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  1. Hi PHP Experts, I need some help. I have two tables as follows names table id name man_no 1 Alex 12340 2 Anne 12341 3 Ben 12342 4 Jude 12343 5 Carlos 12344 6 Goofy 12345 scores table id score man_no 1 12 12340 2 5 12341 3 0 12342 1st query $query = "SELECT * FROM names'"; $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query); ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)); $name = $row["name"]; $mat_no = $row["man_no"]; 2nd query $query = "SELECT * FROM scores WHERE man_no='$man_no'"; $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query); ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)); $man_no = $row["man_no"]; Then var_dump($score); gives me string '12' (length=2) string '5' (length=1) string '0' (length=1) null null null Now, here is my question: The Names table will always have people who do not have scores as the scores are added when available. The first query gets the man numbers and using the man numbers, queries for each man number's associated score, returning nill where a score is unavailable. What I want is to get a result set that only incldes scores available in mysql without the null values, a way to avoid null values in the result set. I am still learning joints so I do ask that your help deals with individual queries as I am not yet at a I can use joins. Is it possible to restrict mysql results to only when an entry is available in MySQL. In the above example, is there a clause I can add to the query to only return results where a value was found? Or may be killing the null values after the query? I could not find a way to kill them! My aim is to have: string '12' (length=2) string '5' (length=1) string '0' (length=1)
  2. I am trying to get all the "posts" from a users friends list on their news feed. I'm trying to do so by getting all those posts where the user is the initiator_user_id and get all the posts from the friend_user_id then I want to get all the posts from initiator_user_id where the user's id is the friend_user_id. This is what I have that's messing up: $wallsql= $conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM activity f INNER JOIN wp_bp_friends n1 ON (n1.initiator_user_id=f.user_id) INNER JOIN wp_bp_friends n2 ON (n2.friend_user_id=f.user_id) WHERE (n1.friend_user_id=:userid) OR (n2.initiator_user_id=:userid) ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT 8'); $wallsql->bindParam(':userid', $_SESSION['uid']); $wallsql->execute(); Previously this works but it only gets the posts where the user is the initiator_user_id: $wallsql= $conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM activity f INNER JOIN wp_bp_friends n2 ON n2.friend_user_id=f.user_id WHERE n2.initiator_user_id=:userid ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT 8'); Any help would be much appreciated!
  3. Greetings <? mysql_connect("xxx","xxx","xxx"); mysql_select_db("name"); if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { print "<h1>"; print "Welcome"; print "</h1>"; print "<br><br><br>"; echo "<center>"; print "<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">"; print "<input name=\"dgt\" id=\"Join\" style=\"width:400px\" type=\"text\"> "; print "<input name=\"submit\" value=\"Join\" type=\"submit\">"; print "</form>"; } else { $name = $_POST['dgt']; if(strlen($name) != "10") { print "Name is incorrect."; } else { $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE name ='$name';"); if(mysql_num_rows($query) > 0){ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); print "True"; print "$row[no]"; }else{ print "False"; } } } ?> This script is vulnerable to SQLi I need help in fixing the vulnerability please.
