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I have received no replies to my question yesterday despite 30 hits.

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PLEASE can anyone help?  My question is now on page 3 so I despair of any responses unless I ask for help again.


It is called How can I allow a user to write text on an image more than once?


I have looked everywhere for an answer without a result.  There must be somebody who knows how to do this!


Thank you.

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If this thread is any indication of how you posted your question...I can easily see why nobody responded.  For one thing, you didn't even bother to post a link to your question in this thread. 


But anyways...did you *bump* your thread?  You are allowed to do that (but not too much, maybe once a day or so).  But more importantly, lack of response usually means you didn't explain your question clear enough or provide enough details or relevant code.  Perhaps you should go back and look at your post and pretend you are the one reading and trying to answer it and ask yourself if you've provided enough info, etc...


Also, this site is a free resource, and nobody is obligated to help you, even if you asked the question in a most excellent manner.  If you expect an answer, I suggest hiring someone to help you.

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Crayon Violet,


What do you mean by "you didn't even bother to post a link to your question in this thread" please?  What am I supposed to be linking to?  I attached two codes but presumably that is not what you are referring to, as at least a couple of people have downloaded them.


I wasn't aware I could bump my thread.  Will check that out if I post another question sometime.


I don't think I can explain the question anymore clearly. 


And no I don't for a moment suggest anyone is obligated.  I was simply trying I guess in your terminology to bump the question so it didn't disappear.

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Also, in the vast majority of cases, people will not respond if the question involves downloading and viewing attached files.  Your best bet on getting an answer is to post the relevant code (meaning relevant, not your entire script) within either



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Crayon Violet,


What do you mean by "you didn't even bother to post a link to your question in this thread" please?  What am I supposed to be linking to? 


You made this thread asking why nobody would respond to your question thread.  You didn't post a link to your question thread.  So in order to know what thread you are talking about, instead of clicking on a link to it, I now have to go search for it (which I'm not going to do).  My observation was that you aren't making it very easy to respond to this thread, so chances are, you probably didn't make it very easy to respond to your question thread, either.

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What do you mean by "you didn't even bother to post a link to your question in this thread" please?  What am I supposed to be linking to?  I attached two codes but presumably that is not what you are referring to, as at least a couple of people have downloaded them.

He meant an actual link, like this:



I wasn't aware I could bump my thread.  Will check that out if I post another question sometime.

Why not bump your current thread?


I was simply trying I guess in your terminology to bump the question so it didn't disappear.

If you reply to your own thread it will automatically be 'bumped' to the top.  Creating a brand new one is useless.

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Also, in the vast majority of cases, people will not respond if the question involves downloading and viewing attached files.  Your best bet on getting an answer is to post the relevant code (meaning relevant, not your entire script) within either





I'm on this site while I'm working so I like the threads where I can look at some code, reach a conclusion, post it, and move on. If I have to download files and wade through code looking for what I think might be relevant then I probably won't bother.

If I were browsing at home (which I seem to be doing much less of now that I'm playing Rift) then I might spend more effort on it. But sometimes it seems like I'll have to put more effort into understanding and addressing the problem than a poster (not necessarily you, brenda) has put into it themselves, and that's quite a deterrent.

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thanks to Nightslyr Maq and Requinix for your helpful and clear responses.


I will see if I can bump my question and include the relevant code in the message.  I will also take note for future posts.





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OP asked why there was no response in thread, and I made an observation based on contents of this thread. "If your lack of effort here is any indication of what's in your other thread, I can see why it wasn't answered." 


After going to the thread in question, IMO I was right in that deduction.  She dumped a couple of files on people and asked how to add a new feature.  Didn't post relevant code (dumping all your files on us is not posting relevant code), nor did she make any mention of her own efforts to do what she wants done, or where she got stuck (we are here to help you past stumbling blocks of your own efforts, not do your work for you). 


I don't get paid to sugar coat things or tip-toe on glass or make with the warm and fuzzies or otherwise jerk people off.  Oh, right...I don't get paid at all to do stuff around here.  So I will apologize for my failure to solve a problem, but not for my lack of tact.  Especially when someone is clearly dumping stuff on us instead of asking for help.  And IMO I was not even being "brash" about it...if this is considered brash.. one wonders what many of my other responses would be considered as...








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  I looked at your original question.  I even glanced at your code, but I decided to pass.


The truth is,  most questions like yours will not receive a response, because this is a community of developers, or students, or would-be developers.  Most of us (the people who answer most of the questions) are professional developers, although we do have a fair number of students and hobbyists.  We come here to help other developers learn more about what we do, and in the process we often learn from each other. 


It appears that you are not a developer, nor trying to be a developer.  I'm not sure what your angle is, but it seems that you have some code, you didn't write and don't understand, and are really asking for someone to recode it for you. 


There just isn't anything in it for us as developers or the community at large.  I could actually argue that it makes it worse for people who are working as developers or trying to work as developers when we do what in essence is free contracting for people like yourself, because those developers are deprived of potential freelance work.


I don't want you to think that this is any way is meant as a personal attack.  It's what I consider a long running misunderstanding that was introduced to this community many years ago when we started allowing questions about 3rd party scripts and applications that we originally did not allow.  The interest in doing that was to attempt to engage developers who specialized in ecommerce and cms packages, but instead what has happened is that we are inundated with questions from novices and business people who for one reason or another are trying to gets hands on with their website code, when in reality they are completely over their head. 


In their own minds they may justify that they are "trying to learn web development", but more often than not it ends up being a pointless exercise in futility for everyone involved, because really what you are asking for is someone to implement what you want, and then be in a position to accept the results.  All too many times, I've decided to just throw in some free code for someone, and then there's a small bug, or problem with their environment or it didn't do quite what they wanted it to do, and it gets into a long cycle back and forth over something that could have been settled quickly if it was a paid job, and I was working for that person as a contractor.


The way most of the core group of gurus, moderators, admins and senior developers has come to deal with this problem is simply to ignore questions like yours, but CV put into words exactly what I thought to myself when I originally read your question and passed over it.  FWIW, I recall that you have some javascript that lets a person pick an area of an image clientside, and the coordinates are sent to the php script that uses some gd calls to overlay an image with a block that matches the dimensions -- something along those lines.  Any solid php developer with even a modicum of php and gd experience would most likely be able to implement what you want to do.  You didn't provide enough information to make it crystal clear what the specification is, which is another reason I chose to skip it,  but if you were paying someone you would no doubt hammer that out with the person involved, to enough detail that you'd have a clear estimate, and acceptance criteria.


It's just not the design or purpose of this community to be a source for free programming. 



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Hi Gizmola,


Thanks for the clarification re PHP Freaks.  I won't use it again and I trust others like me will take note as well.


I know it doesn't matter and you don't know me from Adam (or Eve) but I want to tell you that in fact I did that coding and so do understand it.  I have only been studying web design for a while and am doing my best to learn as much as I can and as quickly as I can.  In this particular case I had an idea for a site that I am helping out with and got so far with the coding but couldn't work out the next step.


After spending hours and hours trying to work it out I finally decided that I needed help and decided somebody who reads PHP Freaks might be able to help.


As it turns out one of your readers has given me some advice which I think will be very helpful, but as mentioned above I will not be using this forum again.

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  If you are truly in the process of and invested in learning web development and php then you are welcome here.  You question was missing a number of key elements that would have made it clear you did in fact write the original code, and the question was not as clear or as well illustrated as it could have be.  Like most everything in life, the more that you put into the process of asking a question, the better your results tend to be.    Best of luck.

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