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Everything posted by Azu

  1. there are more on other pages too.... now, let me ask you... Who r3ally Cares??? not the feds... If you want to have errors in your code which force people to add automatically error checking and correction for every possible error you could make, thus significantly bloating and slowing down and decreasing the stability of all popular browsers, then by all means, continue to put up invalid code. If not, then make sure that your code is standards compliant. The W3C validator makes this extremely easy to do. Judging by your "grammar" (or extreme lack there-of) I'm guessing that you are one of those people that simply does not care whatsoever how horrible what they say and write is, as long as it is possible to decipher, so my wisdom is probably falling on death ears. But at least I tried
  2. Hmm could somebody please answer my original question though? I'd really appreciated it
  3. I am pretty sure that it is impossible, because it is post data, and it is over https secure connection. Paypal MIGHT have made a log of it somewhere, but I doubt it, and if they did I think they would only hand it over to law enforcement. So you are probably out of luck. Unless your browser is still open and everything and you haven't closed it yet then you MIGHT be able to press the back button until you get to the form page and then your info MIGHT still be there, but this is a big IF. Other then that, I think the only way to retrieve it is if you had some kind of packet logger running and you could use it to look at the packets that your browser sent.
  4. I'm not sure how to set Firefox to not tell the server that it accepts gzip and deflate, and it does that in all HTTP requests so I'm pretty sure it's not that. On the website you linked, it says I have tried removing the javascript, but it did not effect the load time. I have timers in PHP for measuring how long it takes to generate a page, and it says it's only taking around 0.01983 seconds to generate the page. I'm very very confused as to why it is so slow in Firefox but running fine in other browsers... but other sites I visit run fast in Firefox.. Could you please try opening it in Firefox and a different browser and see if it happens to you also, or if it's just me? :s
  5. Can somebody please tell me why this is so slow? It's just a little PHP generated css file being included, but Firefox keeps taking 5 seconds to open it, even though it is on my computer already, is only 1KB, and is generated in like a millisecond. I'm guessing it has something to do with the headers, so I will list them below; I had something like this happen before when I was sending a Content-Length header that was bigger then the file actually was, and this hanged Firefox because it was waiting for the rest of the file to be sent. But it is correct now, and is returning 304, so shouldn't it be instant? Why is adding 5 seconds to the load time of every page that includes it? =S And this is only happening in Firefox, not Opera or Internet Explorer. But if I don't include this little css file, the pages all open instantly, so it's not a problem with Firefox being slow. Here is a demo where you can see the slowness in action (if you are using Firefox) http://tso.hopto.org/example Please tell me how I can fix it..
  6. Oh right a function. Thanks ^^ that works great.
  7. Hi, I know that there is no standards compliant way to do this in plain HTML. I thought there might be a way in XHTML though.
  8. Hmm.. I tried putting the <head></head> at the end.. but then it complains about my <body></body> and says my <html></html> isn't finished o_O <?header("Content-type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=iso-8859-1");?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"><body><ins>Hello!</ins></body><head><title></title></head></html> Fails W3C =(
  9. Hi, the way my pages are generated, the title is created last. I could make it come first, but the performance would be a little bit slower then. So I am just wandering, is there a way that I can have the <title></title> near the end of the page while still being xhtml1.1 compliant? And if not, is there at least a way to make it so that it won't mess anything up? It seems to work right in FF/Opera/IE but I want to be sure it works right all the time.
  10. Because I have this big if(){} thing and half-way through it, if a certain condition is met/not met, then it should not run the rest of the if. I was just wandering if there is an elegant way to break out of it, instead of putting the whole rest of the if(){} inside of yet ANOTHER if(){}.. o_o
  11. Hi, can somebody please tell me which command I should use to break out of an if(){blah blah}? In a while(){blah blah} I would use "break;" but that doesn't seem to work in an if(){blah blah}. I know that I could just put all of the rest of the if in {} and use if false so that it will only do the rest of the if if the condition isn't meant, but that is very sloppy and ugly and I really just want to know a function to just break out of the if(){} please..
  12. Oh okay thanks for banning him. Damn spammers >_<
  13. I'm just worried about worms and such that scan common ports to see if a computer is alive or not. Currently port 80 is the only common port that I have open, and I would really like a way to have it stealthed without blocking out people trying to legitmately use my site. If there isn't a way to have it on another port, is there a way to make it so it will only accept valid connections? Like have it drop the packet if there is no valid request header or something like that?