  4. Hello, I have been starded using redbean. I have a really big table and want to select 5000 rows at time using redbean! I want only the rows where the field "status" IS NULL This is my code: $min = R::$c->begin()->addSQL('SELECT MIN(id)')->from('emailtable')->get('cell'); $max = R::$c->begin()->addSQL('SELECT MAX(id)')->from('emailtable')->get('cell'); for ($i = $min; $i < $max; $i = $i + 5000) { $x = $i; $y = $i + 5000; $select = R::$c->begin() ->addSQL(' SELECT * ') ->from('emailtable') ->where(" id >= ? AND id < ? AND status IS NULL ") ->put($x) ->put($y) ->get(); } Anyone know if this is the right way to go! Should i use: id >= ? AND id < ? AND status IS NULL or maybe i should use BETWEEN but not sure. My problem is The code above is sometimes selecting same id twice and that is what i do not expect! there for i ask if there is a other solution four the code above! All ides are welcome. It is really hard to find information about redbean/chunk/select/ example
  5. I have two tables, mod_music_category has a field id which autoincrements and the other table, mod_music_entries has category_id field whose value is mod_music_category.id but enclosed with "b" and "e" .e.g."b mod_music_category.id e" no spaces like b1e. I am trying to select all records from mod_music_entries whose category_id is LIKE or EQUAL to mod_music_category id field as follows: SELECT `c`.id, `c`.category, `e`.`category_id`, `c`.teaser, `c`.style FROM `".DB_EXTENTION."mod_music_category` `c` LEFT JOIN `".DB_EXTENTION."mod_music_entries` `e` ON( `e`.`category_id` = '%b`c`.`id`e%') ORDER BY c.`priority` ; Its returning all values even if there is no join. Is ther a better way. Thanks
  6. I keep getting this error how can I fix this?? Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /hermes/waloraweb071/b2172/moo.mangowebdesignsnet/shopping/includes/functions.inc.php on line 1082 MySQL Error OccurredError Message: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 SQL: SELECT I.productId, I.image, I.price, I.name, I.sale_price FROM mangostoreCubeCart_inventory AS I, mangostoreCubeCart_category AS C WHERE C.cat_id = I.cat_id AND I.disabled != '1' AND I.showFeatured = '1' AND I.cat_id > 0 AND C.hide != '1' ORDER BY I.productId DESC LIMIT If anyone can help me with this I would be deeply grateful. If you need anything or more details please respond to this topic please. I need this fixed ASAP. Thanks
  7. Hi again , Im trying to create form which allows the users to edit their data , I've created the form ,added the sql i think is right but its not working and giving me sql erro that the data can't be inserted . this is my code for the form details.php : <?php include '../header.php'; include '../config2.php'; session_start(); $id = $_POST['ID']; ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/parsley.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { // submit data on click and check if valid $('#sendData').click(function(e) { //check if valid with parsley var valid = $('#detailform').parsley ( 'validate' ); if ( valid === false ) { e.preventDefault(); } else { $.post("updateprocess.php", $("#detailform").serialize()); } }); }); </script> <div id="title"> <div class="inner"> <h1>Changing Your Account Details</h1> </div> </div> <div id="content" class="right-sidebar"> <div class="container inner"> <div id="main" role="main"> <div class="container"> <h3>Please Choose Which information Your would like to change</h3> <form data-validate="parsley" method="POST" action="updateprocess.php" id="detailform" > <label>Email Address</label> <input type="text" name="login_email" data-required="true" value="<?php echo $account['login_email']; ?>"/> <label>Change a password</label> <input type="password" name="login_password" data-notblank="true"/> <label>Re-enter new password</label> <input type="password" name="confirm" data-notblank="true"/> <label>First Name</label> <input type="text" name="first_name" data-required="true" value="<?php echo $account['first_name']; ?>" disabled="disabled" /> <label>Last Name</label> <input type="text" name="last_name" data-notblank="true" /> <label>Address line 1</label> <input type="text" name="address_one" data-required="true" value="<?php echo $account['address_one']; ?>"/> <label>Address line 2</label> <input type="text" name="address_two" data-required="true" value="<?php echo $account['address_two']; ?>"/> <label>Town/City</label> <input type="text" name="town_city" data-required="true" value="<?php echo $account['town_city']; ?>" /> <label>County</label> <input type="text" name="county_option" data-required="true" value="<?php echo $account['county_option']; ?>"/> <label>Postcode</label> <input type="text" name="post_code" data-required="true" value="<?php echo $account['post_code']; ?