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Everything posted by tomfmason

  1. instead of reinventing the wheel I would use a third party api like http://www.zeepmobile.com/ (free but ad supported)
  2. tomfmason

    Cron Job Help

    a quick google search found http://www.siteground.com/tutorials/cpanel/cron_jobs.htm
  3. um yeah you can eg ?foo[]=test&foo[bar]=baz&foo[bar][baz]=foo Array ( [0] => test [bar] => Array ( [baz] => foo ) ) Also, you could send the javascript object as a json string and then decode it server side rather quickly and without having to loop through the array in javascript to construct the proper url
  4. you can just scp it over cat your_key | ssh user@host 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
  5. Does it have to be an ip address? If you can use a domain you could go the hackish route and add that domain to your hosts file on the local system. Then in your db add the domain name and the local socks port for the proxy. For example: #usage this_script domain local_port user@host echo $1 >> /etc/hosts ssh -f -D $2 $3 an example usage would be bash script.sh foo.com 8000 user@serverip then you could use the foo.com domain and 8000 for the port.
  6. you can get a cheap vps for less than $10/month. I imagine they wont have a problem with you installing squid
  7. no. The proxy address would be a local one(localhost,, etc). using linux or mac you could: ssh -D port user@host you would then use for your proxy address
  8. tomfmason


    Well the first thing that comes to mind is that it is extremely easy(with skilled developers) to have a production app up and running in a short period of time. My first major project using rails was for a patent research firm(2005 or so) and even with me knowing little to no ruby and having absolutely no rails experience I was(almost single-handedly) able to have a complex production worthy app ready in under a month. Although that should be the case with nearly any web development framework. Here are some of the advantages of using a framework(almost regardless of the language it is written it) enables rapid development virtually forces codding standards cuts back on repetitive code Although if I were looking to learn a high performance and easy to use framework I would use django(python)
  9. tomfmason


    I would say it is definitely worth learning. imho, the ruby language is elegant. Although I think that the 'new' has worn off of rails by now and people are starting to see that it is a resource hog when compared to python or php frameworks.
  10. with a quick google search I found http://www.t4vn.net/tutorials/showtutorials/An-Introduction-to-Mcrypt-and-PHP.html although it is php4
  11. I am not seeing anything like that.
  12. I don't really do much freelancing any more but when I do I almost always follow the same process for determining the bid. Here are the questions I always ask my self when working out a bid(assuming solo project obviously) 1) What hourly rate is fair for the work? - Some work is harder,more stressful etc than others. So, naturally a "fair" hourly rate depends on the hassle involved. For example, I am likely to charge 1.5-2x higher hourly rate for working with an existing code base or if the client is annoying. 2)What features are required and how long will it take me for complete those feature? Once I figure out my hourly and have a good estimate of the time required to complete the work I normally add 5-10 hours to that because things rarely, if ever, work out as I planned.
  13. If you have a dedicated server or vps you could use openmeetings in combination with red5 media server
  14. Yeah just add the table name after the db. Like this: mysqldump --opt -c -e -Q -q --single-transaction -u root YOUR_DB YOUR_TABLE > /path/to/YOUR_TABLE.sql
  15. Here is an excerpt from a bash script that I used to use for backing up my entire server backup.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash function backup_sql() { dbs=`mysql -u root --batch -e "SHOW DATABASES;"` backup_dir=/backups/mysql/ for db in $dbs; do if [ "$db" != "Database" ]; then mysqldump --opt -c -e -Q -q --single-transaction -u root $db > $backup_dir/$db.sql fi done } if type "$1" | grep -qF "$1 is a function"; then "$@"; fi Usage: backup.sh backup_sql If you only want to backup one db just do something like this mysqldump --opt -c -e -Q -q --single-transaction -u root YOUR_DB > /path/to/YOUR_DB.sql I now use LVM snapshots for backing up/migrating my mysql server.
  16. I just sent you a PM and didn't see an error. Can you screen shot it for us?
  17. Although this current incident is not directly related to SMF I am still for a switch. Believe me when I say I tried to make a connection to SMF but I really don't think there is one. It doesn't appear that they brute forced their passwords either. So it could still end up being some unknown exploit in SMF but I don't think that is the case.
  18. I usually watch http://www.milw0rm.com/ for the latest exploits.
  19. I completely agree. I like to think of my self as a good coder(more like a jack of all trades when it comes to web/network development) but I don't really consider my self a nerd. I know I defiantly don't look like a nerd with all of my tattoos and hair. Most people are really surprised, after first meeting me, that I even know what a computer is. I bet they expect someone like me to work in construction or something
  20. With ssl you need to use the IP. Also, you should note that only one ssl per IP will work with apache. There is a work-around for that but it isn't supported by all browsers. I recommend that you do something like: NameVirtualHost NameVirtualHost <VirtualHost> ServerAdmin info@domain1.com ServerName mail.domain1.com DocumentRoot /var/www/roundcube/ <Directory "/var/www/roundcube"> Order deny,allow allow from all </Directory> #PHP config (stripped) #SSL (stripped) </VirtualHost> Instead of using name based virtual hosting I would recommend IP based like in the example above. You could do a simple rewrite but imho that isn't really needed. In your main vhost for each domain add the following. All requests to any subdomain that doesn't have it's own vhost will be ran through that main vhost. ServerAlias *.domain.tld
  21. Well, for *real* php applications you are down to three choices - CakePHP, Zend or Symfony. imho, both Zend and Symfony over complicate things to the point were they just plain are annoying to work with. I have worked on numerous "enterprise level" applications using RoR, Python (via django and turbo gears), Java (spring) and networking applications using python's twisted framework. With that said, I have never worked on a larger project like that which was based in php. If I were going to do it I would most likely use Cake over the others. I have also worked on one large durpal based project - http://www.drummerconnection.com/ with the owner of this site(phpfreak aka Eric Rosebrock). I can tell you now that I hated every second that I was forced to use it.
  22. Durpal sucks, imho. It is fat/bloated and uses eval alot. I personally like wildflower. It doesn't have as many "features" as some of the really crappy CMSes do but it is simple to work with and built on top of an industry standard framework(CakePHP).
  23. I worked as tech support/in-house development for MOPH and made $35/hour. I did a lot more than just email support though. To be completely honest I bet they would give you a salary position and I would be amazed if it were over $1500-$2000/month. Unless they are a large hosting company and you are really skilled.
  24. Which LiveCD would you recommend? What commands would I have to input? cfdisk, what else? or is this a press [1] for partitioning [2] to view partitions on the HD, etc? I use the gparted live cd for things like this. Also, you could hide the linux partition and install windows(may have to edit boot.ini for windows). Then fix grub.
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