  14. Please tell me how to make it so that as soon as MySQL starts, all of my MyISAM and InnoDB tables are loaded into RAM so that after that they don't have to be read from disk (and any changes to them are made to the one in the RAM and also committed to disk)
  15. Which is exactly why WoW isn't all that fun, it becomes a job. Unless you're happy leveling up one character after another, constantly completing the same quests, then it runs out of new things to do rather quickly. And honestly, how many times can you collect 15x Troll's Blood, 10x Magic Mushrooms, 2x Some_Other_Item and still be enthralled by it? Once you hit the level cap, the whole game is gear oriented. As far as PvP goes you can have great skills but lose to some noob who happened to do more PvE, which is retarded. If you want the best gear, and honestly who plays an RPG and doesn't care about their gear, you have to PvE. You can't even buy the gear off the auction house or other players because of the stupid Bind on Pickup system, where once a character "owns" a piece of gear it can never be given to another character. I'm not going to bother on what a pain it is to have to run the same dungeon over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again hoping you'll finally get that last piece of gear you want from there. Then when you finally reach a point where you're mostly happy with your gear, Blizzard releases new content with new gear that totally blows everything else away and you start all over again. There's a list of about 20 things they'd have to do before I seriously considered playing that game again. I used to like Blizzard's games because they were fun, fun, fun. But WoW isn't about fun. From a business standpoint it's a huge success, but from a fun factor it rates with rubbing my nuts against sand paper on one side and cactus on the other. Now, I may have given you the impression that I want things to come quickly and easily, which is entirely untrue. I have nothing against investing some time into my character so that I can be that uber cool internet bad ass. I don't have any problem with the time it took to level a toon, I don't have any problem with doing quests, I don't have any problem with running some dungeons at end game to get some gear, etc. Here is what I do have a problem with. The first time I went to the Molten Core dungeon was 11-14-2005 and the last time I went there where I got a piece of gear I wanted was 6-14-2006; I know the exact dates from the DKP records from my guild website. That's 7 months of the same god damned dungeon, one time per week (because of reset timers), with 39 other people. Do you have any idea how tedious that is? To take 40 people every week into a dungeon, kill 10 bosses, and only receive ~20 pieces of loot? At best only half of the entire player base in the raid will get a piece of loot. And as people get their items and redundant items drop, most of it ends up going to waste. Towards the end of it you have 40 people spending 3 to 4 hours and out of the ~20 items, only a couple actually get taken. The rest just gets disenchanted. Now you said you won't accept the "game devs don't make good games" argument, but what do you call that type of design? It was no accident. WoW is not designed to be fun, it's designed to be a job. Now you're counter-argument will most likely include, "But no one forced you to partake in that, it was all voluntary." And to some extent that is true. But like I said before, if you want the most out of WoW, you have to put in serious amounts of time to the point it becomes at least a part-time job. If you still enjoy it though, kudos to you. You can play 10 minutes a day and get to level 70 with all the best gear in the game. If you want to "beat" the game faster, then obviously it will take more time. Noone holds a gun to your head saying "you MUST play 15 hours a day", though. Yes, fun things tend to be addictive. That's a fact of life. Because most people like to have fun. And addictions tend to be timesinks. It's a fact of life, nothing specific to world of warcraft or even to games. And noone forces you to make new characters over and over and do the same quests over and over either. If it's not fun for you then go find another game, or maybe you just aren't meant to play games.
  16. Just stick all of the PHP files into a single PHP file instead of using includes.
  17. Can a PHP script edit itself? And if so would it be faster to store/retrieve information this way instead of using a database? Or would it be slower?
  18. Thanks, I was thinking of doing that, but I'm worried it might not be legal to scrape all their words and stuff. It could eat up some bandwidth and the owner might get mad. :s
  19. That won't work if somebody uses an ampersand that is not surrounded in spaces. And if you don't port the spaces there, then it will mess up other entities. So there is no simple REGEX solution for this. There are some already existing functions that will do the job easily, though. Like the one neel listed above. And dbrim, I think you understood it correctly. And the multi-line is probably there so that if there is an entity that starts on one line and ends on another, the regex will not goof up.
  20. With some services like no-ip you can get a domain name and have it so all ports are redirected to a certain port. Can somebody please tell me a way I can do this with a single port? So that the domain name works normal unless someone tries to connect with a certain port (80) then I would like it to redirect to a different port. But only redirect this one port instead of all of them? I want to do this so that I can have my firewall block port 80 so port scanners won't find open ports if they scan my IP, but if someone types in my domain into their browser it will work without them having to type :PORT after it. Cause basically right now if I change my webserver to use a different port people will have to type :port after the URL. I want to fix it so they don't have to, but without having port 80 open on my computer.
  21. Linux hands down.There's the first uninformed post in the thread.Nah. I could have made a big 10 page long post explaining my reasoning behind it, it's just that that would have taken a long time and noone would have read it anyways.
  22. Let's just all say "people" instead of "genocidal people" because everyone knows what "people" means, and "genocidal people" are a type of "people" just like "crackers" are a type of "hackers".
  23. Thanks, I need to have some kind of info about what kind of word it is though, or else I can't do anything with them except make a totally random string of a bunch of totally random words (E.G. car tree ran blue the) which would be pretty pointless and useless.. can you please tell me if you know of a URL on that page that has says if it is a verb or noun or whatever? There is like 100 links and it will take me a while to read all of those websites, so I am hoping maybe you know of which one? o_o
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