>"/> <label>Phone number</label> <input type="text" name="phone_number" data-required="true" value="<?php echo $account['phone_number']; ?>"/> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="agree" name="agree" /> I Agree With Terms & Conditions</p> <td> <input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value= "Save"/></td> </form> </div> <div class="space"></div> </div> <ul class="sidebar" role="complementary"> <li> <h2>Navigation</h2> <ul class="link-list"> <li><a href="/account/dashboard.php">Dashboard</a></li> <li><a href="/account/transfer.php">Transfer Money</a></li> <li><a href="/account/transactions.php">Transactions</a></li> <li><a href="/account/withdrawal.php">Withdraw Funds</a></li> <li><a href="/account/upload.php">Upload Funds</a></li> <li><a href="/account/details.php">Change My details</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <?php include '../footer.php'; ?> this is the update.php script <?php include "config2.php"; $id = $_POST['ID']; $sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$id'"; $result=mysql_query($sql); $id = $_POST['ID']; $rows=mysql_fetch_array($result); $email = $_POST['login_email']; $pass = md5($_POST['login_password']); $confirm = md5($_POST['confirm']); $fname = $_POST['first_name']; $lname = $_POST['last_name']; $addressone = $_POST['address_one']; $addresstwo = $_POST['address_two']; $towncity = $_POST['town_city']; $countyoption = $_POST['county_option']; $postcode = $_POST['post_code']; $phone = $_POST['phone_number']; $update = 'UPDATE users SET( login_email, login_password, confirm, first_name, last_name, address_one, address_two, town_city, county_option, post_code, phone_number) VALUES("'.$email.'","'.$pass.'","'.$confirm.'","'.$fname.'","'.$lname.'","'.$addressone.'","'.$addresstwo.'","'.$towncity.'","'.$countyoption.'","'.$postcode.'","'.$phone.'")WHERE id="'.$id.'""'; //$insert = 'UPDATE users SET login_email="'.$email.'", login_password="'.$pass.'", confirm="'.$confirm.'", first_name="'.$fname.'", last_name="'.$lname.'", address_one="'.$addressone.'", address_two="'.$addresstwo.'", town_city="'.$towncity.'", county_option="'.$countyoption.'", post_code="'.$postcode.'", phone_number="'.$phone.'" WHERE id="'.$id.'""'; mysql_query($update) or die("Failed Updating Your Data,check SQL"); header( 'Location: ../account/success.php' ) ; ?>
  8. I'm having a problem with PHP and a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005. I haven't really touched stored procedures before and haven't used them with php. I can't retrieve a value from a table that I know is definitely there. I have a simple login table, what I want the stored procedure to do is to take a username as an input and then output that user's password salt. I want the stored procedure to use parameterised values to avoid SQL injection. What happens at the moment is when the php page is run, nothing is returned and the SQL Profiler displays the following error: User Error Message: Incorrect Syntax near '@Username' While this error message should tell me something is wrong, I can't for the life of me see where the incorrect syntax is. Copy of the Php: $user = "usercm"; $password ="cmuserpassword"; try{$conn = new PDO("odbc:DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};SERVER=TestingServer;DATABASE=TestingDatebase;",$user,$password);} catch(PDOException $e){echo "oh no";} $username = "sdct"; $prepusp = $conn->prepare("EXEC uspReturnSalt(?,?)"); $prepusp->bindParam(1, $username, PDO::PARAM_STR); $prepusp->bindParam(2, $usersalt, PDO::PARAM_STR, 450); $prepusp->execute(); Copy of the Stored Procedure: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspReturnSalt] @Username NVARCHAR(100), @Usersalt NVARCHAR(450) OUTPUT AS BEGIN DECLARE @sqlcmd NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @params NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @sqlcmd = N'SELECT @Usersaltone = salt FROM CMUsers WHERE username = @Usernameone'; SET @params = N'@Usernameone NVARCHAR(100), @Usersaltone NVARCHAR(450) OUTPUT'; EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlcmd, @params, @Usernameone = @Username, @Usersaltone = @Usersalt OUTPUT; END To clarify, the server this is on runs Windows 2003 so I cannot use the sqlsrv drivers as they require SQL Server Native Client 2012 which is incompatible. It is impossible to upgrade the operating system (server isn't mine) so I can't use any php drivers that require SQL Server Native Client 2012. If anyone could help I would be eternally grateful. Here is the sql profiler messages before and after that error: RPC:Completed | exec [sys].sp_sproc_columns_90 N'uspReturnSalt' ,@ODBCVer=3 RPC:Starting | declare @p1 int set @p1 =NULL exec sp_prepare @p1 output,N'@Username nvarchar(100),@P2 text OUTPUT' ,N'EXEC uspReturnSalt(@Username,@P2 OUTPUT)' ,1 select @p1 Exception | Error: 102, Severity: 15, State: 1 User Error Message | Incorrect syntax near '@Username'. SP:CacheMiss | (@Username nvarchar(100),@P2 text OUTPUT)EXEC uspReturnSalt(@Username,@P2 OUTPUT) Exception | Error: 8180, Severity: 16, State: 1 User Error Message | Statement(s) could not be prepared RPC:Completed | declare @p1 int set @p1=NULL exec sp_prepare @p1 output, N'@Username nvarchar(100),@P2 text OUTPUT' ,N'EXEC uspReturnSalt(@Username,@P2 OUTPUT)',1 select @p1
