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MeekerMansion.org - Critique

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First impression: not bad. I'm very pleased to see you took the time to validate your markup and css. There are a few picky little things that caught my eye, though:


1. I'm not a big fan of the whole monochrome look. While you have a very clean layout, the fact that everything is that burnt orange color doesn't sit quite right with me. The only thing that is a complimentary color are your links, and they're so far different, they seem out of place with everything else.


2. Serif font is usually not a great choice for actual paragraph text. I will admit that with the theme of your site, it actually doesn't look bad, but it's still not as easy to read as a sans-serif font would be. Also, you really ought to increase your line height on your paragraph text. A little more breathing room between the lines would be helpful.


3. I would love to see you implement the actual Google Maps API instead of just using a screen shot of the address. It's not a huge learning curve, and it's a great addition to a site.


Otherwise, I think you've done a great job overall. A few more images here and there would be a fantastic addition, though.


Good work.

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Your contact form submits with a nice 'thank you' message even when nothing is entered. Might want to fix that.


I'm with obsidian on the bland-ness of the color scheme. Try to balance it with something that plays nicely with the orange.


Also, might want to have a look at it in Opera.  The content area isn't as wide as the header and footer.

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Another vote for changing the color scheme.  How about a toned down background and then a darker font overall?


I get what you're trying to convey and it's very appropriate for the site, there just isn't enough contrast between the elements.

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One thing I do not like, is the way the buttons behave onmouseover and mouseout!


When I mouseover on a button I get a blank space, maybe another image would be better.


But, even as a design the mouseover - mouseout scheme looks nice, when you scroll over them the buttons fast, they tend to disappear in bunches, until they are replaced by new pics.


With this said, I believe, the CSS technique, with hover, is a much cleaner design.


So design looks vs. design simplicity is the paradigm, of course as a designer the choice is yours.


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I think you need to increase your line spacing, the text seems cramped. Some menu rollovers would be nice.  Agreed on the google maps comment, it is simple to implement.  I think your headings need more margins. I like the background pattern and don't mind the colors too much, but I think you should add some graphics into the header that relate to the site.  This will help theme it up a little more.

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