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mac users?


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I talked my parents into buying a Mac because they're notorious for breaking their PC, which caused them to never have enough faith in their home computer to do much with it.  Myself, I was quite impressed with it and I think the next full computer I buy will be a Mac.


One day, I'll have an actual office in my home where I can use a Mac or linux box for work and then a PC just for testing.

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I originally bought a MacMini for testing my work on, but in the end much preferring it for general use and went ahead and bought and extra MacBook as well. I do most of my development on a Linux box nowadays and only use my Windows machine for playing CounterStrike and double checking stuff in IE (though I do have IES4Linux installed too). Have all three running on my office desk though - 5 Monitors!

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I have question for Mac users.

Let say my website run properly on firefox is this mean it will also run properly under

safari internet browser?


I have no way to test my design under safari because i don't have mac here...


thanks a lot... in advance... :D

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Here is a pretty sweet site that can help you out:




You can take safari screenshots of your site in different sizes to see if everything is working right. You can also buy a membership for 3 days for $4 (other packages available) to give you a VNC connection to a LIVE mac so you can physically test it out.


I tried it out for the 3 days and it was pretty cool. Not the fastest thing because I think you are connecting to Italy or something like that. But it works and you will be able to test your sites live. It's a cheap alternative to buying a mac...plus you will impress your friends by NOT having one ;) haha

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As far as I'm aware, Safari is based on a different rendering engine, KHTML, whereas Mozilla browsers run on the Gecko engine. Though, be aware, what you see on your Windows based version of FireFox is not allways what you'll see on FireFox running on a Mac or even Linux based machine... I don't know why and it really bugs me! (Maybe it's the different set of default fonts that throw everything out of whack or something?)

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As far as I'm aware, Safari is based on a different rendering engine, KHTML, whereas Mozilla browsers run on the Gecko engine.


Konqueror (for Linux) uses KHTML as well, so if you are concerned about Safari, then you could just check it in Konqueror as it should render the page in the same way as Safari does. I'm not sure if there is a Windows binary available though.

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