  9. My apologies if I've placed this in the wrong section. It concerns a basic connection to n SQL database, and doing a simple count of the records. I'm learning from DAVID POWERS PHPSOLOUTIONS book. Examples in his book show connecting to the local db differently than my host wants me to connect, and I believe therin lies the issue. If I can figure out the method or problem I'm having, I'll be very thankful. I'm just connecting to a database, running one query, and counting records. The code that I altered, and I am trying to use, looks like this: <?php //Sample Database Connection Syntax for PHP and MySQL. include ('/includes/imageconn.inc.php'); include ('/includes/imagetableconn.inc.php'); mysql_select_db($dbname); # Check If Record Exists $sql = "SELECT * FROM $usertable"; $result = $conn->query($sql) or die(mysqli_error()); $numrows = $result->num_rows; ?> <html> <head> <title>PHP Test</title> </head> <body> <?php echo $numrows; ?> </body> </html> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- My imageconn.inc.php file holds a set of variables needed for the connection. I have verified it works (online, where I want), using other simple pages I made. This is the imagetableconn.inc.php file. It contains one line of code (which also works in the test file the host sent me). $conn = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm pretty sure the problem lies in this line (which is from the BOOK, which I can't figure out how to modify for my online needs): $result = $conn->query($sql) or die(mysqli_error()); My error message: Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in D:\Hosting\4641474\html\testimagedb1.php on line 12
  10. Hi! I can't figure out this code: SELECT Student.fornavn,etternavn,brukernavn Fag.fagkode, COUNT(Oppgave.nr) AS AntalOppgaver FROM Student,Fag LEFT JOIN Student WHERE Fag.fagkode='DAT1000' = Syntax error , mariadb....... The task text is : The question should get an overview of all students(Here: Student) in a choosen subject(Here:fag) and count how many tasks(here:oppgave) The overview should show sirname(Etternavn)name(Fornavn) username(Brukernavn)and numbers of tasks in the subject(fag) The overview shuld be order by sirname(etternavn)and then on name(fornavn) Any idea? - Look at the E/R attachment
  11. im using the jquery UI datepicker to submit a date to my database but i keep storing 0000-00-00 instead of the date how do I make the date show up in the database? can someone help me?
  12. I have a function that updates a database and it works fine for one record but i have a form which shows loads of rows with checkboxes and i want to do a batch update (I suppose the principle is the same for a batch delete). When I click a load of checkboxed and call the funtion to update, i get an error about an array to string conversion and also this error message "Unknown column 'Array' in 'where clause" I know a way around it but it's not great using a foreach loop to update the database but that involves loads of queries This is my function I call to update the database /** * update * @param string $table A name of table to insert into * @param string $data An associative array * @param string $where the WHERE query part */ public function update($table, $data, $where) { ksort($data); $fieldDetails = NULL; foreach($data as $key=> $value) { $fieldDetails .= "`$key`=:$key,"; } $fieldDetails = rtrim($fieldDetails, ','); $sth = $this->prepare("UPDATE $table SET $fieldDetails WHERE $where"); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $sth->bindValue(":$key", $value); } $sth->execute(); } This works public function newsEdit($data) { $postData = array( 'title' => $data['news_title'], 'content' => $data['news_content'], 'photo' => $data['imgname'], 'keywords' => $data['news_keywords'], 'alternate' => $data['alternate'] ); $this->db->update('news', $postData, "`id` = {$data['newsid']}"); } $data = array(); $data['news_title'] = $_POST['news_title']; $data['news_content'] = $_POST['news_content']; $data['imgname'] = $_POST['imgname']; $data['news_keywords'] = $_POST['news_keywords']; $data['alternate'] = substr($_POST['imgname'],0,strrpos($_POST['imgname'], ".")); newsEdit($data); This doesn't public function newsArchive($ids) { $postData = array( 'archived' => 'Y' ); $this->db->update('news', $postData, "`id` IN ({$ids})"); } newsArchive($_POST['id']); What have i got to change to get the update working?
