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Truth Story...While using the computer lab at Kent law school in Chicago I was logged into my web hosting site for about five minutes, and screen turned black. At that point I had no control over my hosting site. My password got me into my server, but someone with remote viewing capabilities possibly an administrator had free access to my server.


I was baffled for a few minutes then unplugged the computer I was operating. The result of this was the Babel fish translator was removed, and when I attempted to correct it all the writing on that webpage was cleared from the webpage. I checked the errors report on my server, and it stated many PHP errors.


I never put php in my source code only HTML and CSS. I know nothing about PHP could someone please instruct me on how to copy the bogus entry put on my server, and erase all PHP instructions that sabotage my website.


Not only this weeks later I posted articles on my blog about the Rockefeller’s, and

Traffic to my website was cut in half, and many of the photos on my website were distorted.

My website is at noahthedocumentary.net and one of the opening page photos has been distorted. When one clicks on that particular photo and many others they all look stretched. This is surely an attack on my freedom of speech, and if it's happening to me I'm sure many other Americans are also facing this type of sabotage.


I sure hope that the people with the knowhow to correct these sorts of problems

Understand how valuable they are to saving our Democracy    Vincent



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Guest Xanza

Internet Privacy has nothing to do with it - while you're on school computers (provided by government funding), you have no privacy rights. So their is nothing that you can do.


They probability used a remote administration tool (most likely RealVNC), and did what they wanted.. lol.

Internet Privacy has nothing to do with it - while you're on school computers (provided by government funding), you have no privacy rights. So their is nothing that you can do.


They probability used a remote administration tool (most likely RealVNC), and did what they wanted.. lol.


Do you even know what you just said? ???


Privacy rights may be restricted, but having someone without your prior consent or authorization to use your server like that is unethical and illegal.


If you only had a way to prove your case... unfortunately you don't....  >:(

Guest Xanza
Do you even know what you just said? Huh


Privacy rights may be restricted, but having someone without your prior consent or authorization to use your server like that is unethical and illegal.


If you only had a way to prove your case... unfortunately you don't....  Angry


Why don't you read your University Handbook... Not only is it 100% legal for them, but they can use that information for just about anything and everything... ;) (I'm a notary... I know my law dude)

Do you even know what you just said? Huh


Privacy rights may be restricted, but having someone without your prior consent or authorization to use your server like that is unethical and illegal.


If you only had a way to prove your case... unfortunately you don't....  Angry


Why don't you read your University Handbook... Not only is it 100% legal for them, but they can use that information for just about anything and everything... ;) (I'm a notary... I know my law dude)


Pfft... that's bullshit. So if you make an online purchase using your credit card, are they then also allowed to rip your accounts as well?

I agree; that's absolute rubbish. Just because they provide your internet does not give them the powers or rights to use any information they may gain from that. Sure, they have the right to monitor and log your usage, but there's a huge difference.

Guest Xanza

Well, no... That would be Identity Theft on the Universities behalf... But if you login to your email, or any type of web-service such as FTP - they can def. read through their logs, and find your password... And if you were to read the Tech section of your Universities handbook you'll see that by logging on you relinquish any and all rights to privacy. It's unfortunate but true.

How is logging credit card information a crime when various login credentials are not? Some of those logins could be used for identity theft as well. Especially when they USE them without prior authorization from the owner.


At school I'm required to document all my claims when doing written assignments, so I'd like the same from you in this instance. Which law permits the universities to do this (link, please)?

I think a more relevant question is this:


Was this 'server' something provided by the university?  Or is it hosting from a commercial, 3rd party source that some university admin got into by abusing their power?


I ask because my university gave its students free web hosting, but we were pretty limited with what we could do with it.  This could be a case of the OP posting copyrighted images, or dispensing other info (test info, etc) that the school deemed inappropriate.

I just looked through my [high] school handbook...  There's nothing in there at all that suggests that they are allowed to steal passwords.  Infact, it basically says their only right is to remove students from computers and undo anything they have done (such as install software, modify settings so on) if seen fit (if a student abuses computer privs some how).


