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Setting up a DNS server


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Hi Everyone,

I'm developing an app on an XP Pro machine running XAMPP. I just connected my MacBook Pro and PC together so that I may view the pages (and check the functionality) on a Mac. I would like to have my DNS server on the PC resolve my web address (www.someDomainName). I have never done this - can anyone suggest an article on the subject? Thanks much!



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Just modify your hosts file. There's no sense setting up a DNS for two machines and a single domain.


BTW guys - You're being redundant, when you say DNS server, it's redundant ;)


Like when people say, "ATM machine" . . . :)

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I win!:



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I might have erm, cheated.

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You Guys!!

I didn't mean to start such a lengthy discussion on acronyms! To funny! So as per usual, when ever I start something new, I don't even know what I don't know. Your help is most appreciated, because when I Googled xampp and DNS servers, I got some strange info, "First you must take every file you want to be seen by other computers out of htdocs and put them in a new DNS folder..."  What?!


I figured that it would be simpler, the suggestion to change my host file makes more sense. I just read an article on the subject and it says that I must add a line of code to the bottom of my "host" file at C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc. Of course, there is a line at the bottom of the file that reads, " localhost". Is it a best practice to have a second line after this with my website name, " testSite.local" (and any others that should wish to create) or should I instead modify the existing line of code? I suspect the former to be the case. Also, do I write the test site name like "testsite.com.local" or" testsite.local"?




Of course I will write the code to the Apache configuration file at C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra. Thanks for your time!




PS Yes, I do have a DNS server (see, you got me doing that again!), it comes with the XAMPP installation.

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