  13. For some reason the attached code does not submit the data to the sql table. I get the "saved" message but cannot see any obvious reason why the data is not being entered. Can someone please use your expert eye to shed some light on why this is not working? I have a number of forms all using similar coding and they all appear to work fine. <?php if(isset($_POST['Submit'])){ $DateUploaded = protect($_POST['DateUploaded']); $Subject = protect($_POST['Subject']); $Text = protect($_POST['Text']); $URL1 = protect($_POST['URL1']); $ImageType1 = protect($_POST['ImageType1']); $cssclass1 = protect($_POST['cssclass1']); $Notes1 = protect($_POST['Notes1']); $URL2 = protect($_POST['URL2']); $ImageType2 = protect($_POST['ImageType2']); $cssclass2 = protect($_POST['cssclass2']); $Notes2 = protect($_POST['Notes2']); $URL3 = protect($_POST['URL3']); $ImageType3 = protect($_POST['ImageType3']); $cssclass3 = protect($_POST['cssclass3']); $Notes3 = protect($_POST['Notes3']); $URL4 = protect($_POST['URL4']); $ImageType4 = protect($_POST['ImageType4']); $cssclass4 = protect($_POST['cssclass4']); $Notes4 = protect($_POST['Notes4']); $URL5 = protect($_POST['URL5']); $ImageType5 = protect($_POST['ImageType5']); $cssclass5 = protect($_POST['cssclass5']); $Notes5 = protect($_POST['Notes5']); $URL6 = protect($_POST['URL6']); $ImageType6 = protect($_POST['ImageType6']); $cssclass6 = protect($_POST['cssclass6']); $Notes6 = protect($_POST['Notes6']); if(!$Subject || !$Text){ //if any weren't display the error message echo "<center>You need to fill in all of the required fields! This record <b>HAS NOT </b> been saved</center>"; }else{ $res = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `edocs_hoct_comms` (`DateUploaded`, `Subject`, `Text`, `URL1`, `ImageType1`, `cssclass1`, `Notes1`, `URL2`, `ImageType2`, `cssclass2`, `Notes2`, `URL3`, `ImageType3`, `cssclass3`, `Notes3`, `URL4`, `ImageType4`, `cssclass4`, `Notes4`, `URL5`, `ImageType5`, `cssclass5`, `Notes5`, `URL6`, `ImageType6`, `cssclass6`, `Notes6`) VALUES ('".$DateUploaded."', '".$Subject."', '".$Text."', '".$URL1."', '".$ImageType1."', '".$cssclass1."', '".$Notes1."', '".$URL2."', '".$ImageType2."', '".$cssclass2."', '".$Notes2.", '".$URL3."', '".$ImageType3."', '".$cssclass3."', '".$Notes3."'', '".$URL4."', '".$ImageType4."', '".$cssclass4."', '".$Notes4."', '".$URL5."', '".$ImageType5."', '".$cssclass5."', '".$Notes5."', '".$URL6."', '".$ImageType6."', '".$cssclass6."', '".$Notes6."')"); echo "Saved!"; }} ?>
  14. prolife

    Sql issue

    Hello please i dont know what went wrong ;this SQL is meant to count provided that this conditions are true. i want to count the total number of rooms that were booked for in a particular month. Please what is the right syntax to use when selecting from two different tables and then counting the total number of occurance. Here is the SQL i came up with but its messig up. SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `rooms`) (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `order`) AS `total_rooms` FROM `rooms` WHERE `order`.`checkin`>'$real_date' AND `rooms`.`cond` ='available'
  15. I'm attempting to use PHP to connect to an SQL database to use to store quotes from an IRC chat bot. So far the bot seems to be running, but the sql connection isn't working and I'm not exactly sure why. I've tried reading through all sorts of sites, and I modified code I found on the WC3 schools site just to be sure I wasn't missing some huge 'derp'. Nothing seems to work, and I'm feeling my brain melt. Relevant connection data for writing to the db: function addquote() { $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","BotBot","password","Quotes"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO `Quotes`.`quotes` (`ID_NUM`, `DATA`, `USER`) VALUES (NULL, \'$qd\', \'\');"); $this->pm("Quote added to database."); mysqli_close($con); } Second connection for reading a random result from the db and messaging it: function randomquote() { $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","BotBot","password","Quotes"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM quotes ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); $this->pm($result); mysqli_close($con); } "password" in both is being replaced with the relevant password for that user account, and the account has full access to r/w the db. I am getting the pm("Quote added to database") line returned to me through the IRC bot, and it doesn't disconnect the moment you try to use these functions (took about a week of pokes and prods to figure out what I was doing wrong!). I'm not exactly sure how a response down past that sql connection could be working if it's not connecting, not without giving me a 'die'. PHPMyAdmin isn't showing that 'BotBot' account even attempting a connection and dying for a bad password or anything, so... kinda running out of ideas here. If anyone can give me a hand here, I'd be grateful for it.
