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search your unique identity in google


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Have you ever tried searching your username in google? if it is uncommonly used on the web, then most of the results will be your traces on the internet, this is kind of interesting, I searched "ted_chou12" in google and found 563 results! Nearly all of them are related to me, that is cool 8), please post reply of your results too.


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Daniel0 leads straight to PHP Freaks :)

Edit: Or well... first two results leads to my main site profile and my forum profile, respectively.


There are 9670 results on Daniel0, but that is probably because I am most likely not the only one using that username on the entire internet.

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Well, seeing that obsidian is actually a defined object and fairly well used, the search comes up with everything from Obsidian Entertainment (of Neverwinter Nights and Star Wars: KOTOR fame) to Obsidian Middle School and everything in between. I went through the first 10 pages of results with no results that were even remotely mine. Now, if you add "php" to the search as well, my PHPFreaks profile turns up as the third link on the page ;)

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Only 2 pages for roopurt18, here's the best one:


Dec, 2001 - A post to an OpenGL forum.



I use superfiend often when gaming.  Searching for 'superfiend starcraft' yielded this result from a session when I was at UCSC:



I was just reminded of a great mIRC log on icantwin.com of this guy trying to get a pirated copy of quake.  Wish I could find a log of that somewhere.

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My current username is so common (town in Germany, apparently the last name of hundreds of people, etc) that I searched through 6 pages of 30 results each without turning up anything about me.  I searched with two similar names that I used to use and they turned up 7 and 11 results... respectively... both of which spit out my website as the last result (which is really weird).

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