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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. that will not work. as said avoid css hacks, use teh conditional comment inside you <head></head> and link to a special stylesheet or plpace it in between styletags.
  2. hehe crmamx, no need to apologize, it's not even my own monkey nor photo Just use it, it's fun! although i like the little monkey hanging on a branch more something that could be nice to know is that if you target ie6 if you use float you need to set an extra property called display:inline; Now that only counts for the first element that is floated either left or right, but it won't harm your site if you apply it too all things that are floated. if you used a reset.css most browser differences are gone. Anyway if you have loads of time left, use a conditional comments to give that display inline property to only ie6. more info on conditional comments here: http://www.quirksmode.org/css/condcom.html it could look like this: normal stylesheet: #columnleft{ float:left; width:400px; overflow:hidden; } stylesheet for ie6 #columnleft{ display:inline; /* because this element is floated */ }
  3. Almost I would say. Combine A and B and never use css hacks. that would be my approach more info on conditional comments here: http://www.quirksmode.org/css/condcom.html (google ftw) Since other modern browsers seem to like your gradient and round corners with the css 3 property, but not ie9 there is no need to load an image in their case. so we use conditional comments for that ( so only IE 9 gets that background image). Keep in mind though there are quite some people out there that do not have the latest browser.
  4. I made them all the same height with my photo editor so do I still need to do that? You did indeed, but what you didn't do is give them all a caption, making some objects higher than others. by supplying min-height you can fix that. see image, what could happen on a different screensize [attachment deleted by admin]
  5. Oh crmamx you might want to add a minimum height of say min-height: 210px; to your photo album otherwise smaller images flow around the bigger ones. this page: http://bayarearcsociety.com/tutorial/example_photo_album.html
  6. i like avira, but than again if my computer is infected and it won't tell me I probably say the same
  7. cssfreakie


    look whether you set a fixed height a min-height or your element gets his height from it's content (i.e. text) you will always need a height for the borders to show up. The same is true if you build a house; you wont see the wall is made out of red stones if it's 0 meters high. ' since you didn't gave any html markup (already mentioned that:) we can't know the height. anyway i think this now either sounds logical or not. If not read the first line of this post a few times and think about it. makes sense doesn't it?
  8. cssfreakie


    yeah but i assume you understand that the logic is the same. you need a height
  9. thanks for sharing those snippets crtreedude! charsets are indeed a mayor thing to pay attention to. here is something else that could be useful for anyone: a quote from another forum
  10. than call an airstrike and start with a clean slate. it can even improve your stylesheet, since you already know what it should look like
  11. love the art work by the way, very talented!
  12. cssfreakie


    without seeing your mark-up (which in the end is what css is targeting)we have to guess what the height is of the element you gave the #id of side-b Anyway, if you set the height of side-b to the height of the main bar, i don't see why it would not be possible to make that little line touch the bottom.
  13. looks good Curtis! you already got my review
  14. I like it! one thing i would change is the left menu, the text is not very visible, maybe also add a hover state to it. also at the left side of your menu the image is not perfectly overlapping the similar background image. As far as markup, you use a tabular design which i would not recommend, but if it works for you i said nothing overall good job looks very nice!
  15. hehe good one, i thought i tell you because you also had a border left and right with the same color so a 180 degree turn would make no difference
  16. 360 degrees / 2 = 180, if you have a square with a solid color, you will not notice any difference when you rotate it 90 degrees or a multiple amount of that such as 180 360 540 etc It's almost the same as having a square paper and turning it and asking what the difference is.
  17. ah that's makes more sense well hover should work, try the stuff below out. by the way there are quite some articles about this on the internet. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>rotate shit</title> <style type="text/css"> .div1{ width:5em; height:5em; background:#F4a; /* spelling error its color not colour */ } .div1:hover { -webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-45deg); } </style> </head> <body> <div class="div1"> </div> </body> </html> p.s. you made a spelling error in your background color declaration.
  18. what do you mean with sudo classes? as far as i know sudo is a linux commandline stuff.
  19. you need 1 wrapper div, a left and a right one and a footer div. as far as coding if you want someone else to make this put it in the freelance forum. I bet there are people here that are able to do make that
  20. as far as i know that's a bug. you could try, instead of using the automated gradient, to set a background. Certainly since it's a linear gradient. than set conditional comments to target ie 9 and i bet it works
  21. well I never tried that, but i bet both php and javascript have something that can see what the string length is and do something with that info. for php. for php strlen() could be something to have a look in: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strlen.php than make some sort of if clause, if strlen() is 1000 insert a pagebreak. just a brainfart, but that's how i would think when searching.
  22. indeed, but this way you can alter the output.... which is what you wanted (a string with a dot at the end)
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