  16. Hi, I have been trying to get this piece of coding to submit my form after checking but it keeps going to a 500Error. I have spent so long trying to work it out that now I am confused on what works and what doesn't. Can someone please help with where I am going wrong. <?php if(isset($_POST['Submit'])){ $DateUploaded = protect($_POST['DateUploaded']); $AdviserCode = protect($_POST['AdviserCode']); $DocName = protect($_POST['DocName']); $URL = protect($_POST['URL']); $ImageType = protect($_POST['ImageType']); $Current = protect($_POST['Current']); $css_class = protect($_POST['css_class']); if(!$ImageType || !$DocName){ echo "<center>You need to fill in all of the required filds!</center>"; }else{ $res = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO `adocs_cpd` (`DateUploaded`, `AdviserCode`, `DocName`, `URL`, `ImageType`, `Current`, `css_class`) VALUES ('".$DateUploaded."','".$AdviserCode."','".$DocName."','".$URL."','".$ImageType."','".$Current."','".$css_class."')"); echo "Saved!"; } } ?>
  17. Hello! I have made a query and displaying this - it's working. But I want this query-result to be a link (href) to another query that I want to display. My query right now is: <ul> <?php $test = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `huvudProject` WHERE `categoryProject` = 1"); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($test)) { echo "<li>" . $row['huvudProjectName'] . "</li>"; } ?> </ul> I want the 'huvudProjectName' be the name of a link. How can I do this? Also, I want this link to do a query when I click it for this: SELECT * FROM `project` WHERE `projectHuvudId` = 1 And then show the result somewhere. Is this possible?
  18. prolife

    SQL error

    Good day everyone, my SQL is giving yet another result i dont like, its duplicating results. Please anyone with an iidea on how to get this solved? Below is my sql: SELECT `rooms`.* , `order`.* FROM `rooms` INNER JOIN `order` ON `order`.`room-id`!=`rooms`.`roomid` AND `rooms`.`cond`='not taken' AND `order`.`checkin` !='$checkin' AND `order`.`checkout` !='$checkout'. In brief the results are to be displayed as long as the 'checkin' and 'checkout' dates are not already recorded or stored in the order table and also that the condition or maybe status of the room is 'not taken ' Thanks
  19. Hello every one... I'm developing a project for my friend and i've some queries... How to control facebook like page system.. Means the user will not able to login into his account after registration untill and unless he likes our facebook page... How to aheive this... How can I know whether he liked the page or not... Any help will be greatly appreciated..
  20. I have a notifications system and after many late nighters and dr peppers I finally have it working. My only issue is that the notifications "bell" has the number of new notifications in the middle of it. When I click the button it will show me my unread notifications and when I close it the number of unread notifications stays the same. I'm using a sql statement to get the number of unread posts on load but when I click the button to reveal the notifications I'd like it to update the number of unread posts as well. Here's some code I have: //GETS THE NOTIFICATIONS function toggleDiv(divId) { $("#"+divId).show(); $(document).ready(function(){ $("#myContent").load("getnotes.php"); }); } //BUTTON TO PRESS TO SHOW THE NOTIFICATIONS PANEL <a data-ajax="false" href="#myContent" onclick="toggleDiv('myContent');" data-role="button" data-iconpos="notext" class="icon-bell-alt icon-2x" style="background: none; margin-right: 20px;"></a> //SHOWS THE NUMBER OF UNREAD POSTS <div id='notes_number'><? if ($number == "0") { echo $number; } else { echo "<a style='color: #FF0000;'>$number</a>"; }?></div> What can I do to update the number?
