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Proper English!

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Ya, when I made that post it was happening on NEW threads ~.~  , and often enough to make me complain lol.  I usually pretty tolerant, or at least, silent... I often find myself typing up a nasty reply only to CTRL-W instead of clicking send..



Yes the feature exists, but people either don't use it, or ignore it.  I'm not sure what the default setting is on it, but frankly, I don't think it'd make much of a difference; people want to be heard and feel  useful.

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As I mentioned in the thread I linked earlier, if my reply takes a long time I'll just CnP real quick and click on the thread link to see if someone posted.


I don't think it'd make much of a difference; people want to be heard and feel  useful.


I agree, especially now that there's that new post ranking system (which I personally really like).


EDIT: funny, corbin just did it to me...  :P

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A question mark is punctuation, so the first character after it should be capitalized (And).


Could some mod maybe make a sticky out of a thread asking people to PLEASE USE PROPER ENGLISH? and while were at it, a proper guide to posting?


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A question mark is punctuation, so the first character after it should be capitalized (And).


Could some mod maybe make a sticky out of a thread asking people to PLEASE USE PROPER ENGLISH? and while were at it, a proper guide to posting?



Seeing as we're being picky, you don't use a capital after every piece of punctuation.

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