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t-mobile sidekick owners


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The previous sidekick LX (2009), not the new 4G one. 


In case you aren't aware, data services for that phone ends today.  And in case you are wondering why T-Mobile has done little to tell you about it, it's because they intend to keep on charging you for it until you tell them to stop, even though you won't be getting the service.


Here is a rant I made about my personal ordeal with T-Mobile's online agent (including the actual transcript).





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Wow, that is extremely shady.  But honestly, I'm not too surprised as I've dealt with a few shady services recently but reluctantly had them resolved without costing me anything additional.

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All the cell companies are equally "shady" if that's how you want to put it.  T-Mobile is no different from AT+T and Sprint.  They are all in business to make money.  I understand your complaint and perhaps T-Mobile could have handled it differently, but as a developer I"m sure you know that there are programs involved, and they probably figured that people with the sidekick have had a lot of time to upgrade their phones.  The biggest factor should be coverage and stability in your local area.  If you have that from your carrier, then I'd stick with em.  My wife and I both have Iphones, but AT+T has crappy coverage where we live.  So now I'm stuck with a phone I love, but no alternative carrier.  Maybe that will change when the IPhone5 comes out.

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It boils down to them telling me they were gonna keep charging me for a service I wasn't getting.  I know all carriers out there are "shady" in that they try to confuse you and shit, but to straight up charge you for something you aren't getting...IMO that's criminal.

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If they don't change things without the account holder's permission, why did I just get a notice in the mail that tells me my phone insurance is gong up by about 75%? I don't remember approving that increase, much less calling and asking them to raise the rate.

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ATM, I have a landline and a Google Voice number that I generally forward to my landline.  I think I'm like the cell phone rebel... without a cause.


In general I don't like cell phones.  I resisted getting one for so long, up until I started this job about 2 years ago, because I more or less need one for it.  Technically I only *need* voice service, but having data service to have access to email has been really convenient.  So yeah...if I didn't have a job that pretty much required it, I would continue to not have a cell phone. 


And fuck all that "in case of emergency" b.s. I grew up without cell phones and shit happened and I got through it just fine.  People need to stop with the "in case of emergency" excuse they use for literally everything these days. 

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And fuck all that "in case of emergency" b.s. I grew up without cell phones and shit happened and I got through it just fine.  People need to stop with the "in case of emergency" excuse they use for literally everything these days. 


Yeah, I'm with you on that. The other day I tried dialing 911 with my cell phone, and although it recognized it was an emergency number, it wouldn't actually connect to emergency dispatchers. Apparently after doing some research this is quite common for cell phones to not be able to connect... :wtf:

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Reading your complaint, all that I can say is that I expect nothing less from a mobile (cellphone) network provider, it is typical. As I am in the UK I have no experience dealing will foreign carriers, however I have friends who work for UK mobile companies and know what they are willing to do if you threaten to terminate your service at the end of your contract. Basically dictate your terms. You may have to agree to a longer contract but demand the latest phone for FREE, a discount on your tariff & insurance policy.

If you say you will move to another provider I have known people to get Playstations, XBOX's, laptops, etc just to stay with your current provider. Friends have told me the length that they can go to just to keep you on board. Honestly, with what they have told you just keep saying you will move to another provider, they should give in.

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I had a 2 year contract with T-Mobile and it ended sometime around October of last year.  Since then I switched to month-by-month payment.  Never once had a late payment or nothin'.  And it's been one thing after another with T-Mobile.  On a good day it was being disgruntled about being limited about what I can and can't put on xyz phone cuz of them (I've had several phones during the course of my tenure with T-Mobile).


And I've been sticking with T-Mobile just cuz I know people have complaints, regardless of carrier; like I told Phil, seems like all of the carriers are out to fuck you...just a matter of how big their dick is and whether or not they will at least give you the courtesy of lubing you up first.  But this shit is where I draw the line.  Yeah, I can call and bitch and maybe get a free credit or two, and I've done it before.  But fuck this noise.  I don't want to have to keep bitching and having some stupid shiny waved in front of my face to shut me up.  I'd rather get some decent, solid service in the first place, even if it costs me more.  The extra hassle and b.s. isn't worth the money I'm supposedly saving.  I'm through with T-Mobile.  Last night I signed up with Sprint, and cancelled my service with T-Mobile. 


On that note, I'm getting a htc evo shift in the mail in a couple of days, my first Android phone ever.  I'm open for recommendations on some good apps!



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CV- That exchange is definitely worth a complaint to the FCC.  Hopefully enough people are smart enough to complain they'll investigate and fine. 



I'm just a little fuckin' worm on a big fuckin' hook.  Not gonna bother trying to fight some big corporation.  Just gonna accept my losses and move on.

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