  21. I am trying to pull data from SQL where the ID and activation code match the record by using the URL to request the info. The form pulls up the first record but I cannot get it to return the correct id and code. URL example: www.domain.com/activate.php?id=7&ActivateCode=xajkdfjeklhwekjfhergh Not sure how to write this in the php, what I have tried does not seem to pull anything other than the first record in the system. <?php require('edb.php'); $id=$_REQUEST['id']; $ActivateCode=$_REQUEST['ActivateCode']; $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `eusers` WHERE id = '$id' & ActivateCode = '$ActivateCode'"); $test=mysql_fetch_array($result); if (!$result) { die("Error: Data not found.."); } $FirstName=$test['FirstName']; $LastName=$test['LastName']; $State=$test['State']; $Username=$test['Username']; $Password=$test['Password']; $Email=$test['Email']; $Active=$test['Active']; $SecurityCode=$test['SecurityCode']; $AdviserCode=$test['AdviserCode']; $UserType=$test['UserType']; $ActivateCode=$test['ActivateCode']; if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $Password_save=sha1($_POST['Password']); $Email_save=$_POST['Email']; $Active_save=$_POST['Active']; $SecurityCode_save=$_POST['SecurityCode']; $ActivateCode_save=$_POST['ActivateCode']; mysql_query("UPDATE `eusers` SET Password ='$Password_save', Email ='$Email_save', Active ='$Active_save', SecurityCode ='$SecurityCode_save', ActivateCode ='$ActivateCode_save' WHERE id ='$id'") or die(mysql_error("Did not Save")); echo "Saved!"; header("Location: index.php"); } ?>
  22. I have been trying to figure this out for days but no luck so far. I have two tables which I want to pull info from and from what I read a join query is the way to go. I need to pull the info from the bank table based on the login id in the users table. I keep getting a black page result or a Data not Found result. Because this is the first time I have tried a join query I don't really know what I am doing. Is anyone able to give me some advice? <?php //if the login session does not exist therefore meaning the user is not logged in if(strcmp($_SESSION['uid'],"") == 0){ //display and error message header('Location: ../index.php'); }else{ //otherwise continue the page //this is out update script which should be used in each page to update the users online time $time = date('U')+50; $update = mysql_query("UPDATE `e-users` SET `Online` = '".$time."' WHERE `id` = '".$_SESSION['uid']."'"); ?> <?php //make sure you close the check if their online } ?> <?php require("../edb.php"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT AcctName, BSB1, BSB2, AccNumber, Adviser, Bank FROM a-bank JOIN e-users ON a-bank.Adviser = e-users.id; WHERE e-users.id = '".$_SESSION['uid']."'"); if (!$result) { die("Error: Data not found.."); } $AcctName=$test['AcctName']; ?>
  23. Registration and login work fine. Update also updates the information to the database. However if 2 people with the same first name register on the database it automatically defaults both those accounts to the last person who has the same first name that registered on the database instead of updating and showing the information for that particular user. So if Joe - [email protected] registers and then another Joe - [email protected] then when Joe (sss) logins in he can see all Joe(xxx) information and when he updates his details it updates Joe (xxx) account instead of showing and updating Joe (sss) account. I think there is a problem with the session "id" and the update "id" that's causing this problem but I just can't see where it is.... can anyone assist with this? It's not using the email address as the "id" but is using the "name"..... Here's the code: The start session coding: <?php session_start(); $toplinks = ""; if (isset($_SESSION['id'])) { // Put stored session variables into local php variable $userid = $_SESSION['id']; $email = $_SESSION['email']; $toplinks = '<a href="member_account.php?id=' . $userid . '">Enter CV step-by-step</a> | <a href="view_personal_details.php?id=' . $userid . '">View Personal Details</a> | <a href="view_your_cv.php?id=' . $userid . '">View CV</a> | <a href="edit_your_cv.php?id=' . $userid . '">Edit CV</a> | <a href="change_password.php?id=' . $userid . '">Change Password</a> | <a href="logout.php">Log Out</a>'; } else { echo 'Please <a href="login.php">log in</a> to access your account'; exit(); } ?> And the update coding is: <?php include_once "connect_to_mysql.php"; echo print_r($_POST); $id = $_SESSION['id']; if (isset($_POST['email'])){ $update=''; if(isset($_POST['title']) and trim($_POST['title']) <> '') $update .= "title = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['title']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['name']) and trim($_POST['name']) <> '') $update .= "name = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['surname']) and trim($_POST['surname']) <> '') $update .= "surname = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['surname']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['identityno']) and trim($_POST['identityno']) <> '') $update .= "identityno = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['identityno']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['gender']) and trim($_POST['gender']) <> '') $update .= "gender = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['gender']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['birthdate']) and trim($_POST['birthdate']) <> '') $update .= "birthdate = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['birthdate']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['ethnicity']) and trim($_POST['ethnicity']) <> '') $update .= "ethnicity = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ethnicity']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['nationality']) and trim($_POST['nationality']) <> '') $update .