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Worse site ever!


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For some odd reason, when I see a URL in a "worst site ever" thread, I don't feel the need to follow the link. :)


To stick to the subject, I think that you can only go so far down the hole before a bad website is nothing more than a bad website. Once it gets bad enough, there isn't really a way to quantify how poor a website is. If I were a betting man, though, I would say that myspace is the home of the world's worst websites.

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This one is quite bad as well: http://www.profane-justice.org/


The owner actually earns money on that site. Be careful when clicking... she [the owner] says that no content of her webpage may not be copied digitally, electronically, printed etc., doing so will result in a lawsuit. It's just rather unfortunate that you'll have to download it (and then it will probably be cached (unless you have caching turned off)) in order for our browser to parse it. She'll have to sue every single of her visitors... She actually sued Archive.org for copyright infringement (because they archived it) (even though there is no robots.txt file on her site). A little more info about that page here and here.

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This one is quite bad as well: http://www.profane-justice.org/


That site is poorly laid out, the banner doesnt even fit together, meanwhile, the navigation is insufficient as well, to be mean, the whole text is very hard to read, and is hurting my eyes, bad sites like this are just wasting the avability of the domain space, and they should let other people who has the skills and the ability to build a more satisfatory site have the domain.


And she is intending to sue the spider crawler??? oh my god, she needs some basic knowledge before setting up webpages, or she will only be making fool out of herself.


I think this is very mean to say, but is what i really feel... :P



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This one is quite bad as well: http://www.profane-justice.org/


The owner actually earns money on that site. Be careful when clicking... she [the owner] says that no content of her webpage may not be copied digitally, electronically, printed etc., doing so will result in a lawsuit. It's just rather unfortunate that you'll have to download it (and then it will probably be cached (unless you have caching turned off)) in order for our browser to parse it. She'll have to sue every single of her visitors... She actually sued Archive.org for copyright infringement (because they archived it) (even though there is no robots.txt file on her site). A little more info about that page here and here.

That made me giggle when I saw that on digg. If you want to print any page of that site it will cost you $5k!

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This is the worse site I ever visited:




What about you? What horrible sites have you visited?


It's like a 13 yr old built a website in 1995 and then puked all over his design.


Why can't these people pull their heads out of these 1990s-no skill sites.  For christ sake, go spend $40 on a template from templatemonster.com

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This one is quite bad as well: http://www.profane-justice.org/


That site is poorly laid out, the banner doesnt even fit together, meanwhile, the navigation is insufficient as well, to be mean, the whole text is very hard to read, and is hurting my eyes, bad sites like this are just wasting the avability of the domain space, and they should let other people who has the skills and the ability to build a more satisfatory site have the domain.


And she is intending to sue the spider crawler??? oh my god, she needs some basic knowledge before setting up webpages, or she will only be making fool out of herself.


I think this is very mean to say, but is what i really feel... :P




You're just a stupid IGeek!! (http://www.profane-justice.org/igeeks.pdf) ;)


What is also funny about that site is that when entering (and this is a rather new thing) you have to agree to the terms, but if you don't you must immediately shut down your browser (or at least leave), so you have to agree to something you haven't read yet (as you couldn't).

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This is the worse site I ever visited:




What about you? What horrible sites have you visited?


It's like a 13 yr old built a website in 1995 and then puked all over his design.


Why can't these people pull their heads out of these 1990s-no skill sites.  For christ sake, go spend $40 on a template from templatemonster.com


Actually, the site was made by a 13 year old. The site creator was my friend from school but he moved to Vegas recently. Anyway, it turns out he got caught clicking his own ads by google. - google adsense. So he was kicked off without earning any money and off google rankings. That degrades his site even more!

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