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Everything posted by roopurt18

  1. You'd be better off just writing a piece of code that can generically do this. Then you could use it in all of your projects and it'd be less cumbersome than using an IDE.
  2. I have yet to see anyone on xbox use a sniper rifle and dominate the server; it just doesn't happen. Again, it's the thumb-stick that gets in the way. I *might* get 10 kills on a map with sniper rifle and that's if the other team has some serious brain damage going on. The PC is a different story in that regard. I've made it on top of the building in high rise with a sniper rifle and tactical insertion. The result is always amusing.
  3. You can't lurk in corners if you expect to get a high number of knife kills. Lurking you might pull of 5 to 10 kills in a map. You have to go balls-to-the-wall and sprint around like a maniac. Watch your map and figure out which way they're headed and flank them. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten 3 people in the back all clumped together before the fourth person even starts to turn around and I usually get him too. There's only one strategy to fight against a maniac with a knife. Back yourself into a corner and watch every opening. As a team you can try and hold a building and cover all of the entrances. But if you try either I'll pick up on it after a couple of failed knife attempts near the vicinity. Then out comes my grenade launching "whore" class and I'll clear out that building in a heartbeat and get another kill streak reward on top of it. FYI this is all on xbox. It doesn't work as well on PC because of the extreme accuracy and flexibility a mouse and keyboard afford you.
  4. Because the game controls are not balanced. I can get 20 to 30 kills running around stabbing people or launching grenades because I don't have to worry about aiming with that retarded right thumb-stick. Knifing rarely leads to high kill streaks; my highest with knifing is probably 10 and it's extremely rare. Knifing lends itself well to the low kill streak rewards. It's not difficult to get 3 kills with a knife, pop the UAV and get two more. That gets you a predator which is good for one more kill. The care package will either be crap or great but you'll get 2 to 4 care packages per game with the knife. The grenade launcher has awesome range, requires less aim, and with danger close is instant kill to anyone in the vicinity. Add in one man army and you have unlimited ammo and unlimited claymores. All you need to do is a take a high ground position, block off the entrances with claymores, and launch away. Use an attack helicopter, pavelow, and ac130 as your rewards and you can rack the kills up. Try and do that with an assault rifle. You have to have pin-point precision to hit anything and my right thumb just can't do it. Now if the game supported mouse and keyboard I'd be using assault rifles all day long. I have the game on both PC and xbox. I'm lucky to get kills on xbox with the famas. On the PC I can rape the map with famas. It's ridiculous.
  5. So I had no interest in seeing this movie whatsoever and even less after reading the article. IMO the overuse of CGI has completely ruined most movies in recent years; well, CGI and the absurdly durable bodies the characters, creatures, monsters, or whatever else inhabit. Anyways, my fiancee's sister really enjoyed it. Then my co-worker came in last week blathering about how I should go see it in 3D. So last night we finally went to see it, although not in 3D. I enjoyed it.
  6. IMO if you want to level quickly unlock the tactical knife for the USP asap and just knife people with marathon, lightweight, and combat perks. For the killstreaks the regular three (uav, care package, and predator missile) are great for this setup. It's not difficult to get 15 to 30 kills with that setup which equates to a lot of experience. Once people become wise to your strategy they'll back into corners in buildings with heartbeat sensors, so have a class with an assault rifle as a stand-by. Later when you get it, an undermounted grenade launcher with frag grenades / claymore (depends on map), one man army, danger close, and scrambler can cause pure havoc.
  7. xXxDaNi3LBoYPwNsYeWxXx That got a chuckle out of me. I play counter strike source as "My Little Pwny" or "Optwnus Prime" on occassion; my PC handle for MW2 is tdg|w00t I think. Anyways last night on the xbox I finally unlocked the tactical knife attachment for my USP handgun. I ran around with: ump usp w/ tactical knife semtex flashbang marathon pro lightweight pro combat pro uav -> care package -> predator On some of the maps it's just brutal. Within the first minute I'd have 5 or 6 kills on a streak, suicide and then build them back up again. About half way through the map all of the opposing team had backed themselves into corners to avoid my knifes. So I laid low for a few then started unloading all my care packages and predators. Finished above 30 kills more than once that way.
  8. From my experience, you can not order the individual statements that constitute the UNION. select * from table1 order by col1 <-- BAD (and pointless anyways) union select * from table2 order by col1 <-- Applies to entire result set, meaning all statements in the union Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.