= "nationality = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['nationality']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['email']) and trim($_POST['email']) <> '') $update .= "email = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['homeaddress']) and trim($_POST['homeaddress']) <> '') $update .= "homeaddress = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['homeaddress']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['province']) and trim($_POST['province']) <> '') $update .= "province = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['province']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['suburb']) and trim($_POST['suburb']) <> '') $update .= "suburb = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['suburb']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['hometele']) and trim($_POST['hometele']) <> '') $update .= "hometele = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hometele']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['celltele']) and trim($_POST['celltele']) <> '') $update .= "celltele = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['celltele']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['creditclear']) and trim($_POST['creditclear']) <> '') $update .= "creditclear = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['creditclear']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['criminalrecord']) and trim($_POST['criminalrecord']) <> '') $update .= "criminalrecord = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['criminalrecord']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['driverslicense']) and trim($_POST['driverslicense']) <> '') $update .= "driverslicense = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['driverslicense']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['owntransport']) and trim($_POST['owntransport']) <> '') $update .= "owntransport = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['owntransport']) . "',"; if(isset($_POST['medicalconditions']) and trim($_POST['medicalconditions']) <> '') $update .= "medicalconditions = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['medicalconditions']) . "',"; $update=substr($update,0,-1); $sql = "UPDATE cic_candidates set $update WHERE id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($id) . "'"; mysql_query($sql); echo $sql; echo '<center>'; echo '<strong><font color=black family=tahoma size=5><br /><br /><br /><br />Successful!<br /><br /><br /> Your account info has been updated...<br /><br /><br /> To view your updated information at <font color=blue>View Personal Details</font> - <a href="view_personal_details.php?id=' . $userid . '">click here<br /></a><br /><br />To return to your <font color=blue>Edit Personal Details</font> page - <a href="edit_personal_details.php?id=' . $userid . '">click here</a><br /><br /></font></strong>'; mysql_close(); exit(); } ?>
  24. I have searched over 1500 posts over the last 2 weeks and have not found the solution to make my code work. My registration and login forms work correctly but when the user logins to add or edit information the sql database does not update with the users input and the error/updated message does not echo. My users register with name, surname, email and password but once they login they need to add to their personal information and later be able to edit the personal information. But nothing I've tried has worked... my code is as follows: <?php include_once "connect_to_mysql.php"; $id = $_SESSION['id']; if ($_POST['username']) { $title = $row["title"]; $username = $row["username"]; $surname = $row["surname"]; $identityno = $row["identityno"]; $gender = $row["gender"]; $birthdate = strftime("%d %b %Y", strtotime($row["birthdate"])); $ethnicity = $row["ethnicity"]; $nationality = $row["nationality"]; $homeaddress = $row["homeaddress"]; $province = $row["province"]; $suburb = $row["suburb"]; $hometele = $row["hometele"]; $celltele = $row["celltele"]; $creditclear = $row["creditclear"]; $criminalrecord = $row["criminalrecord"]; $driverslicense = $row["driverslicense"]; $owntransport = $row["owntransport"]; $medicalconditions = $row["medicalconditions"]; $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE cic_candidates SET title='$title', username='$username', surname='$surname', identityno='$identityno', gender='$gender', birthdate='$birthdate', ethnicity='$ethnicity', nationality='$nationality', homeaddress='$homeaddress', province='$province', suburb='$suburb', hometele='$hometele', celltele='$celltele', creditclear='$creditclear', criminalrecord='$criminalrecord', driverslicense='$driverslicense', owntransport='$owntransport', medicalconditions='$medicalconditions' WHERE id='$id'"); echo 'Your account info has been updated, you will now see the new info.<br /><br /> To return to your profile edit area, <a href="edit_personal_details.php">click here</a>'; exit(); } ?>
  25. I have a created a "state" dropdown box on a form which enters into the SQL, when I php echo it shows the state ok as text but when I try to get it to populate on the edit screen within the dropdown box it does not show. I am trying to get the dropdown box to automatically select the state from the data in SQL. Where am I going wrong with this. Any help would be appreciated. <select name="State" id="State" selected="<?php echo $State ?>"> <option value="--">--</option> <option value="ACT">ACT</option> <option value="NSW">NSW</option> <option value="NT">NT</option> <option value="QLD">QLD</option> <option value="SA">SA</option> <option value="TAS">TAS</option> <option value="VIC">VIC</option> <option value="WA">WA</option> </select>
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