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Everything posted by Philip

  1. We had an OOP board at one time, but didn't warrant enough traffic to really keep it. I still don't see too much traffic for OOP, but it is slowly growing. I doubt it will be brought back anytime soon, honesty :-/
  2. Yeah, I was going to mention the use of caching the datasets if possible. Can you post more about the current structure/queries?
  3. What kind of calculations are you running, and are they specific to the user, or more general queries?
  4. Well, what does your array originally look like ( Set::extract('/QuestionnairePossibleAnswer/id', $question) )? If it looks like array('test', 'test2') then it makes a lot of sense because array_flip swaps the key/value. So it would become array('test'=>0, 'test2'=>1)
  5. Yeah, I few of mine I'm like "when did I buy this?"
  6. Yeah I use this one when dealing with those that need full 508 compliance: http://www.totalvalidator.com/
  7. If you have access to it, you could also use .htaccess - I find that a lot easier to deal with, regarding redirection etc.
  8. I wouldn't be surprised if a government requested they be removed from that list
  9. PFMaBiSmAd is correct. Instead you could pass them via a construct parameter... something like: class Login { public $username, $password; public function __construct($user, $pass) { $this->username = $user; $this->password = $pass; } } $l = new Login($_POST['user'], $_POST['pass']);
  10. Yup take a look at the manual for these examples: // To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; // Additional headers $headers .= 'To: Mary <mary@example.com>, Kelly <kelly@example.com>' . "\r\n";
  11. Typically when you run across that for mysql_fetch_array, it means the parameter you are passing into the function is not a valid mysql resource. IOW, your query failed. You can view whats wrong with your query by echo'ing mysql_error() after your query call.
  12. I'm here to rain on your parade, sorry It scares me that you needed to up your memory limit to that. In all honesty, I'd highly advise you to restructure and rewrite that script. Yes, all 15k lines. I don't understand why you're running phpBB if you don't even want to follow their coding standards (which make creating an application/separate pages a lot easier.) A lot of your code is really repetitive, writing the same thing for each round - when you could easily create a function that does the same thing with just a few arguments. Doing so would help cut down on the amount of code (get more people to help you) and cut down on the number of errors/easier to find those errors
  13. Here's all the ones in my bookcase, probably quite a few more laying around in many, many, many places JavaScript: The Definitive Guide Head Rush Ajax (Head First) Enterprise AJAX: Strategies for Building High Performance Web Applications DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model Permission Marketing : Turning Strangers Into Friends And Friends Into Customers Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, 2nd Edition Web Design for ROI: Turning Browsers into Buyers & Prospects into Leads Neuro Web Design: What Makes Them Click? CSS: The Missing Manual Web Analytics: An Hour a Day Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days (3rd Edition) MySQL: The Complete Reference MySQL Stored Procedure Programming PHP 4 Developer's Guide PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice, Second Edition Head First Design Patterns Cloud Application Architectures: Building Applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud (Theory in Practice (O'Reilly)) Code Craft: The Practice of Writing Excellent Code Legal Guide to Web & Software Development (book with CD-Rom)
  14. Well, I mean sure some prefer other browsers. I know of people that LOVE ie, but to one his own.
  15. Right click -> open with -> find IE & check "Make as default" or whatever it says. (and why would you go back to IE!?)
  16. Prostitutes, alcohol, computers!
  17. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,117475.0.html I use www.acronoc.com - i've known the people that work there for many years and they provide us colo hosting. Personally running a reseller (friends who want cpanel, not enough for a full vps)
  18. This is something you'd need to take up with the SMF developers, since this is pretty much a stock install. However, on the nav bar, if you go to Profile -> Summary it takes you to the same as if you clicked on your own username in a thread. Not the best named control panel menu (Profile vs CP), but it's there.
  19. Yeah, best of luck convincing him to come back and get it back up =/
  20. [*]Being a freelancer, you would have to find your own work. How would you personally go and find work? Forums, business site, but word of mouth is still the biggest [*]Can you afford to live on freelancer wages alone? If not then do you have another job? You can if you play the game right, but I have another job. [*]What is the hardest part of being a freelancer? Keeping clients happy while juggling multiple ones and a job. [*] How do you pay your tax and national insurance? Like everyone else? lol [*]Do you belong to a workers union? If so, which one? Nope [*] Why did you choose to be a freelancer? Extra cash on the side is always nice, especially when it is your hobby [*]Can you afford to take holidays and time off to yourself when working as a freelancer? Yes [*]What types of insurance do you have when working as a freelancer? With my job, so n/a [*]How do you keep up to date with skills? Do you do any training courses? Read (e)books, stay active on forums, etc [*] How do you establish contacts when working as a freelancer? Typically referrals [*]What training have you done? If so, what qualifications have you got? No 'official training', just some classes in college [*] Do you provide all of your own equipment? Depends. [*]What are the different ways in which clients can contact you for work? Email, phone, IM
  21. It really depends what you're aiming for. IPB and vB have tons of features you may never, ever use. So it's mostly wasted money. Yup, always shop around before you buy what you think is best for you.
  22. Any of the paid ones are going to be better than the freebies. I'm personally a fan of IPB. I think it is very well laid out, easy to use, and feature rich. But, each person has their own opinion on which is best. And as Maq said, try the demos before you buy anything!
  23. And please remember, there will always be slight variations in color on monitors. As much as manufactures try to get rid of this, there will always be some differences. I've used the spyder pro before, which tweaks the colors off your graphics cards before it sends it out (although when I did used it, it was not dual monitor friendly.)
  24. I thought FPS had them go to amazon's servers, like paypal/google checkout
  25. You could do either mysql/xml - but depending on the amount of traffic I'd cache it so you're not parsing the XML/querying the DB every time for a large dataset. I'd probably go with XML - just a personal opinion.
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