = "SELECT * FROM Test WHERE Region ='$var'"; $rt = mysql_query($query); // Run the query. while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rt)) { echo "Branch: $row[branch]"; }
  13. I have an upload system that is done in Java that I installed on a client system. THey want drag/drop (from desktop)capabilities. I got one installation working, and modded. When my client adds one of there clients it creates /files a folder in here called the name of whatever she named the folder. Then creates 2 subfolders in there called client and tammy. One for her to upload files to them, and client for them to upload clients to her. Due to the programming on the appliction I worked in a workaround. I have the foldername when the admin goes to upload files, get pulled from a database and put into a textfile, I then have the file processor in php pick up the filename from the file and use it in the upload. That's fine because there's only one client in at a time. However if I do the same thing for the clients, won't it mess up if 1 goes to the page to upload something, then another one goes there before they upload and overwrites the .txt file. I am looking for any viable solution around this problem, or a point in the right direction? thanks.
  14. What is strange is for example http://blog.overdriveelectronics.com/general/looking-for-a-freelance-businessman/ that website. That is something someone just setup for me, as a link. I can't access that site at all blog.overdriveelectronics.com At all. I can't see it in firefox, ie, or opera. Friends tell me they see it, but I Can't.
  15. I found the problem. After a lot of failed googling, I started playing with some of the files. I delete the initial htaccess file in the root folder of cake's installation. It works fine now, I guess something in my configuration settings on my server was causing that error to popup when it ran into that htaccess file. Once the file is deleted then the index.php file handles the same thing anyway (not as smoothly) but it still get's handled nonetheless.
  16. Ok, I think it's about time I upgrade to IE7 anyway, I am just a little "afraid" about some clients still using IE6. I want to still be able to somehow test in IE 6 as well on the same computer.
  17. By standard default I was using firefox. It was having severe loading problems, based on some feedback off of there official site I did some tweaking to the internal configuration files for firefox and it helped some, but not my main problem. For example my hotmail email address (when I had it) loaded VERY slow, so I changed to gmail thinking it was hotmail. Then it happened in gmail after a few weeks, until 1 time I checked it using IE and it worked fast. I like the luxuries of firefox, but how often I have to check my email, it just doesn't work well. I have also checked on gmail speeds in firefox using google, and a lot of people had that problem with no known solution.
  18. Like for example, on phpfreaks.com the posts come up and everything else, but the ads inside the boxes come up as page cannot be found, that's just one example.
  19. I have seemed to have some strange problems with internet explorer lately. It comes up with the pages properly, but some side pages, and some alltogether come up as "Page Cannot Be Found". Does anyone ever have this problem or know how to fix it. Like sometimes a page comes up but some of the advertisements, or images might come up "sometimes" as page cannot be found. Any advice?
  20. I installed cakephp on 1and1.com shared hosting server. I have done a lot of research into this and can't figure out what's going wrong. Without touching anything, or modifying any code (just uploading the files from cakephp) it's suppose to show up the default webpage for cake. It doesn't it's returning
  21. I am not sure how you setup your database. If the value in the database is one you are trying to clear out, in a set of rows. Then chances are you need a small piece of code where the images are pulled to show if ($row['imagefield'] != "") { echo 'Display Image Here"; } If you are actually trying to clear an entire record from the database where the image data is present, then it might not be deleting the field. Manually check the data to see if that image was removed, or next time you run the script echo out your delete statement for the db and paste the output here.
  22. That's just importing a CSV file. You can go into phpmyadmin and use the "Import" feature to handle that for you.
  23. Then chances are there was one minor change in that version that prevents it from working. Also check for bugs on php.net.
  24. If you are wanting instant results you are going to need to google, and study Ajax.
  25. It would be a standard query. But you can also call a query inside a query. Just use the basic building blocks you know, supplied with some tactics from the following link and you should be fine... http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum88/9968.htm http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?t=264139 then google "Multiple mysql queries" for more advice.
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