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SMF 2.0! Read if you're missing a feature or if something changed!

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Yeah, I only saw major changes in the administration part, almost everything was reworked to have a couple of different looks to it, security as usual I believe, from what I can see nothing major for the end user, but I could be wrong, i have not been using it real long as I just upgraded yesterday.

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I'm not sure if this is a bug or maybe just a coincidence but after the upgrade the 'Most Online Today' stat seems to have went down by alot. All the other stats stayed about the same though.


Possibly SMF stopped counting crawlers in 2.0.

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Minor change:


The links are black now and when they're active, the cursor changes, and it's underlined.  It used to be blue so people could recognize it.  Here's a pic.


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Thought I'd post this, nothing major but eh. :)


(See attached image). After I marked all posts as read I weirdly noticed that the tabs at the top and bottom seemed to have different padding settings or something. So yeah, nothing major.


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