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The Purpose of your Blog


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So what do you consider to be the purpose of your blog? Do you blog for the fun of blogging, or was your original idea about making money? Do you write to inform or educate people, or maybe even to just make them laugh? Or do you write blog to generate guaranteed web site traffic?

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Education mainly. If I have a specific problem and can't find the solution online, I (hopefully) figure it out and post it up on my blog in the hope that it will help someone else out in the future.

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I started blogging back before anyone called it a blog.  At the time, people called them "personal home pages."  For me there were a few different purposes:


- A way for me to collect notes on things for my own reference

- To publish things for family and friends that I otherwise might have put in a letter


Eventually this evolved into my writing the occasional entry about topics that interested me enough to do research.  Some of these posts were howto's, some just contained material for talks I've given, and some stood alone as magazine style articles.


I think at this juncture, there's an entire sub-culture and set of rules that have built up around "blogging" but the basic idea continues to be,  chronologically presented article format postings.  That the web allows for categorization and indexing of this material, certainly explains why they have gotten so much traction. 

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I started blogging back before anyone called it a blog.  At the time, people called them "personal home pages."

Thats what PHP stood for when it was invented by Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP Tools (Personal Home Page Tools); for those who didn't know. And I guess that explains why the first P in PHP actually stands for PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) =P

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Thats what PHP stood for when it was invented by Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP Tools (Personal Home Page Tools); for those who didn't know. And I guess that explains why the first P in PHP actually stands for PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) =P


I thought the same thing.. turns out, it's simply recursive, so while the first P represents PHP, it is not a representation of Personal Home Page - if that's what you meant). I was trying to dig up a thread that delved into this topic once... (oh, found it).

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I started my website when it was starting to look like I'd need to find a new job.  I also like teaching.  So the purpose of my site is mainly to educate and demonstrate some of my technical (and writing) skills.


I don't have any pages on the internet where I expose details of my personal or social life.  No facebook.  No myspace.  No linkedin.  No twitter; I don't even know what twitter is.  Human resources departments now look for potential employees on the internet to see what kind of personal lives they run, which directly affects whether they hire you or not.


I'm also anti-social, so I don't have the codependent behavior of caring if other people know what my current mood is or if I were a movie quote which one would I be.

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I started a myspace account a while back.  I'm usually against social networking sites like that but then I got to thinking, as retarded as I think it is, I'll be damned if someone violates my namespace, even on a hellhole like that.  The only thing I really ever do with it is occasionally post a few pics of the kids to keep the family off my back.



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Thats what PHP stood for when it was invented by Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP Tools (Personal Home Page Tools); for those who didn't know. And I guess that explains why the first P in PHP actually stands for PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) =P


I thought the same thing.. turns out, it's simply recursive, so while the first P represents PHP, it is not a representation of Personal Home Page - if that's what you meant). I was trying to dig up a thread that delved into this topic once... (oh, found it).


That's all revisionist BS.  It was indeed named for Personal Home Page.  I was working in the web dev business at the time, and knew some of the early PHP contributors.  I'm not sure why they're ashamed of the name these days -- guess they think it went out of fashion.

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Thats what PHP stood for when it was invented by Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP Tools (Personal Home Page Tools); for those who didn't know. And I guess that explains why the first P in PHP actually stands for PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) =P


I thought the same thing.. turns out, it's simply recursive, so while the first P represents PHP, it is not a representation of Personal Home Page - if that's what you meant). I was trying to dig up a thread that delved into this topic once... (oh, found it).


That's all revisionist BS.  It was indeed named for Personal Home Page.  I was working in the web dev business at the time, and knew some of the early PHP contributors.  I'm not sure why they're ashamed of the name these days -- guess they think it went out of fashion.


It's probably because PHP is geared towards bigger and better things now.  There are plenty of solid frameworks, CMS's, enterprise applications, etc...  It's not just for adding some dynamic content to your "personal home page" anymore.  Besides, I think that name makes it sound so, amateurish.

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My blog is just a mashup of me really. I blog about everything but put my twist on it. I'm usually ridiculously sarcastic and use the world actually far far far too much


I like to think that people can learn from my content but also be entertained by it. Examples of things that I blog about are:


Current Affairs

Web Design

Web Projects





The people who actually read it quite like it, apparently it's coffee break reading.

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