I also think it's funny becaue they have a list of 14 rules (along with their fancy 2 pages above it), and I've broken probably 10 of them, and I used to break probably 6 of them daily lol.

At my school they used to have this webpage popup each time you logged in telling you of the rules. You 'had' to click a button to agree to the rules to get the window to go away. I used to hit Alt+F4 so my defence would always be i never agreed to the rules :P Before they upgraded to XP, you could gain access to the server. I was always tempted to modify said webpage.

Hello....One of the responses I recieved was to post my code. Another suggestion was to Change my password. When I attempted to change my password the new password did not work, however the old password was still functioning. Assuming that it's OK to post my home page source code, I can display it for all to see, but I'm still have no understanding on how to see PHP source code.


Here's the code you asked to see. the Babel translator erases all the words on web-page, but how do i see and copy the code for documentation of this type of Anti-American sedition.



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<meta name="description" content="Biblical flood of worldwide proportion. explanation of why the great flood happened. corruption and wickedness of the people washed away with flood. Ethics and the wealth it can bring. the location of Hell. Heaven on Earth.  The terrains flood damage">

<meta name="keywords" content="Holy Bible Prophecy Bible Terrain flood End times Worldwide flood explanation Middle east Hebrews Shem Ham jephath Noah Book Hell Heaven Water Flouride Corruption 911 Prophet Yeshua Yahwah Jesus Saints Christ Revelation babylon Israelite Immortality Immortal Justice Ethics God's kingdom Return of christ Passover Lamb of God Live Forever Truth Cliff Canyon Grand canyon Waterfall Mesa Masada Reading the Terrain Arches Video Documentary mudslide erosion geology Dry Falls National Parks Christian blog">

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<div id="header"> 
 <h1>"NOAH The Documentary"</h1>
<hr size="13" width="105%" color="FF7700" noshade align="right">
<div id="menu"> 
   <li><a href="HOME.html">HOME</a></li>
   <li><a href="Evidence.html">Evidence</a></li>
   <li><a href="Overview.html">Overview</a></li>
   <li><a href="Prophecy.html">Prophecy</a></li>
   <li><a href=http://blog.noahthedocumentary.net>NOAH Blog</a></li>
   <li><a href="Video.html.htm">Video Offer</a></li>
 <p> World events are not just random occurrences happening in various locations. 
   The broadcasting of visual realities played out on television screens give 
   a glimpse into the situations peoples and governments are faced with. World 
   events don't just happen without rhythm or reason. On the world stage global 
   events have a direction leading toward things already foretold. As events 
   unfold now, we gain valuable insight into how things will unfold in the near 
   future. The mysteries concerning prophecies found in Holy Scripture are for 
   the most part classified information, and beyond the understanding of many. 
   To decipher its meaning entails the knowledge of how to accurately link actual 
   world events, or a series of events, to the fulfillment of prophecy. Simply 
   put prophecy is what God said would happen; fulfillment is the written word 
   becoming reality, or actually happening. The culminations of various occurrences 
   worldwide serve as a reliable indicator of end time events. End time events 
   being the end of one era and the start of another, not the end of the world 
   as many mistakenly believe. The proper understanding of news events magnified 
   by scriptural insight is not for everyone. The truths in scripture have weight, 
   and does have an effect on those seeking to grasp its meaning. Understanding 
   what happened in the days of Noah helps clarify ones vision in terms of our 
   times and end time events. 
 <p>Much of the "credible" information found in news reports helps document Holy 
   Scripture, and the unfolding of prophecy. Seeing how various events currently 
   taking place in the world fit in to what has been foretold in Scripture provides 
   a gauge or map of what predetermined events one can expect in the very near 
 <p> </p>
 <script language="JavaScript1.2" src="http://www.altavista.com/static/scripts/translate_engl.js"></script>
 <p>Noah The Documentary</p>
 <p>P.O. Box 10232</p>
 <p>Chicago, Ill, 60610</p>
 <p>[email protected] 
<div id="content"> <a> 
 <h2>"It Really Happened"</h2>
 <p><a>The history of Noah and the incredible ordeal him and his family faced 
   when flood waters engulfed the whole earth is beyond myth or legend. Here 
   and now this very website has the keys unlocking evidence that a worldwide 
   flood really took place. This evidence is overwhelming and convincing. The 
   earth circumference is 24,901.55 miles, and it is without question that an 
   enormous flood that encompassed this large expanse of land would leave behind 
   undeniable evidence. </a></p>
 <p>Evidence that would prove once and for all that a catastrophe of this magnitude 
   actually took place. The world itself becomes if you will, a museum filed 
   with exhibits and monuments serving to confirm the historic Scriptural account 
   of the worldwide flood in Noah's day. Our approach in this fact finding quest 
   is to take on the highest burden of proof by focusing on the flood damage 
   itself. This perspicuous method of yielding facts concerning world-wide flood 
   damage also indirectly confirms the past existence of the life saving vessel; 
   better known as Noah's ark. It's from deductive reasoning after analysis of 
   the essentials that we resolve questions in a complete and professional manner. 
 <div id="content1"> 
   <p><a> Taking a fresh unbiased look has reawakened many to the significance 
     of evidence previously neglected. Evidence now embraced as overwhelming 
     proof the worldwide flood Holy Scripture speaks of is accurate and verifiable.</a></p>
   <p><a>Freeing the world of wickedness and corruption is essentially why the 
     great flood took place. However the sweeping changes made to the entire 
     globe in an effort to free mankind from evil was insufficient, and a more 
     stringent plan in our day is required. Recognizing the type of power it 
     took to transform the terrain by a great flood in the days of Noah, also 
     helps to bring awareness of the overwhelming power required to free the 
     world from evil in this day and the future.</a></p>
 <P><a href="upark.jpg"><img src="upark1.jpg" border="2" align "left" ></a></p>
 <a href="raincanyon1.jpg"><img src="raincanyon.jpg" border="2" align "right"></a></p> 
 <h2><a>The Great Significance of Reading the Terrain</a></h2>
 <img src="formation 1.jpg" border="2" align="right"

