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Internet Explorer 8 is more compatible with more sites on the Internet than any other browser.

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<link rel="Stylesheet" href="../../Framework/styles/base_ie8.css" />

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I really don't understand the whole thing with performance for browsers.


They all seem to be equally fast to me. Instant. Unless a server is lagging but then they all equally lag.


Actually, browsers are almost all equal now I think about it. They all do what you want and this whole browser war is pretty stupid.

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It's not pointless at all. Competition spurs innovation and rapid improvements. It ensures that nobody is dragging their feet. Microsoft didn't bother fixing their browser until someone started posing a serious threat to their market share.

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What else could we want with a browser though? Seems like its sorta maxed.


Efficency already has gotten to the point where more doesn't help.


We already have block any parts of a page we want.


I just can't think of anything else.

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I don't know. Why would you need anything else than a horse wagon? I mean, it takes you from A to B... You know what? Screw the 18th-19th century industrialism. We should have never progressed past growing crops by manual labor. It worked just fine for thousands of years after all. Now get back to the field, peasant, or off your head goes.


Print out this page, store it somewhere safe where it won't get lost or forgotten. Now look at your above statement in 20 years and see if it holds up. Or maybe just compare state of the art technology from 20 years to even mid range modern technology. Better yet, don't upgrade anything on your computer for the next 20 years. If your computer breaks, get one with the specs you have now.


How about late 90s computer games? Take the most graphically advanced game from back then. At that time you would be like "dude, this looks amazing", but install it today and you will think "this looks like a piece of shit".

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But you are making the wrong analogy. Browser:OS::Internet games:Computer game.


Thats the correct one. So if I ran that game on 10 different OSes back then (Assuming they all worked), I would most likely have no difference. The same applies now with FF, IE8/7/6, and Chrome.


Its alot like an OS. I'd still be using 2000 if they had support for it as it had no real advantage over XP or Vista. (Not including 64 bit and how easy it is to windows update on Vista.). But once my HD crashed and windows didn't support microsoft update, I went to XP. So between 2000, XP, and Vista it isn't anything signifcant.


And at that time with 98 I never thought it was good enough. I always complained how it crashed and was quite buggy. I also didn't like Netscape as I knew it could get farther than /that/.


Oh and I'm still using IE7/FF2 without any complaints.


Anyways, what do you suggest should be added to a browser?

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"Firefox and Chrome have more support for emerging standards like HTML5 and CSS3, but Internet Explorer 8 invested heavily in having world-class, consistent support for the entire CSS2.1 specification."



Isn't that a kind of crappy way to hype one's own product?




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Not including 64 bit and how easy it is to windows update on Vista


How is that not real advantages? Anyway, it just shows that you are pretty much ignorant about all this. If you want to talk Windows, we can do that. You mentioned Windows Update yourself. Other new things include speech recognition for physically impaired people, parental controls for, well... parents, instant feedback searching, and several other things. Shadow Copy for file rollbacks,  Security has been greatly improved as well. For instance the BitLocker encryption for full-disk encryption, outbound protection in the firewall, IE runs sandboxed, and programs are by default running as unprivileged users. There is also support for IPv6. Overall the kernel was improved. The UI was also improved. The "Favorite Links" pane and breadcrumbed directory path makes for faster navigation. There have been a lot of kernel level enhancements as well, and boot time is generally faster. The networking center is far superior to XP's network management capabilities as well.


Windows 7 brings further enhancements, especially in regards to HCI and performance/stability.


Maybe you would want to educate yourself before making statements like that. This was just (a tiny bit of) Windows. Linux and OS X have seen considerate improvements over the years as well.


Oh and I'm still using IE7/FF2 without any complaints.


Well, FF3, besides being faster, has numerous improvements over FF2. For instance, I have over a thousand bookmarks, and the improved support for that is invaluable to me. Access via address bar, tagging, etc.


Both IE8 and FF3 have speed improvements, security improvements and support a wider range of standards overall, which enables creative people (i.e. not you apparently) to use the web in an increasingly innovative manner.


XHR, one of the most widely applied techniques on modern web pages, was born in relation to the first browser war, which was largely a feature race. Just to give an example.


Tab isolation in Chrome and IE8 improves stability and security. I don't know about IE, but Chrome gives RAM back a tab process uses when you close it. Firefox could really use something like this. You may have had your browser open for several days straight and even closing all tabs won't give you the RAM back. You will have to close it back entirely. It turns out that it's easier to manage the RAM in a multi-process browser because each tab has it's own memory namespace.


But you are making the wrong analogy. Browser:OS::Internet games:Computer game.


Thats the correct one. So if I ran that game on 10 different OSes back then (Assuming they all worked), I would most likely have no difference. The same applies now with FF, IE8/7/6, and Chrome.


No, not really. It's because you fail to see that progression is a graduating process. Rarely is it because of major breakthroughs. Had there been no competition, then there would be no incentive to improve your current product. Why would you? It works just fine as-is.


Anyways, what do you suggest should be added to a browser?


Well, a lot of creative people have created addons to Firefox that I use often or even on a daily basis for instance. Firebug, Firecookie, FirePHP, YSlow, Xmarks, Adblock Plus, IETab, Better GMail 2, Better GReader, Better Privacy, Customize Google, Download Helper, DownThemAll!, FaviconizeTab, Live HTTP Headers, NoScript, Status-bar Scientific calculator, StumbleUpon, Tamper Data, Textarea Cache, User Agent Switcher, Web Developer Toolbar.


Moreover, the other day Firefox used up 850 MB memory. I would certainly think that's where there could be made improvements for instance.


As for web innovation. Have you taken a look at Google Wave or maybe Opera Unite?

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And speaking of IE 8:




Previously, there were 4 rules for the promotion, but Microsoft cut those in half, removing the ones that told you to get rid of your current browser and download IE8. More importantly, it removed the language that told users to “get lost” if they were using anything besides IE, and implying they were idiots for using any other browser.


I saw this version they speak of a day or two ago on techcrunch, and thought, 'WTF'? I serously don't see MS with any marketing sense whatsoever.. Oh, but wait! It gets better! How about helping feed the starving if you use IE 8?




lol god damn... I don't know whether I should laugh or cry (I think I just laughed though, didn't I? [not at the starving though.. nothing funny about that.. but rather at MS' marketing].. I mean seriously, where the fook do those guys get their marketing from?)






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