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Everything posted by Ninjakreborn

  1. 1. Make 100% sure it's loaded (use the function get_loaded_extensions()) 2. If it isn't then check the ini file to make sure it's set to load. If it's loaded but not showing info from the php_info, then it might have something to do with the webhosts settings.
  2. I definitely do. I learned how from here... http://meshier.com/2007/04/21/blocking-visitors-by-country-using-php-mysql/
  3. Well it depends on what you mean. You can database the name of the file, for example the path. Use document root server variable to help track part of it, the rest is normally custom anyway. If you are wanting to set it in the form, add another field for the path and make it a hidden form field, it's an easy way to track what form it's coming from. If you meant something else, please re-specify.
  4. You have to "somewhere" manually call something to delete the specific cookie/session data from the database. As well as clear it from session history.
  5. It's probably directly related to the php version of the different servers. What are the versions of each (the working one, and the non-working one)?
  6. It would be nearly impossible to getting driving distance yourself. You can't humanly possibly map out roads, and everything else yourself. Google had literally THOUSANDS of people collecting data from around the world. Collected street names, length's of street's, length's from street to street. They did freeform calculations from one area to another to base other's off of. That's not a solo 1 man project. What you CAN do is make your "php script" visit www.mapquest.com or google maps, put in the 2 addresses, get the information and return it to your site without the use knowing. Maybe able to do it without it, but if you have problems, use curl.
  7. @ moberemk & timmy2 - thank you for the advice. @ cmgmyr & TheFilmGod - thank you for the in-depth feed back and explanation into times new romans. All advice seemed sound so I will follow it all, thanks again. @ perezf - thank you for feedback on my site, and thank you for pointing out validation errors, I will fix those today thanks for noticing.
  8. The feedback related to the site, how it's setup, and what I can do to improve it will all be followed, thank you. THe feedback about not making too many sites probably won't. I make websites for the topics I choose. Thank you for attempting to leave feedback however. Thanks again for everyone's feedback when I redo it, i will definitely be following 90% of the advice here, thanks again.
  9. Hmm, thank you for the feedback, I will implement them over the weekend when I do changes to my site. That noted, is there any advice on the layout itself (coloring, font types, graphics, anything) that I can keep in mind when I go through it and rework the suggestions you listed?
  10. Here is a personal site I am creating on the side. I installed a wiki into it as well, it just went live to the public but I am going to always be making changes/updates/additions to it. Any feedback on this one? www.psychiclifestyle.com
  11. Hmm, over the weekend I will rework all the coloring, redo all the graphics, and rewrite/enhance all the content then post back here for more feedback. Thank you for all the advice so far.
  12. Hmm ok. A little manual delving allowed me to remove the account registration feature and leave the login for admins. That was most of what I wanted to do. I have a general idea of how new user's can create pages. How do I set permissions for guests to be able to create pages, edit pages and everything except not edit locked pages.
  13. I have recently download and installed mediawiki.com. There are 3 things I am wanting to do to the system. 1. Remove the registration feature. 2. Have the login feature remaining so I can login. 3. Have the entire wiki open for the public except certain parts of it. does anyone know the best way to go about this?>
  14. The only thing that aggravates me about these kind of posts is the fact behind the post. These kinds of posts come from smoochers, and low lives. People who want a lot of stuff for free. I came by and read this going to give advice on it but instead I see some arragant, self centered, impatient person that want's to get this not only for free, but the way he wants it. Customizable services are ones you pay for. This form, and all the people on it arent' a service you are paying for. They are a group of people that come here during the free time they have to help people who deserve it, not people who are spoiled brats and can't stand being forced to wait a few hours for something that is free anyway. I can fully understand why you originally got upset and just locked the post, I would have done the same.
  15. hmm.. I have my main website. I created a site on the side, something for fun. However it's not getting traffic, and all it get's are bots doing tons of submissions (which I fixed). What can I do to this website to make it better, more attractive. To really make people want to sit down and submit content? www.very-embarrassing-moments.com I created it and just left it for a few months. Declined bot submissions as they can in but it's been like 4 months and not really 1 submission?
  16. Pros: 1. ... Cons: 1. Too bright. 2. Bad color scheme. 3. More language options would be nice? 4. Too cramped (no content then a bam, slam amount on the right hand side. 5. loads slow.
  17. Yes, I know of one called livechathelper. It's got a ticket system, and support chat system. Also check www.getafreelancer.com at there ticket system you could see where they got i. Or you could take a chatroom + ticket system + integration/customization = what you want. The best chat room I ever found was over at www.sweetphp.com Any ticket system I would build myself, you could technically use the chatroom over there and with a little flash knowledge intigrate a ticket solution within the flash program itself.
  18. Yes, I would stick with one or the other. I have both and at one point I tried to use them both I find PERSONALLY ONLY Fireworks - better at creating layouts, and simpler to setup layouts for the web. But then again inDesign is 100 times better for that, so that rules out fireworks (but I know how to use fireworks enough to allow me to interface it with any flash within flash professional.) Photoshop - everything else, light to heavy photo manipulation. If you are doing ALOT of flash then you need to grab fireworks as it can help with some of the integration features, to help you work up your flash stuff easier.
  19. It's VERY simple taking paypal donations. VERY simple. Have a buynow link on your site, without a price (so they can fill in the price they want), then alter this image with a custom one, or one of there prebuilt donation ones. There not that hard to setup.
  20. I recommend javascript over meta refresh. You can easily find any examples by googling (Javascript refresh).
  21. www.regularexpressions.info I think it is, will show you everything you need to know about "basic" regular expressions (compatible via every major language).
  22. I am trying to find something simple I can carry around. I want to ahve a form, that they can specify everything on the server, and upload files anywhere they want. Sort of like a file browser/directory lister or somethign that allows them to choose a folder and upload files to it. I can put it on a server, and have it have that access via a form. Anyone know of one, that's built using PHP?
  23. I think it might be all the white, not really the links. There is so much white(ness) that it hurts my eyes when I first visit the site, until I adjust.
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