 <p><a> Reading is mainly associated with the written word. This skill mostly 
   taught in our formative years is a necessity in our modern society. Any able 
   bodied person beyond a certain point in life would no doubt be characterized 
   as ignorant, or illiterate who has not attained the knowledge of reading the 
   written word. Few would argue against the fact that such a person would not 
   be highly esteemed in the society at large. One in such a condition is left 
   vulnerable not having been educated.</a></p><a><a/>
 <p><a> Far too few have recognized how the reading of the terrain provides a 
   more enhanced cultivation of learning. This in many ways acts to impede ones 
   vulnerably to misinformation. Understanding the secrets of the terrain and 
   what they reveal is in many ways just as important as knowing how to read 
   the written word. For reading the terrain opens one up to a completely new 
   body of insight, and information written words alone cannot properly convey.</a></p>
 <p><a> Far too many people have lived complete lives without experiencing the 
   difference in perception that is attained from understanding the lands messages. 
   The features of the terrain are open and obvious being displayed worldwide. 
   After all, the earth is the vast foundation where we live, it is our world 
   and it too has a story to tell. The enhancement of our comprehension is not 
   of small value. Thinking in new ways outside of the box, so to speak can only 
   elevate and expand our circumspection. In many cases, it is a question of 
   taking off the blinders and seeing in a new way things one has seen many times 
   before, but may have not grasped its complete meaning.</a></p>
 <p><a> Logic, common sense, and others gifts we are born with are exercised. 
   Unlike the many years it takes in learning to read the written word to a satisfactory 
   degree of proficiency, learning to read the terrain can be acquired almost 
   immediately. Once one knows what to look for the terrain will reveal its secrets. 
   Those fortunate enough to gaze upon some of the more noteworthy exhibits curved 
   into the terrain may experience a sort of internal verification deep within. 
   Witnessing first hand some of the monuments of the terrain, a great many somehow 
   intuitively know that great floodwaters encompassed the earth.</a></p>
 <p><a> Natural understanding also known as common sense is something that is 
   better cultivated not buried by mechanical intellect. It would be tremendously 
   wonderful if every able bodied human being had a keen understanding of the 
   meanings etched into the terrain. Once one arrives at the understanding of 
   how the great flood waters reshaped the earth, the threshold has been crossed 
   leading to a broader more profound level of reasoning. For the path leading 
   to the one who possesses the awesome power, which brought forth such a catastrophic 
   deluge is a step closer. This is of enormous value. For the purpose of life, 
   the importance of ethics, our long and short-term existence, and other considerations 
   are not so easily dismissed.</a></p>
 <p><a> Becoming more acquainted with wisdom ranks far above any worldly achievement. 
   The durable riches gained from wisdom go far beyond what many have ever imagined. 
   Far beyond any degree of wealth this world at this point in time has to offer. 
   The advantages of knowing the language of the terrain is an excellent start, 
   and such advantages can continue to grow.</a></p>
 <p class="meta">To The Top...</p>
<div id="footer"> 
 <p> CONTACT info: [email protected]
<script type="text/JavaScript"><!--
var TFN='lead number' ;
var TFA=1;
<script type="text/JavaScript"

