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Everything posted by ginerjm

  1. If you turn on php error checking you might see your errors. If you are getting a blank page you may have errors. You might also read the manual about these functions. Note the special RED highlighted paragraphs that tell you not to use them. BTW - your logic on the loop is flawed. You're missing the last file with this code. Also - you are saving a filename but you do not necessarily have the path to the files. If you do a glob for "*.*" you get the files in the directory where the script is run from. But once you store them in your table you have no reference to where the files are located.
  2. you mention a MySQL database but I don't see any attempts to read from one or write to (update) one. Did you forget to post that part? And - please follow forum rules and post the code in the proper tags.
  3. Is that really all one sentence?
  4. When you echo out the value in the loop, be sure to echo out a space char as well.
  5. ... The terminology is irrelevant Really?? In English as well as PHP, JS, C+, Pascal, Fortran, Cobol, CICS, and any other language - spoken or written - I find the terminology to be very important as well as relevant. A silly statement.
  6. 1 - do you have error checking turned on? 2 - the bindvalue function returns a result. Did you bother to check that it ran ok? No. 3 - the manual gives you the proper syntax for this function. Read it.
  7. Why don't you try doing some research on your own? That's how one learns.
  8. Pwntastic: The above is THE Answer you've been looking for. Jacques1 has spoken .
  9. according to some here doing a prepare and then parameterized values is the best. You don't have to actually do the bind. The manual shows that you can do this: $q = "select fld1,fld2 from table where key=:keyval and blah=:blah and blah2 = :blah2"; $qst = $pdo->prepare($q); $qst->execute(array('keyval'=>'mykey','blah'=>'blahval1', 'blah2'=> 'blahval2')); if (!$qst) (handle error) while ($row=$qst->fetch()) echo $row['fld1']." ".$row['fld2']."<br>";
  10. Then that would entail an ajax call to a php script, wouldn't it?
  11. When your js gets to 0 then let js trigger the action. It could be a submit of a form, or it could be an ajax call.
  12. Can you offer any clue as to what line(s) are causing this error?
  13. You tried searching on line for a few mins? Sometimes it takes longer than that. Did you search the php manual? Use the php time functions. Microtime for instance.
  14. You can't call PHP from there. You're at the client - php is on the server. Besides no matter what you put into the span tag how does it get triggered? You use a timer (setinterval) but all that does is do a countdown as you want - it doesn't trigger anything.
  15. I disagree Mr. Grant. The ENTIRE purpose of preparing queries is to enforce all matters of security in that query. Regardless of what type of var it is. Too many times people can forget to do what is supposed to be done - hence a prepared query. Whether it is a local var or a post or get or request var it should NOT be in the query text itself. It should always be provided via a substitute parm, ie ? or :parm.
  16. How do the js functions get called?
  17. Ah HaH! You 'just uploaded the files' and you expected them to run on the host-provided cpanel screen? I hate to tell you how far off base you are. Actually - you probably just misspoke and don't know the difference much like people refer to phpadmin as their database.
  18. I got tired of trying to read your last post - too hard to follow your writing(?) style(?). If you write php the way you write English it's going to be a long painful process for you to do this correctly. You're right - don't spend the time needed to do something the right way. Keep on doing your sloppy way and good luck. I'll be signing off this topic now.
  19. You are allowed to install scripts on the cpanel that GoDada provides you? Really? My host doesn't offer that feature - I'm surprised that GD does. Or did you describe what you are doing incorrectly?
  20. Your data is a bunch of gibberish. You are getting good advice on developing a proper RDBMS but you are refusing to see that. Until you put your data in a proper structure you are going to have difficulty doing anything with this. In your first reply you made mention of that you could reduce your # of tables from 3 to 2 perhaps. In fact you should probably be increasing the # of tables in order to make it proper. Every event entrant should be place into a table with his name and personal info (contact, age, sex, etc. and player_id) You can do this with just one occurrence of a player's name regardless of how many tourneys he/she enters. Every event should go into a 2nd table with all the info about that tourney - name, dates, location, etc. and an event_id. Every entry from a participant should go into a third table with a record for that player having his player_id and event_id and the division he is entering (dbls, sgls, over 40, under 15 etc). Depending on how many different divs there are this can be expanded to have a division table with a div_id to link back to this entry record. Now you write a query to get things by selecting data from the appropriate table using an event id or a player id or a division id and join them in your query and order them as you wish. By separating your data into distinct tables/purposes you can then write a query that grabs what you need easily, depending upon your sql knowledge. Doing it the way you are is disaster around the bend.
  21. While it doesn't make sense to me yet (your table structure) I'm guessing that you have two rows of data there and you have absolutely no rhyme or reason for how you want them arranged. That means you will have to hard code them the way you want them. Unless you can show us some more data that one can use to organize these items.
  22. Minor point but significant. Do Not Indent your php start tags. That means you are outputting chars to your client which will interrupt any headers or cookies that you wish to send later. Then you'll be looking all over for where you generated output that you didn't intend to.
  23. Can you show us this code? Not catching your statement "have a loop that creates variables".
  24. The input comes from an email and looking at the raw source I got before I added the strip tags I saw an email address enclosed in < and >. There was no other function applied to this - I simply thought that I could remove the < and > with this function. Apparently I can't
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