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Everything posted by TheFilmGod

  1. Not to get into a big arguement here but FF runs slower on my computer than IE (I'm not saying FF is faster or slower on all machines, but it is for mine.) does and by removing flash I effectivly remove all advertisments. You must be running windows vista. Always microsoft screws something up. I had this problem for 6 months and then one day FF went BING! and it worked. No pun intended.
  2. There's always a shortcut - become a very popular website that google gives you an authoritative rank from the get-go.
  3. Why don't you make the bottom-margin for the body really big so that the scrollbar will always exist?
  4. Basic floats 101: Container (<div> or <p>) will shrink wrap its width unless specific width is given. So to float 2 paragraphs on the same line you must specify a width for both so that the added width doesn't exceed the total line width. OR you could make one of those paragraphs smaller. The order doesn't matter - you're floating them and "in theory" they should be on the same line. The reason they aren't on the same line is because they are too big to be both on the same line. Change their widths as necessary. The reason your *hacked solution works is because your floating one paragraph over and the second one wraps around as necessary as no width is set on that paragraph.
  5. Why are you using a table? Stick the thead, tbody, and tfoot in separate divs. Then use position: fixed;
  6. Why not just use tables? CSS is awesome, but its support when it comes down to replacing tables is terrible.
  7. Not entirely correct. You can use its parents (position: relative) and use it to center the page.
  8. Are you using a font-family? Always specify a websafe default font.
  9. LMAO. My calc teacher would love this.
  10. Looks pretty good. You probably used some template. It doesn't have a unique feel to it. I swear I have seen something just like it before... at least something very similar to it.
  11. Why is everything an image? Very very bad for SEO. You got to use text.
  12. That's probably the first time I saw someone use that smiley on these forums. Was this a mistake?
  13. I don't know how I feel about that UN picture editted to look like a compass... http://www.lilleyandgillie.co.uk/landg/services/equipment_services.php
  14. I would rather pay for some professional do to do my website than save thousands letting you do it. Your website is done unprofessionally. Where are the <h2> tags? Any <h#> for that fact... That javascript is cheesy. Use some old fashion icons.
  15. You'll need to use some creative javascript... jquery is great for stuff like this.
  16. Well the website isn't a webpage. It's an html page done for multipart email messaging. That's all you should say that the interview. It hits home on everything.
  17. Use text-indent on the paragarphs. Increase line-height. Make header navigation links change on hover. Conserve more space up top. Add a nice footer. use more icons. Image should be balanced on all 4 corners (my pet peeve) so bottom corners should be curved at least a little. You could def. shape up your coding. You can take out one of those footer divs. And append the background image to the maincontent div and push the background image all the way to the bottom. It sounds complicated, but css makes it easy. Why are using <br /> to create margin between headings. That's a big no. You're missing alt tags - another big no.
  18. No. You should keep all messages saved in your database. Sounds inefficient, but if you properly configure/build mysql and index your records, there should be no problem in querying 2 million + messages. You could however, use summary tables for speed. Rember, when it comes to performance -> normalization techniques don't apply. Better performance != less diskspace. It's the other way around -> more diskspace you use = better performance. To improve performance, you'll might need to copy the same message 2 or even 3 times. Copy these messages ins ummary tables which could speed up lookups. :-\
  19. I'm designing a website where I want to make the left toolbar dynamic/static. The toolbar is complicated. It has two panels that be toggled through by two tabs at the top. Click one to show it and hide the other. Things get more complicated though. users will be able to maximize/minimize and move the elements (<li>) around within each panel. That can all be easily done with some fancy pantsy jquery/css, but what I truly would like to make it dynamic throughout the ENTIRE website using php. Some pages would want to keep the toolbar static. Content doesn't change. Other pages might have the "login" panel and I need php to automatically detect whether it should give it the default/page current/... etc. So far I figured this out... In the php realm I would do something like: build_toolbar('right') or build_toolbar('left') to build the toolbar with either the left or right side panel open. Pretty easy... but how would I go around detecting whether the page has page-specific elements, which order of elements I need to build things, and let the elements dynamically interact with the php pages. For example, if someone is registering, I want the side panel to show there step 1/3... but I don't want to copy and paste use the same code multiple times in three different php files but just one. For easy editting... Hope that makes. Today my brain got numb so I just procrastinated and designed some other pages. Thanks!
  20. For some reasons it works now. I don't know what to say.. this php stuff is crazy. It works/doesn't work whenever it feels like. I'll investigate tomorrow. Off to bed now.
  21. This has got to be a php bug! This is really weird. I require() a file which has numerous functions in it that I call within the main php file later on. AS such: <?php // Require page directory handler require ('page_builder.php'); // Define unique page elements $page['name'] = 'login'; ?> <html> ... html crap ... <? build_toolbar(); // defined in page_builder.php file that was required earlier ?> ... html crap .. </html> Very simple. Works like a charm when the required file is in the same directory as the main file. But when i move the required file into its own directory (away from the main file), php pukes out: "Call to undefined function "build_toolbar();" For some reason php is not registering my functions when I put the required file deep into some directory. This is a problem, because I'm using the require function for a reason... aRG! This doesn't make sense.
  22. To get the browser to cache images do you need to use a specific src address. I read somewhere (long time ago) that browsers don't cache images with an absolute address - http://www... etc. Is this true?
  23. What is this website even about? About page is a privacy policy... about page != (should not equal) privacy policy for legal purposes... etc. etc.
  24. I just finished designing the front end for a huge application - biggest project I have made so far. After all the html/css/javascript design it seems like it won't be easy to design all the php/sql to put it all together. So my question is - do you like programming the back end more or designing the front end? I personally like designing more as it's a little easier for me (little experience with php). Maybe someone has tips on programming the backend? Is using a php framework as helpful as the jquery framework is for javascript?
  25. Yes, the doctype is crucial in having IE in standards complaint mode.
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