  9. Be careful when restricting by IP. People on shared networks or sharing a proxy will be restricted unintentionally.
  10. I'd do this with AJAX. 1) User clicks button 2) You post an "init" event to timer.php using AJAX. timer.php records the timestamp in $_SESSION['init_tm']. 3) You then create a string in JavaScript 1024 or 2048 characters in length. Post this to timer.php as an "upload" event. timer.php records the timestamp in $_SESSION['end_tm'] 4) Make one more AJAX request to timer.php as a "calculate" event. timer.php subtracts the time between 'end_tm' and 'init_tm' that were stored in $_SESSION. That's the duration of the request. Divide the size of the string sent by the duration and that's your MB / s upload rate. Display to the user.
  11. The world operates in cycles.
  12. Without extra help on your part, this is true. However it would not be difficult to keep a stack of "request history" where the URL and POST data was saved. You could then perform a "go back to history item X in the past" by using HttpRequest and posting to your own site the same data it received.
  13. Whats the code for testupdate.php?
  14. @ignace I highly recommend you read through the content on this site; with this site and a little practice you'll be proficient in regexp in no time: http://www.regular-expressions.info/
  15. I always thought Rage's "Know Your Enemy" was a better song.
  16. I wanted to be a video game programmer from about age 12 or 13 and bought a C++ book my sophomore year in high school. My senior year in high school I took a Visual Basic 5 course at the community college as well. I went to University of California, Santa Cruz as a computer science major. Eventually I dropped out of UCSC and transferred to California State University, San Marcos where I graduated with a B.S. in computer science and a minor in physics. After graduating my first job was in PHP / MySQL development and my current position is PHP / PostgreSql / Sql Server. I'm most proficient in PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS Sql Server, JavaScript, HTML, CSS as I use them professionally. I have professional, albeit limited, experience with FoxPro, C, C++, and C#. I've written programs for various purposes in all of the following: C++, C, Java, JavaScript, Visual Basic 5, C#, Perl, Standard ML, Prolog, MIPS (assembler), HC11, Pascal, FoxPro and probably some I've forgotten. At one time I was moderately familiar with Microsoft's MFC library for creating GUI C++ applications. I've written all sorts of applications as part of my education. I'd say my three favorite college projects were: 1) The 3D space-shooter game I wrote 2) The mock refrigerator that determines which groceries you need to buy (for my artificial intelligence source) 3) The 4-bit CPU I built on a bread board and then programmed (as part of my physics courses, don't ask me why it was a physics course) I did have to write a simple compiler once; it wasn't my favorite project but it was an enlightening one. I've read many, many books related to programming. Most of them are related to specific languages, but some are more theoretical or focus on tips and tricks. One interesting series of books are the "Game Programming Gems" series. I'm sure I left some things out but that's a decent summary of the things I've played with.
  17. Use JavaScript to send the timestamp of the client's machine with the initial upload. As soon as the upload is finished, user JavaScript on the client's machine to send the timestamp again. That will give you the time required to upload the file plus a little extra for the basic communication with the server.
  18. As far as exceptions are concerned, you might make that a configuration flag for your classes. Sometimes it's useful to have third party classes throw Exceptions; sometimes it's not.
  19. Inheritance can help you here. You can write a validate() method and your create() method can just call validate(). If a specific application needs to expand on your basic User object, it can create a new class that extends it and override your pre-existing validate() method.
  20. I'm not sure what kind of threading support PHP has on Windows, but you can fork() in Linux. Anyways, the best thing to do in your case is: 1) User submits form 2) Page saves a flag in the database, responds to user that request is pending 3) A cron job or scheduled task checks for the database flag, if the flag is set the script is run 4) Notify the user via e-mail when the job is finished.
  21. The best thing to do here is look at the update statement just prior to handing it off to the database: <?php echo '<pre>' . print_r( $sql, true ) . '</pre>'; ?> Does the statement look correct?
  22. I've never heard of PHP frames so I have no idea what you're talking about. Anyways you can probably just drop your stuff inside a div with appropriate overflow styling.
  23. This thread may be helpful: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,277182.msg1310876.html#msg1310876
  24. You're going to need to use XHR (or AJAX if you prefer) and polling to make this work. XHR is where you use JavaScript to send requests back to the server "behind the scenes" so that the browser page doesn't reload. There are many, many tutorials on XHR so I'll leave it up to you to read about it. My suggestion is make a couple of really simple XHR examples work to just get the feel for what you're doing. As far as your specific question: 1) When the user submits the request, send it via XHR. 2) Start a JavaScript timer and every X seconds send another XHR request to the server to get the status of the original request. 3) The server's response to #2 should tell you in what state the original request is in or if it's finished. 4) Update a portion of the page using HTML DOM to reflect the status gained in #3. #2 and #3 combined are called polling; the JavaScript page is constantly asking the server what's going on with the request: "Are you done yet?" "Are you done yet?" "Are you done yet?" "Are you done yet?" "Are you done yet?" "Are you done yet?" "Are you done yet?" "You are? Great!"
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