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Hello All


I was wondering whether people could let me know their thoughts on my test website design at: www.phishspit.com/beta


At the moment it is just the home page which contains the new design, but I am planning to implement this so that all the pages have this, but obviously I would like some opinions first.


I would also appreciate it if you could compare it to the currently live home page at www.phishspit.com


Which is better, the current page or the new page?


If people could let me know that would be fantastic.


Many thanks in advance.


Best Regards






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Actually, I think the old site is better. It's strange as new versions should be a lot better then old ones, as you learn from mistakes you did and build up experience. Your site looks old, boring and the color scheme is far from being cool.


PS: lol on the logo.

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1.)  the beta looks old and busted.  i do like that you dont have to navigate to another page to "phishspit"...funny graphic and name by the way...i like that...

2.)  i would go with the 800 px layout instead of the fluid...just looks more organized.

3.)  ditch the orange.  i wanted to tear my eyes out.

4.)  when i made the font 3 or 4 sizes smaller, it seemed to look better...i dont like giant font.

5.)the system status is unnecessary and might make people wonder...


thats what i see for now...



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Many thanks for all your comments Ardy.


Going to work on your suggestions and come up with a new version. I have the purpose of the site pretty much sorted, but obviously the design needs to be worked on.


I will keep you posted and tell you when the new version is available (will be the same address).


Thanks again.





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Hello All


Can I have your thoughts on the revamped version? Same address: www.phishspit.com/beta


One thing I will say is that the scrolling text thing is a work in progress, so that will be changing, but apart from that, let me know what you think on the rest.


Hope this is better.







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Yeah that's right. Marquee will go, and will be replaced with a news ticker in the top right hand corner hopefully. Am working on that one though.


Glad you like it the new version. I started completely from scratch and by the sounds of it, it has paid off. :)


Any recommendations? Other ideas you can think of for it?


Thanks for your help.







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I see you are going in the right way of having a revamped website. It has the same feel of the old one, but with new details. I still like the old one better though, but it is still in progress so i'm sure there are lots of things left. What I can suggest:


- You can add some padding on the site container, just to have some space between the edges and content.

- I see you're going for a clean approach, but some details wont ruin it. Headings on the titles, some graphic on the header and a way to make the menu spot out (as it can be hardly seen right now) are some easy things you can do.

- As suggested, marquees are *evil*. I would like better non-moving content.

- Under the xhtml specification, the page MUST contain a doctype and xml declaration and all html tags and attributes MUST be in lowercase.


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I like the new one better. The new one doesn't have the "facebook" feel. The old one seemed to copy facebook's header bg colors for things such as "members login."


I tried your service. It sounds cool but it's unreliable. The report you give at the end is confusing and doesn't provide a clear cut answer. I copied and pasted the headers my email server sends when sending automatic emails. It said my server is invalid? - but then it said it wasn't in the detailed information... huh?

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Hello All


Thanks for all your comments so far. I have taken them all on board and am obviously doing what I can to improve the beta site.


TheFilmGod: I would really appreciate it if you could test out the new version of the system on there. I have completely started from scratch on this, and would obviously appreciate your comments to see if what I have done has fixed your problems you were having.


If anyone else has any ideas, suggestions etc. that I could include on the beta version then please do let me know.


All ideas are welcome.


Thanks again for all your comments.


Best Regards






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don't take this in a bad way. First, most users that may get suckered by phishing email, are pretty computer illiterate, probably the type that you would have to spend an hour walking them thru on where the start button is, I just can't imagine them knowing where the email header is. The ones that do know, will most likely not fall for those scams anyway. You need to design it to be super user friendly somehow, that's the tricky part.

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Thanks for your comments.


Been having a long hard think about what I can do to improve the ease of use on the site and have come up with something. If you visit the site again, you should see what I have done. I have just basically tried to make it a bit easier for people.


Would really appreciate your thoughts on this.








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don't take this in a bad way. First, most users that may get suckered by phishing email, are pretty computer illiterate, probably the type that you would have to spend an hour walking them thru on where the start button is, I just can't imagine them knowing where the email header is. The ones that do know, will most likely not fall for those scams anyway. You need to design it to be super user friendly somehow, that's the tricky part.


Wow, good point.

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