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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. [quote author=jcombs_31 link=topic=123063.msg508522#msg508522 date=1169209773] Honestly, I don't think a book can teach you to design a site.  You need to just keep trying over and over. Keep looking around for inspiration and see how others do it.  I think the first few sites I ever attempted all looked horrible. [/quote] He said he can make the design, but he is not aware of how he would make it into a website. That is at least how I read it. If that is the case, then I guess that a book is able to teach you it. [quote author=Nameless12 link=topic=123063.msg508388#msg508388 date=1169179756] I think php5 objects, patterns and practice by apress would be a good book for you depending on your skill level of course I found I did not learn much when I read it as I knew most of the stuff but for you that may be different. http://www.apress.com/book/bookDisplay.html?bID=358 [/quote] He is talking about web design, not programming/coding design patterns.
  2. It is all custom coded. It is maintained by the administrators.
  3. It may be some custom algorithm. If you got it in your code, post it here so we can see it.
  4. Saw this on Digg. Haven't tried it much, but it seems pretty good though.
  5. http://www.gentoo.org - for the more advanced users (i.e. not me >_< )
  6. I voted Windows because that's the one I've been using most lately, but I like Linux a lot as well (even though I'm not very good at it).
  7. First of all: What you put as the key is a constant named 'username'. DO NOT DO THAT (I've seen that so many times). You need to encapsulate it in single or double quotes. Now what the problem actually is, is that you have not run session_start() before trying to use sessions. A good idea is to place it at the top of your script.
  8. To make Apache parse .html files as PHP, add this to your httpd.conf file: [code]AddType application/x-httpd-php .html[/code]
  9. [code]$newvar = join(', ',$_POST['var_name']);[/code]
  10. [quote author=SemiApocalyptic link=topic=122655.msg506151#msg506151 date=1168966258] Wouldn't get too excited, the majority of hosts are still running version 4, even though 5 has been out for ages... I bet that v4 is still common-place when 6 is released. [/quote] Yeah, it's so annoying when servers are running stuff like Apache 1.3, PHP 4 and MySQL 4. Why don't those #¤%"! upgrade their software?!?!?!
  11. Check this out: http://www.jadeintegration.com/jackpc.php Pretty cool, I think.
  12. You can try it out here: http://snaps.php.net/. I have no idea when it's going stable/final though.
  13. [code]width: 100px; width: 20px;[/code]
  14. I only read the title (sorry, I was lazy), so sorry if this doesn't answer it. Now we say frame a has the name frame_a and frame b has frame_b. You can do it using javascript: [code]frame_a.location.reload(true);[/code] (I think)
  15. I don't think that is possible.
  16. Daniel0

    such a thing?

    You can do it with [url=http://script.aculo.us/]script.aculo.us[/url]. I also think you can do it with XForms.
  17. I like the idea about magic quotes, register globals, safe mode and register long arrays to be removed, but I unfortunately think that this will make many hosts not upgrade or wait long time. At least we will get people code their scripts better. I also like that ASP style tags are removed, there isn't really any good use for them. I like that you are able to do e.g. [tt]$var[2,5][/tt] like in Python.
  18. May I ask why you added a poll?
  19. Looks pretty good, but the light bulb logo thing stands a little too much out IMO.
  20. I don't like splash screens, but if you absolutely want it make sure that you align your animation (see attachment) and redirect your users to the actual index instead of asking if they want to view it again. Now for the actual index page: - Make it centered or 100% wide. - The text "Menu" and "Siddhi Infomedia" aren't at their correct positions. - Make "Quick Links" bold - Where it says "Web services" and "Software development", make the text closer to the headline. - Is there supposed to be some text where it says "Showcases"? - The W3C button ruins the layout and is positioned wierd on my resolution. - On the menu buttons, make people able to click the buttons so they won't have to click on the text (I think [tt]display:block[/tt] will fix that). [attachment deleted by admin]
  21. Login bar doesn't work. Don't use Times New Roman. No marquees. Don't call your page "Index". Get some way to make the menu stand out from the rest of the page.
  22. I think it looks good, except that the "Latest advertisments" (I suppose "Laatste advertenties" means that) looks weird in some way. Sometimes the image is in the bottom and sometimes it it at the top.
  23. Just use [tt]or echo "Error: error message here";[/tt] instead then or make your own function to handle errors and then you could do something like this: [code]<?php $link = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or echo "MySQL error: ".mysql_error()."<br />"; ?>[/code] You could also use trigger_error: [code]<?php $link = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR); ?>[/code]
  24. You need to be really careful with the code provided by AJReading. Make you sure intval the value or run it through mysql_real_escape_string
  25. Daniel0


    I don't think there is any difference (other than how it looks), just use whatever you prefer.
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