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PHP vs Java


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umm I think PHP borrows lots of its idea of object oriented programming syntax from Java


Again, what part of PHP's OOP syntax did it take from Java?


Java didn't invent OOP. Java took its ideas from something else as well.


Well I believe abstract class/method, final class/method and interface are all concept/syntax PHP borrowed from Java? I know static is not, since C++ has that too.

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Whoa guys, let's not try and get off topic here.


umm I think PHP borrows lots of its idea of object oriented programming syntax from Java


Again, what part of PHP's OOP syntax did it take from Java?


Java didn't invent OOP. Java took its ideas from something else as well.


Well I believe abstract class/method, final class/method and interface are all concept/syntax PHP borrowed from Java? I know static is not, since C++ has that too.



Skins S01 and S02 were decent UK shows, not sure about the US Skins, as I have not even attempted to watch it and I didn't care for anything after S03.

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