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someone that wants to get there foot in the door


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so what kind of advice would you give a guy that wants to get into website development but has no luck in job interviews and after almost a year of trying has nearly lost hope that he would get anywere...


its not really that i dont have the skill to make site etc but im just a quite shy guy thats doesnt have the confordense into going into job interviews with a positive frame of mind

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so what kind of advice would you give a guy that wants to get into website development but has no luck in job interviews and after almost a year of trying has nearly lost hope that he would get anywere...


its not really that i dont have the skill to make site etc but im just a quite shy guy thats doesnt have the confordense into going into job interviews with a positive frame of mind


You're being so negative.  You need to have an optimistic view of what you're doing and if you're good at it then you just have to man up and be confident in an interview.  There's plenty of contract work out there and the beauty of being a web developer is that you can do it from home so you should be able to find lots of work.  Check out www.dice.com.

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When you're talking to people about potential jobs, remember they probably don't understand the process that goes into a website.  If they say they want SEO but you've never worked with it don't tell them you can try; tell them that's fine and you can do it.  It'll be up to you to figure it out, but you will come off a lot more confident to them.  The last thing they want is a developer that seems like he develops in ms word.


Note:  This really only applies to personal/small business websites.

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If they say they want SEO but you've never worked with it don't tell them you can try; tell them that's fine and you can do it.  It'll be up to you to figure it out, but you will come off a lot more confident to them.


That's not very good advice in my opinion. If you're unsure how to do something, you shouldn't give the impression that you can - This will backfire and make you look unprofessional.


If you don't know how to do something, tell them you will research it and get back to them.

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yeah thats what i was thinking ive had stuff like that back fire on me before were im given the impression that i know how to do something on my cv but really ive just started having a play with it which made me look abit stupid in the interview

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Yes of course it will backfire.  During an interview you should tell them you have basic experience but are willing to learn.


I've actually been going on some interviews myself because I graduate Dec. 14th.  The problem is that I don't know what kind of programming I want to do...

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yeah I’ve been abit of a lost soul really been trying to get into the industry but with my lack of commercial experience i not sure what’s the best things to do etc, i sound really negative in my post which is sorta true because i was after something to give me the kick up the arse when im lacking the blind faith i need to be portative right now


what would be really great now is that i could get someone in the UK that willing to take me on just as i junior so i can build up on my experience etc


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What does this mean?



what would be really great now is that i could get someone in the UK that willing to take me on just as i junior so i can build up on my experience etc


It's called entry-level or you could do freelance.  Find some contract work or contract-to-hire.  I already gave you that site to find jobs at, it's full of jobs.

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I kinda laughed when I read this.


Why would you lie about something like that?


When you're talking to people about potential jobs, remember they probably don't understand the process that goes into a website.  If they say they want SEO but you've never worked with it don't tell them you can try; tell them that's fine and you can do it.  It'll be up to you to figure it out, but you will come off a lot more confident to them.  The last thing they want is a developer that seems like he develops in ms word.


Note:  This really only applies to personal/small business websites.

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I kinda laughed when I read this.


Why would you lie about something like that?


When you're talking to people about potential jobs, remember they probably don't understand the process that goes into a website.  If they say they want SEO but you've never worked with it don't tell them you can try; tell them that's fine and you can do it.  It'll be up to you to figure it out, but you will come off a lot more confident to them.  The last thing they want is a developer that seems like he develops in ms word.


Note:  This really only applies to personal/small business websites.


I agree with this to a certain extent.  If it's something basic you can usually, "figure it out", but in the long run, I have to agree with revraz, it's not good to lie  :-\

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so what kind of advice would you give a guy that wants to get into website development but has no luck in job interviews and after almost a year of trying has nearly lost hope that he would get anywere...


its not really that i dont have the skill to make site etc but im just a quite shy guy thats doesnt have the confordense into going into job interviews with a positive frame of mind


Increase your skillset and improve on the ones that you already have. Do you have any websites that we can look at? I think that harsh criticism might make you understand why you haven't been getting the jobs you want.

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In my opinion, I would figure out why you are shy and go in with a negative attitude and work on it.


Confidence is a great tool, it breaks down barriers, you have to be careful not to over do it, but it will certainly help a lot. Now, I am not a psychologist so I would not know how to go about doing this, but just do your best to clear your mind, get the job done, promote yourself so well you will be the only person your prospective employer will call back.


For example, I have just got a job as a junior programmer. I didn't have all the skills my employer was looking for, such as Linux sysadmin, now if I wasn't a confident person I would safely say I may not have gotten this job because its up to you to promote your talent, and the to advertise the fact that you will work your arse off to learn anything you have missed.


Finally, good luck, tell us how it goes in the future :)

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