Guest Xanza

Nope, PHP code is hidden from the public for security reasons... The only way to access it is by logging into your server via FTP, or via your control panel (cpanel) and manually editing the file. You cannot simply right click and hit view source. This will only get you the dynamically output HTML.

Xanxa,      Thank you for your technical insight; however a political overview reveals what’s behind all the technical problems.  “PHP code is hidden from the public for security reasons”.


You placed your finger squarely on the underlining issue. The “for security reasons” tactic has been used to hijack the N.S.A, to spy on our Phone conversations, to read our E-mails, and to even intrude into the regular mail we send and receive.


Needless wars, the looting of the American treasury and the attack on our Constitutional rights and freedoms all can be linked to the bogus notion… “For security reasons” this is mainly a disguise. Behind the “label” for security reasons all sorts of evil things go on that have nothing to do with so-called “security”.


Those with an Anti-American Agenda love secrecy, for in the framework of secrecy the nefarious operations of those who hate our freedom, our rights, and our Constitution gather together to plot, plan, and carryout their wicked, greedy aspirations.


The International bankers, and their right arm wicked corporations are responsible for undermining Governments worldwide. These bankers rob the Governments and the governments then rob the people, and placing puppet leaders over nations is how they reign from behind the scenes.



Since the false-flag operation called 9-11 these banker have made inroads into the destructions of our American democracy. The approach at this point are mostly Fabian, however the philosophy of Lenin and Stalin is behind these bankers and their attempt to take-over the American Government.


One would be well served to understand what the Bolshevik revolution was about and the international bankers that financed this take-over of Russia. These same bankers are secretly behind the so-called Federal Reserve banking system.


What all this has to do with PHP is very profound. For those with the knowledge of PHP and other languages of computer programmings are in the position to not only help save the internet but also the American Government as we know it.


Communications and valid information is critical in any battle. My website speaks of the War of Good and Evil, and we as mortals are caught in the middle of this war. The international bankers hate truth and are the servants of Satan they will subvert any truth that is useful in helping people to remain free.


These wicked bankers are behind all manner of extremely wicked activities worldwide. In the days of Noah Almighty God destroyed the earth with water because of wickedness and corruption. Fire will be the next element used to bring justice to the earth.


The so-called New World Order is a label place on Satan’s last worldwide Champaign to take as many mislead human beings down into the bowels of hell with him.


I hope I was able to provide some insight into why certain information is attacked by those aligned with the NWO. They work to divert people away from relevant truthful information. 


Not only PHP, but other destructive scripts can be transferred to ones flash drive and are copied to other computers, which work similar to viruses but are more sophisticated they reprogram the kernel not to function properly, slow down the computer, or prevent any type of publishing. 


Anti-virus software in useless against these programming scripts, and I assume they are designed make people lose interest in various  projects (Fabian tactic) by causing so many problems with the way certain software programs function. 


To make a long story short all type of espionage is going on here in America. There are those working hard to get pertain information out, and those working very hard and spending large amounts of money to control your thinking (main stream media). 


My experience has been PHP can be used in ways which can subvert the freedom of speech. You mentioned ways that affect dynamically output HTML, what other ways does PHP control websites and the output of CSS and HTML?



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